How we stop permavirgin basement dweller nordcucks om appropriating ancient rome history and denying modern italians their roots?
How we stop permavirgin basement dweller nordcucks om appropriating ancient rome history and denying modern italians...
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Why do snowniggers and regularniggers want to steal Med history so much?
Because they already did it with the Greeks
One guy who spams Varg bullshit hardly seems worth worrying about.
>brown eyes
> In the work of Homer, Menelaus the king of the Spartans is, together with some other Achaean leaders, portrayed as blond. Other blond characters in Homer are Peleus, Odysseus, Achilles, Meleager, Agamede, and Rhadamanthys.
> Athena, Hera, Apollo and Aphrodite were also described as blondes.
>Roman literary records describe a large number of well-known Roman historical personalities as blond. Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, was described as having hair "inclining to gold". Nero had blonde hair and blue eyes. Emperor Lucius Verus was said to sprinkle gold-dust on his already "golden" blond hair to make it even blonder and brighter. Commodus (r. 177-192), son of Marcus Aurelius, likewise had naturally curly blond hair.[79]
>The Roman gods Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury were sometimes portrayed as blonde.
Nobody in Italy gives a flying fuck about their ancient history, we're not autistic
Except he doesn't use the world for blonde dummy, he used the word for "brown". Hercules was described as μέλας, which means black, of black tone. Does that mean anything?
Also Plato, the most important Greek, was black haired.
t. low class trash
>gets triggered when seeing a blonde Roman
>actual gold-glass PORTRAITS of ancient romans
>lol no romans didnt look like this
wtf nazi
>gets triggered when seeing a BLACK roman
b-but plato wascalled aristocles and he was son of aristones so he obviously came from scandinavia
No, nobody in Italy ever goes "we wuz Romanz", it's you Amerifat autists who are obsessed with this bullshit
Pic related is the first image you find when you type "italian protest"
Nobody ever denied blonde romans being a thing, the problem is retarded amerifats calling anyone a bit too brown for their taste arab rape babies when brown eyed and brown or dark haired romans were always a thing.
nice strawman, farmer boy
Pic related is the second image you find when you type "italian protest"
Note that this pic was taken in Milan(Northern Italy) where the Nordic genes are the most concentrated
>rabble of society
I am truly shocked
>Except he doesn't use the world for blonde dummy, he used the word for "brown". you asked Homer this? What else did Homer tell you?
No, you are truly retarded.
He told me that your mother is a whore, and to look up words and their meaning in a dictionary every once in a while, especially when dealing with words. Woah imagine that
>he fell for /pol/ meme
mfw you've just admited that only the Italian Elites is Nordic
Pic related is the fourth(i can't post the third because it is corrupted) image you find when you type "italian protest"
Speaking of Hercules...
>..To requite him [Heracles] for all his labors in purging land and sea. If I were young and still powerful in body, I would have seized my spear and dabbled those flaxen locks of his with blood..”
- [Euripides, Heracles ; 416 BCE]
>“First he [Hercales] cleared the grove of Zeus of a lion, and put its skin upon his back, hiding his yellow hair in its fearful tawny gaping jaws.”
- [Euripides , Heracles 416 BCE]
Translate from your autism
>these words don't actually mean what these well-educated historians translated them as. I'm a shitskin trying to appropriate history
wow....imagine that
Fucking kids and their whore mothers.
Looks White to me m8, wanted to post this picture inb4, but didn't because I thought the bird flags in the background would signal Tirol.
What is the flag?
What's the point of your link?
Ξανθός wasn't used in the same way you say blonde. You would know this if you didn't learn your historic facts through memes.
They're MENA-tier white, not Scandi-tier white
You realize these mosaics were made by celts while the gold medallions and paintings in OP's pic are actually italic right
Did Homer use that specific word?
Guys, we have a professional ancient Greek translator ITT.
But latins werent blonde, those blonde people are lombards and ostrogoth
Yes you faggot. He also used μελαψός which used of dark complexion, but that doesn't mean he was describing niggers.
You don't need to be professional to know a language. You would know if you tried, smarmy fuck.
>Yes you faggot. He also used μελαψός
Citation needed
Can you also find me a citation of him using Ξανθός
I're an expert on this, right? Not like me who learns historic facts through memes. You're the expert on this
I actually can
Χαλkίδα τ᾽ ἀγχίαλον Καλυδῶνά τε
οὐ γὰρ ἔτ᾽ Οἰνῆος μεγαλήτορος υἱέες ἦσαν,
οὐδ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἔτ᾽ αὐτὸς ἔην, θάνε δὲ ξανθὸς
Never said I was an expert, you just have an annoying way of expressing your retarded ass.
Where's this from?
Definitely not.
>can't google
>why can't you find my source of this ancient greek phrase with no context or references
you didn't do so well in school did you
Obviously much better than you since I know ancient Greek. Now it's very easy to google shit. You just highlight the text, then you press right click and BOOM! You see that "search google" text? Press it! I know you at least have the intelligence to do that, or would you like me to instruct you on how to press a button?
>this level of damage control when you can't even google a phrase's what I'm getting
1. You don't know the exact words Homer used
2. You think you can re-interpret the Iliad without knowing the exact words used
3. You think historians who've studied the Iliad are wrong
4. You're a wiki-warrior who thinks he's on the same level as a real historian
5. You have a shit time finding sources
Did I miss anything?
I already know you are a retard, of vourse this is what you would get.
I know the exact word Homer said you idiot, It's in the ancient text I have provided, it's the fucking Illiad for fuck's sake.
What do historians say about the Illiad that doesn't agree with my claims? Please enlighten me, you seem so intelligent after all.
You understand that you didn't refute a single point the man made, right?
You understand I'm not trying to have a Lincoln Douglas style debate, right. The dude's a moron
Motherfucker, do you think translators are lying or deceiving you when they describe Homeric figures as blonde? That's its all a big lie?
You seem to be correcting the author himself. And, no, you can't just say "Homer really didn't mean it that way" because you have no time machine.
And don't like, you don't speak Ancient Greek. You wouldn't be arguing with me on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum if you did
Indo-Europeans with blond hair, blue eyes and rosy skin created Rome.
I know this is troll. But there were Blonde, Brown and Black haired Romans co-exist back then
The word πολύτροπος, from the odyssey, is also translated with a different meaning depening on the author of the translation. It isn't something that uncommon, idiot.
They aren't wrong, they are dubious. They themsleves will agree if you asked them.
This is why I provided you with the wiki link, that you seemingly used only in labeling me as a wiki-warrior.
You don't seem to understand that in an arguement, triks besides ad hominem can be used.
>let me tell you what languages you speak
το αυνανίζειν ουk εστί συνετόν, αβροβάτη.
the only moron here is you my man
>το αυνανίζειν ουk εστί συνετόν, αβροβάτη.
Plato would be proud to see that his language is used for insulting others on Veeky Forums.
>The word πολύτροπος, from the odyssey, is also translated with a different meaning depening on the author of the translation.
1. What's the English translation?
2. Can you provide a source where this phrase is used?
The wiki link you provided didn't do much. There was nothing on the page indicating any direct reference to Homer improperly using that word.
Here's what I'm getting at:
>I said there were blonde people in the Iliad.
>You rushed in here saying what a fool I was and how foolish Homer was mis-using words
>I asked you for those words which Homer mis-used
>You gave me a word that had nothing to do with what I said
>You're now posting obscure paragraphs of Greek texts with no references or sources
>You're now pretending to speak the same Ancient Greek language Homer spoke (lol)
You realize how ludicrous this sounds right. Just admit you know nothing as much as the next person.
>3xx AD
This is Sardinian
>obscure paragraphs of Greek texts
>literally the fucking Illiad
>bases entire arguement on his inability to google
>homer misused
Καkkώ μέσα τω στόματι αυτώ ιδιότη.
>modern Italians
*πολύτροπος means either crafty or "many turned, well travelled" iirc. It is used as pun in this case.
Why are you even responding to that retard?
I like being mad :)
>I ask for the location of where obscure, ancient words and paragraphs are used in a giant, ancient book
>freak out like this is somehow bewildering
So is Homer wrong? I don't get it. Why do professional translators keep translating ΞΑΝΘΟΣ as blonde if it's not?
>still pretending
Just admit that you're wrong. There are blonde characters in the Iliad.
They don't keep translating as blond though.
No you freaked out because you weanted to "win" the arguement with ad hominem when you misunderstood what my entire point was. Shadilay my friend
>there are blond characters in the Illiad
>he thinks I disagree with that statement
That was only after Italics conquered the Italian peninsula and assimilated the locals. The original Italics who created Rome didn't look like this.
>still pretending
He isn't.
germanic cum bloods arent italian
t. m*slim-rape baby
Says Who?
Latins were black haired, black eyed people
There wasnt such thing as blonde latins
But arabs never invaded mainland italy
Whatever you do, don't reply to Dominican.
They look like Dominicans
Genetics, modern Italians are mainly descended from pre-Indo-European farmer populations.
You used to be nordic when Leif and Björn Caesar (name changed to Augustus and Julius in history books after WW2 under nazi rule) ruled the Ronneby Empire (again, changed to Roman) for glorious centuries.
Now... not so much
Also Gilgamesh (Real name: Gerðarr Meginbjǫrn) was an ancient Danish explorer who discovered and settled Mesopotamia, becoming the first king of ancient Babylonia.
Why not?
Im just saying they didnt look like germanics
I just look at their elite portraits
What is germanic invasion?
Something that had negligible impact on the Italian gene pool, modern Italians do have a lot of West Asian admixture in comparison to most of Europe though.
Not true
And? Bronze age Italians were even more (Remedello)
It is recorded that the italian peninsula was depopulated after gothic-ERE wars and then lombards invaded
Lombards at minimum were 50k
People often use those gold glass portraits but my understanding was that most of them came from Alexandria some time after the edict of Caracalla.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Remedello weren't Indo-European afaik
>Χαλkίδα τ᾽ ἀγχίαλον Καλυδῶνά τε
>οὐ γὰρ ἔτ᾽ Οἰνῆος μεγαλήτορος υἱέες ἦσαν,
>οὐδ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἔτ᾽ αὐτὸς ἔην, θάνε δὲ ξανθὸς
If he googles those lines you only get greek sources. I can´t read fucking greek. THe user you replied to can´t read greek either.