Why is Veeky Forums so euro centric?
Why is Veeky Forums so euro centric?
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Because we haven't read much outside of European history
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are traps gay
So you're racism is based on your own self admitted ignorance? Why haven't you attempted to change?
What should we focus on? Africa? Pre-European Australia?
1. Euro-centrism is not "racist"
2. Because to a lot of people European History is more interesting
Most of us are European or European descended and people tend to be more interested in the history of their culture than the history of other cultures
That said, no true Veeky Forumstorian would be annoyed if you make threads about more obscure periods and places
Most of the posters are European or of European extraction.
If wanting to fuck this is gay, then I don't want to be straight
What racism? I've read a couple of books on Chinese history and Indian history, they were interesting and I intend to continue, But I don't know nearly enough to have a good conversation like I can with Byzantine history.
because most users here are western, that is the user base of Veeky Forums
And in fact a lot of us will find it interesting and probably participate.
Because the West made the world
Showing an interest in my own people’s history is apparently racist now.
Because Europe has a rich history and half of the posters are european
Because everybody here is a LARPing romaboo alt-right cuck obsessed with imitating muh row-man emprah
Despite them being g*uls
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No, you are talking about pol
That's the next door down.
Because non-whites make shitty threads like this.
Why should I give equal attention to le zimbabwe stone circle and le timbuctu mud hut?
>5% of users make up 90% of quality bants providers
is there anything australians cant do?
Because Europeans built the highest quality civilization and have essentially determined the direction of the globe since the 1400's.
Africans? Mudhuts and a few jokes of so called "Empires"
I'll give the Arabs/Semites respect where it is due, but certain groups deserve none whatsoever.
This is /pol/ without flags.
>they don't beg for third world immigration and liberal democrat orthodoxy
>muh pol
pls kill yourself cuck
Amerindians are superior to europeans though.
>is openly LARPing as a cuck
>accuses others of LARPing
We are mostly European or of European descent. We tend to see the world through the lenses of our own history and values. This is more or less true of all peoples, but Europeans projected their history and values much wider on the globe than other peoples have.
Nice joke friend
any reason that ends up on reservations chugging mouthwash waiting for the white man's welfare cheque has no claim to superiority
plus as someone who knows lots of indigenous native americans, they're usually stupid drug addicts desu.
Wrong. Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. In other words, Amerindians are superior to europeans.
le cuck xdDDDDDDddd
This is your mind on WE WUZery
t. reductionist WE WUZer
>had 12000 years to build civilization
>still hadn't figured out written language or wheel
Sasuga Amerindians.
>development rate
>attempts to fight the arquebus armed european with bows and little axes
The Amerindians were primitive hunter gatherers and nothing more. They didn't even have written language for the most part, until European clergy introduced it to them.
Europeans are undoubtedly the superior race, they literally conquered the world.
t, autistic cuckist
that roman and greek knowledge thou
Many of us are interested though. The problem is we don't have access to in depth Asian/ African/ Early Americas civilizations due the fact that
1. We do not have the same capacity of resources and artifacts like those countries would(particularly Asian). In many cases, for example, you would have to read actual Asian history books in those languages to delve as deeply as we do with European history, which for the most part, has English translations).
I wanted to learn more about Pre-yayoi Japan for example but to do so, I need to delve into actual Japanese history books/ sites. Considering I don't speak Japanese, I am quite limited to the few translated works of history that exist.
2. There is limited information(in the case of Early Americas and African civilizations) . Should they surface, we may actually be back to the first problem.
what about germanics?
without romans, they would still living woodhuts and shiting everywhere
>written language is good becuz i sed so
Try again, WE WUZer
>roman and greeks were white descendants of the indo-european people
Already developed by Amerindians.
>40000BC first eurangutans
>37000BC for them to achieve the bronze age
>for the most part
Amerindians developed written language. Amerindians reached the early bronze age in almost half the time eurangutans reached """"theirs"""", yet Amerindians had even some technology superior to eurangutan middle-ages.
Try again, subhuman.
The white man is the prime mover of the wheel of history. Most important shit and inventions took place in europe
If you can't deal with this then leftypol or some leddit hugbox might be more suited to your needs
>30% female
My dad is stronger than your dad
Written language is literally the foundation necessary for government, division of labour, management of resources or any substantial cultural development.
>inb4 hurr civilization is good becuz i sed so
Might equals right bro, and organized civilizations always beat illiterate tribal barbarians
It's funny he thinks this because there was a bias for the longest time in Greek philosophy against written language. It was thought, kind of like today with criticisms of computers vs. books, that it would make people lazy and have shittier memory. I'm not joking, look this up.
This is only really true for the past 800 or so years.
What are you doing on Veeky Forums
>muh early bronze age
They were conquered by the Europeans, that's all we need to know about their supposed "superiority".
>were white
and that is where you are wrong
What colour was Alexander the Great's hair?
None of that is good. Try again WE WUZer.
I know, I've actually read my materials instead of jacking off over MUH ROW-MAN EMPRAH like a fucking manchild jesus fuck these people are like a caricature of Commodus, lacking anything interesting about him and instead just being MUH WHITE CIVILIZASHUN fuckcucks obsessed with MUH EMPRAH and LARPing as ROW-MANS despite being g*rms
eurangutan pestilence destroyed Amerindians.
The truth is that Amerindians are superior to europeans.
>muh early bronze age
Amerindians reached the early bronze age in almost half the time eurangutans achieve it.
eurangutan pestilence
Amerindians superiority is based on their higher development rate. Try again, monkey.
>delusional hispanic trying to make up for the inferiority of his own race by claiming the accomplishments of whites
lets ask the people that knew him better
pic related
>eurangutan mongrel
Yes. Amerindians are superior.
Who is this amerindian-supremacist? Recently, I haven't been to Veeky Forums much. How long has he been shitting up the board?
He is from pol
if we banned everyone from that shithole we could get rid of him
If the Amerindians were superior as you postulate, their superiority would have translated into an ability to defend themselves. Since it didn't, they're no different than the vermin you clean out before you claim a new piece of land.
Amerindians hit the mouthwash bottle, Europeans hit the moon with rockets.
just because i say that romans and greeks werent white?
He's either trolling or delusional
at least Asians have a valid claim to superiority, but Amerindians? What a joke.
do you know that most threads here are related to /pol/ right?
Because that's what latins do, they pretend the Romans and Greeks weren't white to make up for their own inferiority complex.
We know for a fact Romans and Greeks had brown hair, blonde hair, blue and green eyes.
>superiority works the way i say becuz WIR WARREN RÖMER N SHÄÄÄÄÄT
>eurangutan pestilence destroyed Amerindians.
If they're retarded enough to not institute any kind of plague quarantine then they must have been complete subhumans.
>sniffs his asshole, some sick stranger is trying to get into our village, what should we do?
>as far as I've managed to figured out we have two options a) we could either quarantine him and see whether or whether not this disease will kill him before letting him among our midst where he could spread it or b) could be complete retards and let him and infect all of us, which one of these options we should chose, stuffs gerbils in his ass
>b sounds like a good idea
>fast forward couple centuries
>REEEEEEEEEEEE smallpox was a genocide!11!1!!!!11!!1
Might equals right
if you can't comprehend this Running Feather you should probably study up on some basic history
The world itself is Eurocentric
>might equals right becuz i sed so
>read muh histery becuz we wuz row-mans n shieet
Try again, g*rm.
>We know for a fact Romans and Greeks had brown hair, blonde hair, blue and green eyes.
>they pretend the Romans and Greeks weren't white to make up for their own inferiority complex
sorry for you are confusing me, its you germanics that want to claim their civ
I think he means the Mayan and Aztec empires. What's the word for them again? MesoAmericans? Early civilizations of the Americas/Pre-columbian era?
Though they were mostly concentrated in South America.
Amerindian superiority is based on their higher development rate.
Let's compare behaviors against epidemic results:
>1 pest kills 40% eurangutans
>gets invaded by mongol nomads
>20+ eurangutan diseases kills 90% Amerindians yet survives
>gets invaded by subhumans who assimilate their priviledged class
Irrelevant. Amerindians are superior to europeans.
As the comparison between both waves of epidemics demonstrates, Amerindians have showed a superior survival behavior against not-immunized diseases compared to europeans. In other words, Amerindians are superior to europeans, not only with their higher development rate, also with their superior inter-communal behavior.
So you agree with europeans replacement?
shut it n*gger marxist cuck jew my ancestors the Romans were cum skinned piss haired and bruise-eyed like me DAS RITE
I'm not a Germanic, I'm an Illyrian AKA Balkan nigger. Yet I have blue eyes.
In what way does might and power not decide the course of human history?
I know such thoughts are too complicated to consider for someone chronically hitting the mouthwash.
>histery werks dis wey jus lok at bok WIR WARREN ROEMER N SHAEEEEET
The Amerindians ate all of the domestic-able animals and as a result never gained the disease resistance or domestic agriculture capacity to build anything of note.
Europeans will never be replaced, that idea is ridiculous and spread by demagogues and delusional autists. Liberals will just keep running the West into the ground until the military steps in, it's inevitable.
>paco making fun of any nationalities