What do you think of /r/AskHistorians?
Is Veeky Forums the more authoritative and reliable resource?
What do you think of /r/AskHistorians?
Is Veeky Forums the more authoritative and reliable resource?
Veeky Forums is the better place for more casual discussion then any place on red dit. Sometimes you just feel like talking about history without needed to write a dissertation and know multiple languages for archival research.
/r/askhistorians is good because you can get an answer from an actual historian.
keyword can
despite all the sources and shit they require there are still some retarded/incorrect posts that get upboated and approved just because they were wordy and had lots of links.
Also the mods their seem to have their heads up their asses even more than ours
Did they delete your post? Do you want to talk about it?
A rambling homeless person on the street is a more reliable source of information then Veeky Forums.
I use Veeky Forums for trolling and reddit for serious discussion. Its more consistent that way
Any attempt to say that native Americans were less technologically advanced is treated like personally giving them all smallpox. I don't know if they still do that or if that's the extent because I left after I saw it happening
Ask them to name one technological advancement the Native Americans ever made that Europeans hadn't by 1492.
>reddit for serious discussion
nice joke. They do nothing but fucking regurgitate memes and jokes for upvotes. (you) farming on Veeky Forums is nowhere near as bad as the karma whoring on reddit. The average Veeky Forums user is also slightly more intelligent then the average reddit user, but actual professors and knowledgeable people visit reddit so it brings their average up.
It's curiated consensus knowledge for the novice. The best way to become acquainted with actual history and what historians are arguing about is to read their works.
>intelligent then
>banned for: racism
>correcting my opponent's grammar means that I win
I haven't been to any history boards on reddit but something very telling about /his is that they're much more interested in what could have happened than what actually did
There are a lot more things that could've happened than did happen. What does it tell?
It doesn't have /pol/tards which makes it a trillion times better.
What about Quora?
Cry more faggot
it is a good forum with good people, some of whom know what they are talking about
however don't expect anything other than normy opinions and drama if you discuss a remotely controversial topic
It's garbage because you can't post memes
I once took a look and all those rules, man.