Top 5 warriors of History:

>5. The Roman
Although the Roman warrior was outmatched in strength, speed, height and bloodlust the majority of the time in their conquests of the Germanic tribes, they more than easily made up for it with their ingenious tactics which mowed down hordes upon hordes of the Germanics despite being outnumbered usually a 1000:1 .

>4. The Aztec
Probably stemming from the one of the greatest civilizations to appear in the Americas. They were skilled enough in battle to avoid killing their opponent and instead take them back to the HQ where they would be sacrificed by the priests to live another day. Their blade, the Macuahuitl, could deliver a horrific and were known to have decapitate men in battle and once was reported to have even decapitated a conquistadors horse!

>3. The Celtic
Infamous for their strength. They wielded the broadsword and commonly fought by themselves. It sounds like a disadvantage but each Celtic warrior was strong enough to cleave a man right into two with a single blow, which made them feared across Europe.

>2. The Viking
While not as trained as their Eastern counterparts, the ferocity of the Viking warrior was known world wide all the way from the Aztec's to the Jap's. It's said that in battle they'd enter a transformation from pure bloodlust called the ''Berserker". When Viking's entered their Berserker rage entire Roman legions were said to be wiped out.

>1. The Samurai
Trained from the moment he can toddle and instilled with iron discipline to brace the cruelties of the world. While not as physically strong as other warriors, they more than made up for it with their superior speed. This alongside with their 'katanas' which were known to slice armor in half, made them very dangerous opponents to fight head on.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The US Marine
>The US Marine
>The US Marine
>The US Marine
>The US Marine


semper fi

This image is so fucking true, it happens fucking everywhere, I remember I was playing some Sven Coop and there was an army and navy guy on the server I was on just having a nice casual conversation and all of a sudden out of nowhere the fucking marine faggot in the server chimes in and starts screaming incoherently about how they dont know anything about discipline and dont have what it takes and how none of them could cut it as a marine hooah and just starts making people leave the server or mute him because there's this sperg in the server screaming impotently at the two guys who are just laughing their asses off.

>modern era

The Samurai fear the Serb

>failed boot cAmp

Butt hurt POG FAGGOT detected

The united state marine is the fiercest warrior to ever be created. There is nothing more deadly than a United States marine and his rifle. FACT


>srbija do tokija

Where's the Black Warrior?

>While not as trained as their Eastern counterparts, the ferocity of the Viking warrior was known world wide all the way from the Aztec's to the Jap's. It's said that in battle they'd enter a transformation from pure bloodlust called the ''Berserker". When Viking's entered their Berserker rage entire Roman legions were said to be wiped out.

My sides have reached a quantum state

There are people who will not immediately recognize this as bait

This samurai meme needs to end, i get they were interesting but when they were confronted with anyone who wasn't a samurai they got BTFO'd. I can smell the moist neckbeard from that post.

Also pic related best warrior of history

i recognized it as bait on reading it a second time. desu needs to be more serious to be good bait

Replace "The Romans" with Caesar because you're basically just talking about Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul if you're talking about "Germanic conquests"

That's about all it did anyway

If Samurai were so great then why did Japan lose WW2?

They used mass produced guntos instead of true katanas, it's the only reason

> 0.7 The knight

Shits on his balls.

Reminder that PJs are criminally underrated.

Not that it has much to do with WWII but the samurai class was abolished over seventy years prior

Did Vikings have autism? Berserker sounds a lot like tard strength or a rage meter plus pic related. Just imagine going up against an entire army of raging autismos.

Thanks for the chucks user

We're pretty sure it's a state brought on by the consumption of some mind-altering foods... most likely mushrooms.

>the ferocity of the Viking warrior was known world wide all the way from the Aztec's to the Jap's.

Gonna need a fucking source on that one, boss.

i can fucking smell the neckbeard sweat and 3 day old unwashed clothes from here jesus christ you this is the post that is gonna make me leave Veeky Forums
Katana was shit so was all their weapons they were barbaric mercenaries gone rogue
>muh 3000 FOLDS
listen here you faggot the chinese Dadao > katana
any fucking


If we're talking about the individual warriors leaving aside tactics or technology it is a tough match between the vikings and the samurai indeed, maybe the vikings win

>Vikings on horses
>Talking about Infantry charges

Is this seriously the extent of Chinese bait

If the Dadao was so powerful how come 2 Japs with shitty assembly line katanas could kill over 100 people in Nanking? Checkmate

Not to mention the horns but keep in mind this manga is about a fictional war based on WWI and Scandinavia is fighting in it, they bring up the viking bravery when the Germans see them charge like the berserks. It's not meant to be historically accurate

Pregnant women can’t melt Jap gunto

That’s a really weird ass interest for some Japanese mangaka.

romanticized and overrated
vikings were infamous due to the monasteries (a big victim of vikings) being the main source of literature on them
they made them out to be as big and bad as possible, and when confronted with a semi-professional army in britain, they were rekt
they were good at hit and run tactics for coastal raids and river ambushes but their benefits weren't very good in a pitched battle
also celts in their era of being actually militarily competent weren't even using broadsword
celtic brits and gauls during the roman era were similar to vikings, except their hit and run tactics were performed by their top tier cavalry rather than through naval tactics

Only historical manga worth reading is Vinland Saga. Japs have shitty grasp of history.

I have another screencap, it's called Gunka no BaltzarI plan on reading it and Historie but Vinland Saga is basically shonenshit with vikings

Scuse me?

There is a difference between a soldier and warrior.
I know this is shitposting but I don't care.

Vagabond is cool. I can't speak for its base in reality though

Bullshit, the did well enough in other engagements beyond the British raids. Also, accounts of the internal fighting between different clans in Scandi also shows a lot of their fighting prowess and tactics- the latter which is far more advanced than the idea of them being mere raiders give them credit for.

. The Aztec
>They were skilled enough in battle to avoid killing their opponent and instead take them back to the HQ where they would be sacrificed by the priests to live another day.
legit underrated warriors

>Sandoval was appointed to the command of the third division, consisting of twenty-four horse, fourteen crossbow-men and musketeers, and one hundred and fifty foot armed with shields and swords. To this division were added 8000 Indians from the townships of Chalco, Huexotzinco, and other places in alliance with us. Cortes appointed Luis Marin and Pedro de Ircio, two intimate friends of Sandoval, to command under him, the latter himself having the immediate command of the cavalry. This division was to take up a position near Iztapalapan, and Sandoval's instructions were to attack that town, and do as much damage there as he could, until he received further orders. On this flotilla there were altogether 325 men.


>They still found us engaged with the Mexicans, who were doing their utmost to storm our camp from that side of the causeway where we had pulled down several houses, while, at the same time, they attacked us with their canoes from the side towards the lake. They had driven one of our brigantines between the stakes, killed two of the men, and wounded all the rest.

>When Sandoval saw how I and many of my comrades stood up to our middles in the water to get the brigantine clear of the stakes, he applauded our courage, and bid us do our utmost to save the vessel from falling into the hands of the enemy, as the Mexicans had already fastened many ropes to her, and were trying to tow her off into the town behind their canoes. Sandoval's encouraging words were not lost upon us, and we fought with such determination that at length we rescued the vessel.

>We now ordered our Indian allies to move off the causeway, and we began to retreat slowly but with our faces always turned towards the enemy. Our musketeers and crossbow-men kept up a continued fire upon them; the cavalry at intervals charged the enemy's line at half speed, and Pedro Moreno thundered away with the cannon. But whatever number of the infuriated enemy we might mow down, it mattered not, they still continued to follow us, for they had made up their minds to overcome us that very night and sacrifice us to their idols. After we had at last, with excessive toil, crossed a deep opening, and had arrived at our encampment, where we were pretty secure from the enemy's attacks

>when all in a moment the large drum of Huitzilopochtli again resounded from the summit of the temple, accompanied by all the hellish music of shell trumpets, horns, and other instruments. The sound was truly dismal and terrifying, but still more agonizing was all this to us when we looked up and beheld how the Mexicans were mercilessly sacrificing to their idols our unfortunate companions
>On that terrible day the loss of the three divisions amounted to sixty men and seven horses.

Bernal Díaz del Castillo. True history of the Conquest of New Spain, Chapters CL, CLII

I mean, the Samurai struggled against the Iberian technology even while counting with steel arms and not trying to capture alive their opponents:

>Up to this point the Portuguese casualties had been few, with only four or five Portuguese along with a few Africans and lascars killed,[36] while the Japanese dead were estimated at several hundred.[3] However, six hours into the fighting,[35] a shot from the tower-junk hit a fire pot that a Portuguese soldier was about to throw, smashing it onto the gunpowder at his feet. This started a conflagration that spread through the deck and set the mizzen sail ablaze. Pessoa and his men retreated to the forecastle, where they realized that they did not have enough men to simultaneously fight the fire and the Japanese boarders. At this point Pessoa ordered the ship's magazine to be set on fire since he would rather die than surrender. The Nossa Senhora da Graça then blew up in two successive explosions, split into two, and sank with cargo, crew, and boarders alike.[3] The Japanese killed all they could see swimming in the water, but a few survivors made it onto the shore to safety. André Pessoa's body, however, was never found.[4]

>the third division, consisting of twenty-four horse, fourteen crossbow-men and musketeers, and one hundred and fifty foot armed with shields and swords. To this division were added 8000 Indians
including pic related in case someone doubts the advantage of steel weapons and armor alone was not that decisive

>3/5 on the list were conquered by societies with similar levels of technology
>Top of the list never faced an external threat until modernity
>Romans lower than a people they conquered
>Aztecs weren't even impressive in their own rite and we're conquered by a small band of mercenaries

not to diminish the fact that the Japanese were way behind Europe in naval warfare, heck, they were behind the Koreans, some of those articles on Portuguese victories have been dispute here before because of they're lack of citations and apparent inaccuracies

>3 celt


>some of those articles on Portuguese victories have been dispute here before because of they're lack of citations and apparent inaccuracies
yeah, but i mean the Portuguese achieved such an empire for a reason


And that the battles happened is not disputed, just some of the numbers and descriptions were either united or seem to be written by someone with a big boner for the Portuguese empire

Seeing this image fills me with pride that almost makes up for being a Poortugal.


>actual farmers and seamen only fight a fraction of the time
>literal poëts and fuedal lords, no match for anything ou of japan.
>professional close combat warrior, constantly in actual wars

i'd take one of these guys over your shitty list anytime

>le double-wagecuck face

Why go for landsknecht when you could go for superior swiss genes?

>i'd take one of these guys over your shitty list anytime

and people actually DID pay good money to have landsknecht fight for them, unlike anyone in OP's list

The Nordic man in general.

>1.-Spanish Tercios

>top 5 warriors
Oh look another one of those pophis threads


gr8 b8 m8 8/8

what b8 is nip bastard fuck whore mother of nip she go OOOH YAHHH BCC

All of them were originally black

what is this, fucking watchmojo?

Marines aren't soldiers. They're marines. Get it straight.

You're forgetting the greatest warrior of all: the Spartans. Raised with iron will, those that were weak never survived childhood. From the day a Spartan was born they were trained to kill their foes. Children Spartans were known to lead raids into Anatolia, murdering all manlet Hittites and returnig with their women as brides. 300 Spartans held their ground at thermopaleye against 14,000,000 Persian Imoortal demon warrios. They then marched all the way to India with none other than Alexander the great. They are truly the greatest warrior.

The katana was the samurai's least used weapon

Just because swords were sidearms on the battlefield does not mean they were "rarely used" that's like saying pistols are "rarely used" today based on modern battlefield statistics



>we're conquered by a small band of mercenaries

And 60 thousand indigenous allies

Why do people always forget that fuckton?

>immortal demon warrios


This is the most annoying thing

>Aztecs weren't even impressive in their own rite

no cavalry, never even faced it before
no artillery, never even faced it before
no steel weapons and armor
tried to capture alive their opponents
most battles against the "small band of mercenaries" had a number advantage of 1.5 to 1, if at all

the Iberians should have steamrolled with the militar advantage they had

yet they ended with a +80% casualty rate against the aztecs, even with their 80,000-200,000 allies

yet there is absolutely zero evidence to support this

>most battles against the "small band of mercenaries" had a number advantage of 1.5 to 1, if at all
inb4 I'm talking out of my ass

There were 10 000 Aztecs facing 150 steel armed Spanish, 24 cavalrymen, 5 brigantines each with at least one cannon and 25 arquebusiers, along with 8 000 native allies.
The Aztecs had wooden weapons and were trying to capture alive their opponents. They did not only won the battle, but almost captured a ship.
The Aztecs were the only natives who had to deal with fire weapons, (which alone were enough to win battles like pic related), from the water.

Hell, they even did better than the people with steel arms

>Sultanates supported by Venice against Portugal

The eternal traitor

>BTFO Mongols
>BTFO Gooks
>BTFO Chinks
>Called it a draw with Anglos
>Back and forth with Portugese

pistols are in fact very rarely used

>5. The IRA volunteer
Brought the most powerful Empire in the world to it's knees single handedly, a small farmer nation managed to cripple the British Empire and military, besting their best minds and skilled tacticians, they gained Ireland her independence.

>4. The Shaolin Monk
Extreme reaction speed, disciplined training, the Shaolin Monks were superhuman, dual wielding cane swords and being able to jump 15 ft vertically, one flick to your center mass would send you across the room.

>3. The Samurai
Managing to defeat every foreign invader throughout history, with their Bushido code and honor, samurai are definitely some of the best warriors of all time. But the next two manage to even surpass them.

>2. The Spartan
300 Spartans won against 2,000,000 Persian immortals at Thermophylae, what else is there to say? Raised from toddlers specifically for battle, their country was the first free country in human history, maintained so with their skill.

>1. The Wehrmacht
The most technologically advanced infantry of the time period, they were close to building bipedal mechs and robotics by the time the Reich fell. Easily bested all of Europe and Eastern Europe, only taken down when America, Russia, England and basically the entire world teamed up to fight them all at once. The STG-44 was the original AK-47, it transformed the fields of battle for an entire century.

>Tonight on Deadliest Warrior:

The 300 thing is BS. First of all they lost. Secondly, there were always 10,000 Immortal's by definition. Thirdly, it's true that there were only 300 spartans but THERE WAS LIKE 700 THESPIANS AND 400 THEBANS WHO JOINED IN THE REARGUARD ACTION.

You sir, are talking shit.

You got the Mongol BTFO right but have you heard of this thing called the Imjin War? Spoiler, they initially defeated the Koreans on land but Chinese intervention on land and the Joseon navy at sea B the samurai T FO.

Where's the aliens? Put in some aliens if you want this to be on History Channel.

On a plantation in chains

I knew this would be good bait.
Also, the fucking IRA, Shaolin Monk and Wehrmacht comments didn't set you off?


>No Mapuche warrior

The imjin war is a mixed bag for the Japanese, they had many impressive land victories, but they really lagged behind when it came to navel combat, and they really did not understand the politics and logistics of a foreign war.

Then again some say Hideoshi's main goal was just to give all the armies in Japan an external enemy, and in that sense it succeeded, though it weakened his allies far more than his families potential rivals.


>While not as physically strong as other warriors, they more than made up for it with their superior speed.
never understood that meme


>The imjin war is a mixed bag for the Japanese, they had many impressive land victories,
The only thing impressive about the Japanese was their tenacity,other than Pyongyang they held out against overwhelming odds.

Field battles and offensive sieges against Koreans regulars really weren't that impressive considering that Joseon Koreans were little more than untrained,under equipped conscripts.

Furthermore, they significantly underpreformed when they fought decent cavalry forces,both Byeokjegwan and Jiksan ended inconclusively and the Japanese suffered heavy casualties despite outnumbering their foes.

unless youre talking about any ranger with any weapon

It is quite fun , been reading this book and thinking about buying the next one called "Men , swords and balls " , there have been quite some weird feats to our name .

Culiao detected


>BTFO Chinks
>50 000 Samurais get spooked by chink cavarly of 2000

Of course the only people autistic enough to fall for this obvious bait are Chinks

>Raids against Hittites

Hittites had been gone for 700 years when Sparta was relevant

Doing it seriously, considering actual combat skill

99. Viking

5. High period knight
4. Legitimately Spartans, memes aside
3. Sikh Warriors from that time they were always fighting Muslims
2. Samurai from the sengoku period
1. Veteran Roman Legionary

Basically men who actually trained every single day to fight in melee combat and got very good at it. The Roman comes first because while the others train very often, it's literally the Romans job to train, and as a veteran, he's probably spent 15 years training for combat and had many combat experiences as well, while the others spend more time fucking whores and getting drunk, the Roman literally just trains, marches, builds a camp every day and then trains more.

U try eating shrooms and see how much of a capable fighter you become
Fucking jesus kek

Fact,upon graduating boot camp, a United States marine rifleman is equal to that of a US army ranger