What the FUCK is its problem?

What the FUCK is its problem?

There is only seven (7) fucking hours left in September, if we're going by EST (the only timezone that matters). Where the FUCK is the news?!

Other urls found in this thread:


sold all my bags of this hyped coin today, Put profits into QTUM, NEO and ADEX and is already up 10%

Get out while you can, a lot of noob gain lovers wanting to get out for every 5% increase

Easy there tiger. Just cash into link and ride the train to accumulate more omg in the meantime. Partnerships and and funding is great, but there's no reason to get ahead of ourselves before plasma.

>mfw when not being in LINK right now

>still having faith in this coin when the team behind it is confirmed to be tricking its investors with fake hype, unfulfilled announcements, and misleading tweets / pictures.

crazy manipulation. This is as solid a hold as they come though and obviously you didn't see the news last week about the thai bank funding them.

its getting support from real banks in southeast asia and japan.

it has the support of skelly. probably way overvalued, but is a good idea.

unfortunately it wont be real until plasma. we are all 2-3 years early on eth. if it it can stay relevant for next 2 years and not surpassed by tezos, it all could work out

nobody cares about that, OMG token isnt a share or a asset of Omise company, you cant claim anything.
So not positiv for the token.

As long as they dont start to develop there blockchain which will be used. it didnt has fundamental value.

nice, just bought 100k


QTUM's going to the moon, from like a $10 coin to a $100-200+ coin very soon



49btc buy wall is the only thing holding this shitcoin from imminent colapse

sell now guys, seriously

don't get attached

It's been mooning all day, now it's ready for a dip. Not that I care, I've been selling my shares in increments just in time for the peak.
Still waiting for this OMG piece of cocks to make a move, however...

I started trading this coin based on news announcements, but I don't care about this anymore.

Give it some time to build out ETH-OMG-GNT network with Plasma, decentralized exchange, and ZK-snarks, and you've got the world's first multi-currency wallet micropayment platform with 1000s of transactions a second, POS staking of coins, anonymous transactions, intercurrency transactions.

There are no bags to hold. There is a stash to sit on like a motherfucking gold dragon.

sell now buy qtum sell for 25% then buy more OMG lower. don't get stuck

Retweet this shit right here. Screen capped. 1k OMG deep

this, QTUM is going up big over the next couple months

>Thinking people are falling for your orchestrated QTUM shilling

So you think "strategic investment from MUFG subsidiary Bank " arent't great September news? what the fuck do you expect?

funny people said the same when i told them to buy LINK under $0.15

This FUD is so shitty. But at the same time I believe people on Veeky Forums are dumb enough to think this coin is dead because it had "only" a few significant things happen in the month of September.

Whatever. As SOON as there is a more informed cryptocurrency board that I learn about, I'm migrating there for good.

You guys are getting old.

I don't understand what the "psychology" behind FUDing is. I mean, if there's a coin I don't like for whatever reason, I don't mention it or comment on it. I don't care if others buy it and if they do and become successful, good for them. Can't really explain what compels people to shit over some token. Boredom? FUD to keep the price down so they can buy more? I have no idea.

if you got fucked by a coin (bought the pump) you want to fuck that coin forever.

Probably want to justify their losses on it

OMG is a long hold, just buy and come back in a year.


Im doing this huge favor just for you

pajeet central? the people on those board are too involved for their own good. they aren't very good at analyzing the market.

Fuck off shill. I'm not a poorfag I can afford to keep money in omg while trading other shit coins.
I hope you don't constantly go all in chasing moon mission.

they meant september 2018