I mean the guys charisma clearly matched that of Hitlers
Why did Mosley and the BUF fail so hard?
Talmudic scheming from (((Them))).
Because when you're sucking off a country that 20 years earlier probably killed some of your friends you aren't going to be popular, if he toned down the Germany is good thing he would have a lot more popularity
Longstanding democratic tradition in England.
mosley wasnt actually anti Semitic
Britain is not France, most people were pretty friendly towards Germany before the Sudeten crisis escalated things, they felt bad for Versailles
Politicians felt bad for Versailles, veterans didn't give a shit
Oswald was himself a veteran, they didn't want to drag Britain into another war
No irredentism/ revanchism to build on
this is the only real answer. If the UK lost anything, even if it wasn't land, he would have had a lot more backing
Fascism only takes off in countries where existing liberal institutions are seen as broken or ineffective to solve present crises.
because british people are too intelligent to fall for babbling of some demagogue
this plus the fact that there wasn't a legitimate communist threat to the people of Britain.
There was though. In the 20s British Army tanks patrolled the streets of Glasgow and various Scottish cities. There were massive general strikes and a lot of social strife in 20s and 30s Britain.
The TUC general strike was not a communist uprising, it was Labor soc dems getting the shits with Versailles fucking over their coal market and even George V supported their rationale for the strike
*teleports into office*
Nothing personell, Totalist
Because (((they))) have one of their biggest power bases in the uk
if his charisma was as good as hitlers he would have been pm and king of england
he wasn;t
it failed, mostly because they all got locked up. or they started later, hitler started in 1920, mosley started in like 1934 or something
they stopped him from protesting
wait a minute that ain't right. They stopped him from rallying
Because Fascism sucks and the majority of British people recognised this?
The First Past the Post voting system ensures that no party outside of LibLabCon can ever be relevant, and Labour only got relevant after decades of never even getting close to Parliament. You can't just shit out a party within a single lifetime and get up to Head of Government. He could've won if he stayed in Labour and pushed his ideas there.
What's that got to do with anything?
Pahahahaha fucking hell, who is Tony Blair?
Have you read many of his works? Mosley had quite a considerable range of proposals for Britain which I certainly wouldn't characterise as "babble". But hey, it's always easier to call your opponents words "babble" instead of arguing against them, amirite?
>if his charisma was as good as hitlers
I would argue it was far better. Hitler was a force of nature on the podium in front of thousands but I doubt he would be able to come off with the same aristocratic elegance that Mosley gave off in a one to one conversation.
Less to do with their objections to Fascism, more to do with the lack of a need for the thing at the time. And then post-war, due to his associations with certain individuals on the continent, he became a bit of a pariah.
He wanted to march on Cable Street - a Jewish neighborhood. He clearly did not like Jews.
imagine being this temporal
*blocks your path*
eyup laddies, we fucking sheep and promoting local autonomy in here
People were used to having a say in governance, so a totalitarian system was a hard sell. Contrast with the central and southern European countries that until recently had absolute monarchs. Absolute automatic rule was seen as the superior option to ineffectual democracy
No, that's Yank-tier exceptionalism.
Moesly didn't want to go to war and the warmonger Churchill wanted to gas more Africans.
>Why did Mosley and the BUF fail so hard?
Short version: Hitler
Long version: Adolf Hitler, and Mosley wanting to keep everything as legal as he could