Is the trinity more like Voltron or Captain Planet?
Is the trinity more like Voltron or Captain Planet?
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ice is not water is not steam is not ice
ice is H2O
water is H2O
steam is H2O
like a gay, pagan, trinitic, lawless, anarchic, syndicalist, unlawful, and dead marriage.
That’s heresy, Patrick!
That's modalism, an heresy like all comprehensible interpretations of the Trinity.
Arguing over the Trinity was an excuse among christian bishops to declare factions they disliked heretical and wage war on them.
Oh, Patrick...
*you have been excommunicated*
b8'd hard
nah it's quantum fug
the vatican accidentally an eldritch
>the only explanation that makes sense is heresy
Can someone explain this to a brainlet?
wtf how is this heresy? this is the first explanation of the Trinity that's ever made any sense at all to me
You pulled that out of your ass and you know it
why are people saying this is straight up modalism?
it is correct in that H20 would be the ousia, while also not denying the distinct identities of the trinity, and doesnt present any kind of hierarchy or anything
what am i missing
water cannot be both ice and steam at the same time, they are distinct forms. In the trinity God is supposedly all 3 forms at the same time and never just 1.
Mainly because the father doesn't transform into the holy spirit at 0 degrees at ambient pressure
a better example is root, shoot, fruit
all three are one plant, but distinct
they cannot be separated from one another and still function
quads make it so
Is there an explanation for this that isnt hereticial and easy to understand for non-christian or is it something you need to belib in?
lmao never heard of picking fruit?
god btfo
who would win in a triple threat match between father, son and holy spirit?
If each person of the trinity does things the other two don't, doesn't that mean the other two are limited in their function?
For example the Holy Spirit can't create like the Father does. That means each person in the trinity must be imperfect as it lacks something important.
it's literally pointless trying to even discuss the trinity, it's intentionally obtuse as fuck and any attempts to simplify/rationalize it is met with cries of heresy.
There's a reason fundies are growing in number. You have to just believe this shit without actually considering it.
There is no actual analogy in the natural world. Christian God is basically Yog-Sothoth.
This. Just replace ice,water and steam with Father,Son and Holy spirit. And H2O with Godhead (essence)
It totally can though.
another example.
body is not mind is not soul
they all share one essence (being human/manhood)
Body shares same essence (body of a human)
mind shares same essence (mind of a human)
soul shares same essence (soul of a man)
It's really not that hard when you try to understand it. You can apply the same idea to the sun (body,heat and light)
You gotta try your best to understand the trinity and no shame in getting it wrong because we are describing God.
You think of them as separate entities. That's like saying can the mind touch a glass of water? It CAN'T because it's not the body. Each has his ''function'' That other's don't do. That's why the Filioque is considered a heresy in my church Because the holy spirit only proceeds from the father AKA THE FATHER (source of all creation). You just gotta try to understand titrinitarians.
here is a picture of ice, water and water vapor
note: clouds are tiny droplets of water, however they are formed by condensing water vapor
You don't understand triple point then. A molecule of h20 is not Ice, water, and Steam all at the same time. At triple point a molecules is rapidly changing between the states but never is it all 3 at the same time. If god was 100 parts and you took 1 part, in that one part you would still find the father son and holy spirit, but if there was 100 h20 molecules at triple point and you took 1 you would find it either as liquid, solid, or gas.
Not him but you are missing his point by reading too much into an analogy to GOD
exclusive footage of the Holy Ghost revealing the true nature of the Trinity
His point is that the analogy fails at supporting the trinity.
There's gotta be some church father who explains this shit.
Too big an elephant in the room to be ignored.
It's called a divine mystery for a reason.
When people use an analogy it doesn't mean they are identical. that's why it's an analogy (comparison between things that has ''similarities'' not comparison between identical things)
They did.
Like the Psyco Gundam, the ghost is the funnels, Son is the piolt, God is the Gundam
The mind is a result of part of the body (the brain). Mind and body are not the similar to the Trinity
There's no trinity, the so called orthodoxy is a heresy, only true christianity is gnosticism.
m8, the soul and the mind are the result of the body (ei brain) they are not the same as a the trinity. x = y, y = z, therefore x = z. you are saying that the last one is wrong. that is illogical. Even Augustine said that it was impossible to comprehend the trinity.
All internal christian debate
Ha, of course not.
Reading Gibbon's retelling of the Arian controversy makes the entire situation of consubstantiality seem like such a ridiculous fiasco motivated more by sectarian animosity than divine truth.
Why read too much into an analogy/example?
>soul and mind are a result of the body
That's not what christians believe.