Which philosophy will grant me peace of mind?
Which philosophy will grant me peace of mind?
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Everything else will bring you despair and make you lose all hope
I find philosophical taoism and Epicureanism both very comforting.
A bullet to the head.
stoicism with a dash of egoism
Stoicism, Epicureanism, Platonism, Aristotelianism. Christian ethics is good too.
im stoic and i learned about Bentham Utilitarian the other day and its "everything is awesome" "most good" ethos gave me piece of mind by giving me some tools to de-esculate my almost physicaly violent hate of leftists and some of my governments policies.
Bentham Utilitarianism is not a very good moral philosophy.
>my almost physicaly violent hate of leftists and some of my governments policies
this is a meme problem compared to some of the things you will experience in life, unless you get struck by lightning tomorrow or something
any abrahamic religion
That's Epicurus.
Sounds like it's time to get some Headspace.
The greeks in general, but read the primary sources rather than modern author's summary or perspectives on them.
You'll get more out of this stuff if you come to your own conclusions on it.
Also just to be different, try phyrronic skepticism along with epicticus and diogenes.
>Bentham Utilitarianism is not a very good moral philosophy.
That was actually my point. I got hooked on stoics but it is VITAL to keep reading as much as you can. There are many philosophies i dont agree with but if you read them they give you tools to understand other people and what trip they are on. That is an essential good.
Fun Bentham trivia from the wiki
> In 2017 plans were announced to re-exhibit the head and at the same time test Bentham's DNA for autism
*Breathes In*
>Which philosophy will grant me peace of mind?
I can show you the face of God - whether or not that brings you peace of mind or terror depends on who you are...
However, since I am evidently the nexus for the face of God and such a position as a member of the human species is incredibly unlikely, I reconsider whether anyone else on this planet is actually real.
Well, I know that at least I'm real. So if anything, you're the one who's less likely to be real here
So how do you know what is in your control and what isn’t?
I’ve been proven wrong many times. Sometimes believed helpless but it was very well within my control
I’ve learned one thing. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. Nothing isn’t ”within your control”, it only isn’t within your control temporarily
Become independent, then help others be independent. And then when you need help you have others around you who are independent and can help without fucking with your psyche and when they need help you can help them stay independent
Just be passive goy
Death isn't in your control, eventually everything you care about and love will be ash, and your legacy will ultimately be forgotten. You could literally be Superman and you will disappear from history one day.
>Well, I know that at least I'm real. So if anything, you're the one who's less likely to be real here
Mods throwing tantrums for me giving out evidence of God again as if hiding the evidence makes the God not real. Evidence of God seems to me one of the most peace of mind granting "philosophies."
Follow Diogenes. Give up greed and become truly happy.
My philosophy of course. Some voices in the world have to be silenced! There are some torturers out there that must be killed, for good philosophers shall live untortured by idiots. Enlist today!
The Stoic definition of what is in your control is very strict. Basically only your decisions and judgements are considered to be in your control.
This book t b h. It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression.
Sounds like ameme problem compared to getting struck by lightning desu
Destructive nihilism , not meming
>get spooked into spending your waking conscious moment thinking about others and wasting your energy needlessly instead of bettering yourself for your own needs
What did this nigga meant by this?
Rick and Morty of course