>a single book has BTFO liberals, commies, egoists and nihilists
Dostoyevsky was the most important philosopher of 19th, 20th and 21st century.
A single book has BTFO liberals, commies, egoists and nihilists
Dostoyevsky while obviously brilliant had one fault, he was russian. the russian is such a subhuman, so hollow, so incapable of being a moral and upright individual is incapable of seeing humanity, strength, beauty, wisdom in others. to the russian the world is either a vast empty tundra in which creatures fight for survival and so on and a kind of paradise one imagines oneself in while drunk.
nice argument fagtron
>the russian is such a subhuman, so hollow, so incapable of being a moral and upright individual is incapable of seeing humanity, strength, beauty, wisdom in others
>literally the best literature in the world
You're probably an edgy american wehraboo, an actual German, or from some country that Russia touched in the wrong place.
Listen, i'm not a fan of Russia as a geopolitical entity either, but saying "russians are subhuman" is just retarded.
>tfw BBC adapted this in the 60s and it seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth
really wanna see it bros
Except the whole books is basically about how tsarist russia is basically destined to collapse because of the idiocy of the current system and the naieve progressives amd arrogamt conservatives arent going to be able to do a thing to stop the radicals
hillary pls
behead those who insult Holy Russia
The Jews shut it down
I read the Idiot and while it had some well written parts about the intricacies of social life...it was shit. Mishkin only vaguely resembles a christ-figure. If anything he fucked the lives of several people in order to fit that christ figure role.
Dostoyevsky is a hack.
>he doesn't know
you are very very smart, a very smart person yes!
Hillary's favorite book is The Brothers Karamazov.
big if true
Not him, but what doesn't he know? I'm in that lull between midterms and finals so I need a couple books to read.
It's a fact, or at least so she claimed.
go pay for your lunch boris
Crime and Punishment is a direct assault on nihilism and it makes a pretty good point, but it is all based on the assumption that humans are to weak to actually be nihilists. The book can essentially be summed up like this:
> guy swears he is a nihilist
> wants to prove it
> kills someone he deems objectively bad for society
> accidentally forced to kill an innocent he wasnt meant to cuz she walked in on the crime (cuz life has no controls)
> consumed with guilt
> ie fails at his nihilism
> repents and feels better
This is, of course, written by a god fearing man who cannot conceive of the notion of not feeling guilt after taking the life of someone "objectively bad." He also muddles it by having him kill someone he did not want to in the first place.
Its like a climate denier writing a book about environmental science where it turns out the scientists were wrong and the environment magically corrected itself. Wow, so deep, the thing you like worked out in the story you told.
And how does it do that OP?
>constantine is back to shitposting
>consumed with guilt
>ie fails at his nihilism
What does guilt have to do with nihilism and why is someone who feels guilt not a nihilist?
Not to mention that a nihilism pretty much denies that there is such as thing as "objectively bad". What people deem good or bad is equally meaningless and it has only personal meaning rather than objective meaning.