WaltonChain AMA is up
why does the link redirect to etherdelta?
it doesn't. Here's the image if you're suspicious of links
partnerships + government support + increased marketing ... bullish as fuck
Oh Fuck Yeah
$7 tonight
I fucking hate being a poorfag. I bought at 1.50 and could only get like 250. I want a masternode of atleast one coin! FUCKKKKK!!!
>5000k WTC for masternode
fuck me
But maybe announcing that'll make people to buy more lol
tfw have 6800
I'm no crypto wizard, but I think there will probably be smart contracts that let you pool your WTC with others to all share ownership of a masternode.
Eli5 a master node
shit really?
godamit, btc deposit is slow, i want my masternode desu
Like I said, I'm no crypto wizard but from my incomplete understanding this should be within the realm of possible.
ark kinda does it with delegates
What can one do with a masternode anyway, does it make free monies?
7. How much WTC would be required for staking/becoming a master node?
R:An account needs to hold more than 5000 WTC to become a master node. A master node will be granted extra rewards for bookkeeping. Dependent on the count of WTC and time held, the rewards will increase. Having said that, our parent chain and wallet will be coming this month, just FYI.
What rewards anonz? pls i have a bit downs
masternodes is 10x times cheaper than DASH.. Some whales may jump into WTC to get the coins for stacking while it's cheap.
> tfw bought 5.1k WTC at $1
is WTC worth buying now? or will there be a dip/correction im debating on whether to buy in now
october is when things start to happen (wallet, new chain, etc) so i imagine its a good a time as youll ever see.
Buy now
This is bullish AF , ALL IN
AHAHAHA AND DOOOOOOOWN IT GOES *BREATHES IN* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You fucking morons should have bought OMG instead! Guaranteed 2x by December. Yet you retards decided to get scammed by WaltonShit instead AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
yeah me too. lets go