If terrorist organisations are so bad and evil why are they the most successful in establishing themselves and getting huge numbers of recruits and supports and land?
If terrorist organisations are so bad and evil why are they the most successful in establishing themselves and getting...
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Why dont you ask yourself that
Any organization that carries out terrorism or only non-state actors?
Islamic Terrorist Organizations in particular
1: It's all about perception of what/who is evil
2: People will do what they believe is best for themselves and their group
3: Fighting terrorists isn't like traditional military tactics
4: Propaganda tactics
5: If you don't join them they will kill you
6: It seems most nations doesn't put as much effort into getting rid of said terrorists in a warzone as they used to compared to older wars. Maybe because said nations want the terrorists to thrive just a little bit?
7: Going back to perception and propaganda. If you paint yourself as helping the locals or being gods chosen ones and another nations military is causing wars to fight the terrorist group the locals could see that as an attack on themselves. Furthermore rumors will spread about the other nation to atrocity's that may or may not have happened.
8: Often when fighting other terrorist groups some dumb fucks got the bright idea to train and arm local forces. On paper this seems smart but if the locals either lose those weapons or worse yet, 10 years from then use that training and weapons to start another terrorist group well you got another one. This also happens when a nation starts a proxy war to topple another regime or government.
But they aren't. States have enormously more resources, recruits, support, and land than any non-state terrorist organization. Boko Haram has about 20,000 fighters. ISIS/ISIL/Whatever they're calling themselves now, has an estimated quarter of a million fighters, at least according to wikipedia.
The modern day Iraqi armed forces have over 800,000 active personnel, and over 2 million reservists. And that's just one unstable state.
1. That's terrorism
2. That's terrorism
Because the people who support them are also evil.
There is no such thing as a terrorist organization. There are clandestine terrorist groups that work on behalf of an organization. Terrorist groups work by pressing fear in order to change political decisions or a political fact to inclinate interests towards them or others.
They are succesful because they pay good money compared to regular jobs around. Lets say a syrian terrorist. Average salary in syria being $500 a month. The legal side of the organization will pay $600 and let you keep a job on the side. Now the syrian terrorist is making $1100/month. All they have to do is report back and act out when needed. Now where is the money coming from. That is the important part. What govts are funneling money. In Syrias case you have Russia funneling money, Saudi money, Iran money (illicit opium trade), and Israel money.
Terrorists can sue under human rights. They can sue just for you shooting at them and missing. Now which group is in better interest for the powerful nations, the group that wants its people to fail or succeed? The one that wants its people to fail because they sell their interests out and not in. Therefore they dont give superpowers economic contests. No conflicting interests/rights.
Oh my god you're retarded. Let me guess, you're an American
US is not a place where you want to be. It started as a place people were meant to go work and leave. Until they started selective services. They were the enemy of the world & known to sabotage so there are groups that US is not allowed however the one that feels robbed snitches to the US and US makes money by countering their planning. US population is like 400m the worlds population is around 9bn people. Theres lots of stuff going on.
Countries have rights to misalign groups. Theres a trade foundation and disruption can cause economic harm.
americans have a collective and individual "right to bear arms". the terrible wording in 2A has let to a lot of technocratic semantics, but if any of the comatose mutts do form a militia with tanks and RPGs and shit im sure the zog would shoot on sight. even if you have a pipe bomb, the feds will charge you with having a freaking WMD these days. when i was kid, we made pipe bombs, we made fertilizer bombs in recycling bins, we made gun powder, yet the only terrorism you ever heard about was the occasional lone wolf shit and the usual inner-tribal conflict. there were muslim terrorists in the 70's, but they were nation of islam types, so the mic media just portrayed it to the goys as niggs nogging rather than spinning tales of their heroism. im pretty sure that the trots invented the concepts of "islamic terrorism" and "islamophobia" as a way as a better way to califorianize europe, but that's too far in the weeds. if you have terrorism in your society it is a sign of infection. if you have increasing rates of terrorism it is a sign of mistreatment or neglect. if you want to over-throw an oppressive government for not being able to protect you from increasing rates of terrorism, that government will view you as terrorists, so if you come at the king, you'd better kill the king.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
they generally recruit from people who are poor and need a job or people who subscribe to extremist ideologies or just from people with mental illness
>If X is bad why do people do it?
user, that's fucking stupid and you know it.
The word terrorism became a meme
Even more so after The US made a state Actor (Iranian Guards) a terrorist group after years of "only non state actors can be terrorist" which led to a lot of Iranians and Arabs calling the American Army Terrorists , even Iranian Politicians are demanding their government to do so
It's a politicalised term Nowdays
does the phrase 'foreign support for rebels' ring a bell?
ISIS is losing though, what are you on about?
>we made pipe and fertiliser bombs as a kid
but why, why are americans so decadent not even fire is fun to them