Do I sell my 154 OMG at a $90 loss to buy more LINK at a pumped $0.44?
This is fucking stressful.
What would you do?
Do I sell my 154 OMG at a $90 loss to buy more LINK at a pumped $0.44?
This is fucking stressful.
What would you do?
sounds like nothing can go wrong OP, do it
>This is fucking stressful.
Only if you make it to be, user. Don't get emotional...keep a clear mind and use the information at your disposal. If you don't have any, I advise you do some research.
With enough due diligance, it should be a no-brainer on what coins to buy. The problem is most people only get their information off of Veeky Forums Shills and end up posting Wojaks for weeks.
I advise buying LINK, but that's my opinion. DYOR.
>What would you do?
Not fucking that. When link crashes most of this board's going to commit suicide, and it's because of this board that it's fucking pumped so much in the first place.
It's really not. It's that faggot who decided it'd be a good idea to tell reddit about this coin that's to blame.
Well I just withdrew my OMG from Bittrex to Binance. This is the first move.
Holy fuck. Maybe I'll just dump 80/154 OMG for the LINK.
I've only got about 10 OMG but I am just gonna HODL it until this whale fucks off and lets it pump again. I could sell right now for the tiniest profit if I wanted though.
this is the safer play
omg is overdue for a pump. stop fomoing
Just fucking do it. Buy LINK and don't check it for a month. And zoom out on your chart. OMG is up 3400% or something like that since the ICO. How much do you think it can run in the short term?
Can you elaborate for a newbie? I always see this vague sort of "do your own research and due diligence and be smart!" but that doesn't really answer many questions.
Like I read the whitepaper/roadmap, checked out dev team, follow their twitter, watch the market charts, get a general "feel" of public opinion from sites like this, reddit, bitcointalk, etc. but despite all that I'm still sitting here thinking "well, it seems alright" but I could say the same for dozens of companies, so then how does one choose whether to go with A or B (or C, D, E, etc.) given they both have similar positive attributes? No matter how you slice things it still seems to come down to some luck
Dude, you have no money. Just go work a second job until you have something to trade with.
Take this wojak. You're gonna need it.
You already decided to do it. Now you are just hesitating because you're afraid to make a mistake. In the short term it could dip or it could rise, or it could stay the same I have no idea. But it will 90% chance rise in the next couple of weeks.
>are there big industry names involved or are the developers geniuses?
>Is it a PLATFORM that could lead to a plethora of use cases that SOLVE a multitude of PROBLEMS that people have?
>Is it approved by anime-chan or Veeky Forums in general?
>The problem is most people only get their information off of Veeky Forums Shills
>I advise buying LINK
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
yes user, selling at a loss to fomo buy is ALWAYS a good idea
44 is nothing it's still low volume
Who is anime-chan and why has he left us. Does he still walk among us? How do I recognize him
I sold ZRX at 23 fucking ether loss to put it on Kyber and luckily my transaction went through
very sorry OP
She. Anime-chan is a she.
Here's the quick run down
Her picks
mbrs: 2 cents to 20+ cents + additional free money tokens
dnt: 2 cents to 32 cents
zrx: ico went 10x
chainlink: currently 3.5x, she's the reason why chainlink is getting so popular as fast as it is and the reason why everyone here has some.
kyber: 5x
among other picks.
LOL did you end up buying? Your post is timestamped about 2 minutes before LINK fell off a fucking cliff.
so does anime-chan still come here. How do I recognize her
Once you lose more than 50 bucks you should always instantly sell at a loss, there is no guarantee that it will ever return to normal and it is also a pretty solid indicator that the coin is on it's way to catastrophic losses. Smart move is to sell now and put it in something safe for capital preservation. Dogecoin comes to mind, long history, predictable trends. Whales PnD on the regular, just set your sell points and wait for the cash to rain in.
she's probably gone from here but still lurks desu. her opinions are too strong for the market to handle. part of the reasons why these moons occurred is BECAUSE of her shilling lmao.
>buying LINK when it's dumping right now
Nobody is THIS dumb. Come on now.
>buy high sell low
I sold my ark and OMG to buy LINK at 24 cents. Worth it.
It seems like she's still active based on her etherscan address?
Problem: OMG is also dumping
>selling low
>buying high
never change Veeky Forums
I meant as a poster on this board, at least as an avatar fag
OMG - buy the dip $16 incoming SS this.
so buy LINK when it's pumping?