Was there shilling like it's now?.Did you believe ethereum would reach 400$ in 2017 and BTC 5k?
No LARP or Shilling please
Anons who started crypto last year or before that.How much profit did you make?
Ethereum was the first shilled coin I saw on Veeky Forums when it was at $20 and didn't go in because we waited on the dip but the dip never came. Started off with about 2k, could of potentially made 10k if I played it right but ended up with about 7k now. Who /shrimplets/ here?
Thank me later.
I missed out on btc at $.05 seven years ago.. If I had tossed $100 at it I would have around 8-9million right now. kinda hate myself for not gambling on it
You would have dumped in 2014-2016.
You still would have made tons of money, but not 8-9 millions worth.
There barely any crypto shilling, just occasional BTC or ETH thread and a running crypto general thread.
Now the board is completely ruined. There is no discussion about business, economy or markets. Just 24/7 shitcoin shill threads.
I got in then but didn't put a lot of money in. I saw dudes shilling ETH at $3 on StockTwits.com saying "it's going to be $300 easy" I thought they were crazy but took a chance and bought 2 ETH. I was fucking blow away when it actually hit $300.
It's been like this.
Veeky Forums is basically an exchange troll box with pictures.
don't. sure back then it was less risky because there weren't so many, but how many shitcoins are right now that are 0.05
I dumped in 2015. Made $6k instead of $30k.
I spent $2k on bitcoin in 2014 when it was around 200 dollars a pop.
Spent a few
Blew a few
>tfw I have 18 btc and another 2 btc spread amongst various altcoins
>tfw nocoiners can suck my dick.
Yup exactly.
You would have needed hands of fucking unobtainum to hold through the crash of 2014 through the rise we've seen this year.
The number of people able to do that are extremely low.
No, you most likely would have gotten robbed by Mt Gox Faggot
Crypto is nice but holy fuck is it ridiculously overrated. OK its one of the greatest ways to make money ever but there are other ways that are basically as good, you could trade penny stocks and get these gains too, yes there are those dream stories of 10000% gains and stuff.
Just look at SOUPQ yesterday 500% in a day.
People are acting like we are living in the sex bot mars mission future and can't stop being obsessed with COINS COINS COINS. People have made more money during weed stocks I mean...
Everyone wants to get rich quick, user. And it seems to be happening with some thanks to these shitcoins.
Bought $11,000 of ETH in Feb 2016 based on Veeky Forums shitposting. I saw BTC sub $10 and was too pussy to buy. Not this time.
Recently paid off the house and bought my wife & I new cars.
>ib4 muh IRS
Taxes are all accounted for, fuckos.
Still have my last 100 ETH for a rainy day.
>its one of the greatest ways to make money ever but there are other ways that are basically as good
I doubt it, nothing else would make me laugh nearly as hard as this stupid market. I'm all in.
Pls post “weed” stocks
This is exciting becaue we can finally make money off memes. This shit is web3 and self financing at the same time. It truly is revolutionary. It doesnt truly know what it is yet
These boards are abead of culture. The only other timeu could make money was betting on trump, but this is more money focused
I dont want to talk about it.
>OK its one of the greatest ways to make money ever but there are other ways that are basically as good
no there isn't, anything that isn't crypto tier gains is a waste of time
To be fair I'm pretty new and have already made 650% profit on a coin. Made 160% on POSW today too but I haven't sold.
This. Hate them or not- the chans are the cutting edge. With a community like this you just can't lose.
have like 117 bitcoins fron mining in 2010 in an old harddrive, cant access it since it failed
dont really cared much about it even now, theres always shit to get money out off
That's almost $500k
Just sitting on an old hard drive
Bull fucking shit you don't care
I'd be bending earth and heaven to get at that
lmao this wtf. even if it failed it probably wouldnt be that hard recover
Luv you guys (pretty serious actually).
Im one of those pretentious enlightened ones that dont really care about money since I already have alot.
Been on Veeky Forums from the start, posting on /sfig/ on /pol/ since its Inception too. There was probably one or two crypto threads, that was literally it. Mainly /g/ and /pol/ fags arguing over the value of bitcoin. Rest of the board was long term investing, some forex, business ideas, and sell me this pen memes.
Altcoins weren't a thing.
warren bufftet probably has a few million in random bank accounts he forgot about
I'm one of the people who hit the jackpot with Ethereum.
Invested $6400 at $2.30/ETH. Still holding.
What's going on with crypto right now is nothing like penny stocks.
Every once in a while a penny stock will moon and you will get lucky.
Crypto is paying out like crazy right now. You pick a few cryptos and one will moon.
Warren Buffet didn't get rich as fuck by not caring about a "few million". Dude is notoriously frugal.