Why was Turkey allowed to hold on to it's imperial legacy with such a tight grip in the past century? Every other major power had to tone down it's colonies or completely surrender the territories colonized. The Armenian, assyrian and Greek genocides are somehow a taboo. How come they were allowed to play by their own rules up until 2006? Today, there are more Greek buildings in Turkey than there are Greeks. The number has fallen from 1.8 million Greeks in 1914 to the thousands today. Not to mention some 300.000+ Greek Cypriots displaced from Northern Cyprus in 1974 only to be repopulated by mainland Turks. I guess my question is, how does the always get away with it.
>pic related is a Greek Orthodox college in Phanar, I don't know who the fuck goes to it now that the population of Rum in Istanbul is near extinct.
Why was Turkey allowed to hold on to it's imperial legacy with such a tight grip in the past century...
The Allies wanted to adequately punish Turkey at the end of WWI, but after Russia collapsed that became impossible to enforce.
>Why was Turkey allowed to hold on to it's imperial legacy with such a tight grip in the past century?
Guess they got a good deal from the League of Nations for all the oil-rich lands that was the Ottoman Empire. I don't know what you mean by "imperial legacy" though, Attaturk and his followers were secular nationalistic modernizers, hardly expansionist.
>Why was Turkey allowed to hold on to it's imperial legacy with such a tight grip in the past century?
Because ,may Kara Boğa forgive me for uttering this word, wh*Tes can't compate BLACK Turkic worrior
>What is Mardin and Urfu
>why was Turkey allowed to
Allah allows us in everything
>t*rkic warrior
*blocks your colonization*
Might makes Right.
Turks didn't do all those terrible things, the Ottomans did.
Also Greece has been a country for longer than Turkey has. If Greeks want to be Greek, they're welcome to do it in Greece.
hey abdulah, how about you show me any recent muslim victories, as in during the last 300 hundred years
Greek here, how did that shit happen anyway? Was Androutsos on some Zhuge Liang shit or what?
Constantinople, Western Anatolia and Trebizond were Greece waiting to be liberated before the genocide
We shouldn't have lost the war. Better luck next time.
Having rump states like that is a greater threat to regional peace than having two geographically seperate Greek and Turkish nations. National security > cultural autism.
Also there was no Greek genocide.
I guess thos Pontics must have drowned and walked to their death all on their own then!
Turkey is not as westernized and progressive as other countries today which were former imperial powers.
Your sarcasm is cute, but it isn't an argument. Show me the scholarship dedicated to a Greek genocide and I'll believe you.
Thing is I don't have to, nations already recognise it.
It's you who has to come up with proof honey.
Hahaha Greek cucks btfo beyond all hope of recovery. If you can't stand the heat get out of the fire.
>his entire country literally throws a hissy fit when somebody mentions the genocides
>acts all high and mighty on the net
The Greek genocide has been recognized by the International Association of Genocide Schrolars you ignorant cunt
Think before you spew shit out your cunt mouth again you shitlord
The problem which unnerves people is not that the Turks are the successors of the Ottoman state, but rather that Turkey undoubtably benefits from the Armenian-Greek genocide while refusing to recogonize it. Turkey holds on to all the lands where they feared resistance during WW1 and “solved” the problems in those areas. They are the poster child and success story for genocide that will inspire others.
Where do you think ISIS got the idea anyway?
It amazes me that for 400 years Turks were chill but in the end couldn't contain the removal.
that's an Albanian, white boy.
Νot sure desu, the 6 losses were allegedly from when they retreated through the Ottoman camp too
Here you go user, always happy to help a fellow Veeky Forumstorian.
The Only ones that the Turks Genocided were the Greeks who actually wanted to genocided them and would have done it
Armenians and Assyrians were killed by Kurds who also would have been genocided if the Armenians had the upper hand
Not that I give a shit but all of these groups were going full balkan tier autism at the time .
I don't blame the Turks and Kurds for not wanting to End up being kicked out to Central Asia/Iran and I don't blame the Armenians Assyrians or Greeks for revolting
Stop acting so logical user you might hurt the /pol/ack's feelings.