Why Mussolini is still somewhat popular in Italy? Did he manage to accomplish some stuff before making the wrong alliance?
Why Mussolini is still somewhat popular in Italy...
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He was a man of the people and he made Italy Great Again
He was and will forever be /ourguy/
Chad incarnate.
Organized crime was non-existent under Mussolini. They all fled to New York out of fear.
He had a strong sense of aesthetics.
Also he was a much better orator and writer than Hitler ever was.
>btfo ethiopia
>btfo the maffia
>got the trains to run on time
>jaw like a roman god
Peaked early hard and early then ground under by the harsh realities of life about a decade after his glory days?
Good society and economy.
Bad millitary.
He almost completely destroyed the mafia and was pretty good for Italy economically speaking. Also, daily reminder that the leader of Forza Nouva took Allesandra Mussolini's spot on the European Parliament in 2008 to 2009.
Really wish Italy would take a few pages from Greece these days
>Really wish Italy would take a few pages from Greece these days
Become so riddled with debt that it becomes a meme?
Because Italy switched sides in WWII after Mussolini was hanged outside a gas station, so it never went through the equivalent process of de-nazification. The Communist Party quickly rose in popularity, so that was the main political problem after the war.
Italian futurism>>>>>>>whatever autistic shit the krauts had
Italy switched sides before Mussolini's death
Yes, and with a booming neo-fascist movement and an extremely infiltrated military waiting for collapse
Fascism is so fucking bad lmao
I mean liberalism has dominated the world for like 200 years and even communism had a good 40 year stint on the world stage, fascism was only a major power for like, what 5 years
Mussolini was in power since the 20s
Please Explain
>switch sides in WW1
>achieve nothing and almost lose when the Germans actually go on the counterattack
>switch sies in WW2
>Germany is having none of that shit, busts down your door and occupies half your country
Is there any country that's worse at betraying former allies than Italy?
>ughh u guise are all nazis like and like das sooo bad like LMAO OMG i mean like communism amirite
fascism existed for a short time because the largest war in history destroyed it, unlike communism which crumbled under the weight of its own retardation, and liberalism which is probably going to suffer the same fate, sadly
Italy wasn't a threat during WWII, Germany was. Mussolini may very well have simply been non-aligned ala Franco and Salazar if not an outright member of the Allies had Hitler not twisted his arm by occupying half the fucking country. Italy was a weak country and Mussolini knew it and he knew he wouldn't be able to get Italy up to snuff on Hitler's time table.
So, after the Allies defeated the Axis it was crucial to neuter the possibility of them re-emerging. There wasn't any worry of this happening in Japan or Italy as neither had any real industrial base at the time and the US planned on making Japan a client state anyways. Germany, however, had a large economically productive population.
Italy also needed to have the possibility of a reversion back to Fascism in case the Soviets went full retard and decided to try and turn the Cold War hot. If they did then Operation Gladio would trigger a resurrected fascist movement and use the Italian people as cannon fodder to halt the Soviet advance until American planes could turn every Soviet city with more than ten people into radioactive craters.
>using Italian soldiers to stop the Soviets
Man, this is "using Romanians to secure the 6th Army's flank" tier strategical genius
This. Mussolini was the biggest chad in recent history.
He raped a girl and she actually liked it.
Because Italy never got that "Mussolini was bad" drilled into their heads like the other two axis members unfortunately.
>other countries didn't indoctrinate the italian population with their own propaganda
>that's bad apparently
dictators marching on rome is part of their history
>other two
in Japan, Hirohito's birthday is a national holiday
i'd say they're the least 'guilty' since they became necessary to American economic and geopolitical interests in the Asia-Pacific (and the U.S. didn't give a fuck about making Korea or China feel morally vindicated, unlike their European allies)
When it's the Americans, it's not propaganda, it's the truth.
Communism has had a hundred years on the world stage though. The Bolshevik revolution was almost exactly a hundred years ago.
they basically decided that for the sake of stability and the easy acceptance of the new order by the populace to whitewash history and absolve Hirohito of any guilt involving WW2, they just shifted it off to poor fucks like Tojo.
Id say the Japanese still internalized it more especially when you consider the adherence to pacifism. I might add that revisionist bullshitis is
inflated publicity wise thanks to Netouyos being the OG /pol/tards and the massive overrepresentation of ultraconservatism among the political elite
That's just Stallone in a wig.
>switch sides in WW1
>abandoning G*rmany
>anything but a good thing
They fucked up joining the Axis Powers in WW2
>nearly forced out of eritrea even when they had every advantage possible over the ethopiens
>had to resort to gas attacks on towns and city's to get a decisive victory
y-yawe totally btfoed them Italiano stronk!!