Is it just me or is Chinese and asian culture in general very anti-altruistic and has little concern for the lives of others?
Is it just me or is Chinese and asian culture in general very anti-altruistic and has little concern for the lives of...
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Wang chang, dang dong, wong fong fuk, fuk fung, dao dong, jong, dong, gong, wong gong, wong, gung fuk, fuk, fuk ho, to fu, tofu, wong, jong, nong, dong wong, fong dong.
"The Chinese people have only family and clan solidarity - they do not have national spirit[...] they are just a heap of loose sand[...] ;Other men are the carving knife and serving dish - we are the fish and the meat." - Sun Yat-sen (1924)
That particular situation develops out of retarded laws, but in general in Asian society social relations trump European universalism, that's not to say they give no suits, but they care much more if you are in some ways socially connected to them than if not
"Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group.;For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other.' - Liang Qichao;'Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group.;For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other.' - Liang Qichao;'Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group.;For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other.' - Liang Qichao;'Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group.;For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other.' - Liang Qichao;'Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group.;For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other." - Liang Qichao
he was just some nationalist faggot complaining that China hadn't fallen for the nationalism meme yet, if he could see modern China he would say "mission accomplished."
Yeah, weren't the laws that the person who finds the person may have to pay the hospital bill?
Oh? Fong fong, dong, wong wong wong, shang jong, kim jong, wong wang dong dong, gong, fuk dang, tofu, to fu, fuk ho, nong dong?
IIRC there's some wierd law in China where if someone gets hurt and you try to help them and it makes things worse, they can sue you for exacerbating the situation. In the US you can't be sued for trying to help because we have "good samaritan" laws.
Asians tend to be less altruistic outside of clan and family, hence we need a strong state to balance out the the disparity. This is why an authoritarian Leninist state is necessary for the oriental race.
Sun Yat-Sen was a gigantic self-loathing faggot.
It's just you
You fell for the old psyops propagated by Western media to depict the Chinese as worst then they actually are. In reality horrible shit worst than this happens in the West all the time. I dare you to live near the ghetto and turn on the news every night and tell me how many murders occurred in the area that week.
Asia is a fucking massive place with most of the world population in it, furthermore unlike europe asia wasnt an irrelevant backwater for 1000 years, and china in particular has a ridiculously long history.
All this leads to the whole concept of the individual being totally drowned out by the massive and ancient society it exists in.
Altruism as an individual virtue is seen as silly, social systems that help people are seen as logical.
Yeah who needs to give people a living wage or have a decent "Standard of living.'" There was an instance where workers at a factory in China were killing themselves by jumping out the window and instead of improving conditions they installed nets outside
They went through some dark shit.
Also the general of the this battle of the garrison that ate the civilians is considered to be a national hero.
Rome was pretty brutal but China was literal GoT shit. That 3 generation rule that DPRK has is not something they made up on their own.
Industrialization is a helluva drug
>GoT shit
Nah, China is Warhammer 40K
>500,000,000 people have been lifted out of povery in china in the last 30 years
>lalala nets lalala
You're in for a good read user. China is fucking hell.
>Asia is a fucking massive place
Is your mind, though? You say that then go on and pretend you can speak for all of them because of some stereotype.
>Sun Yat-sen (1924)
He's just tremendously butthurt that his "muh Chinese nation" did not emerge because his meme republic was so fucking weak because he made a deal with the warlords and since the Chinese respect someone who can bring security and stability instead of high minded abstract ideals, obeyed them more than a sham government.
>Citation needed
It's always the same fucking stories and articles.
Shame and honor in East Asia have much more different weights and perceptions than the West's. Suicide is seen as less dishonorable than continuing to live with shame, and I can see why this would be an acceptable thing under some circumstances. Even the Romans understood this at a point. Christcuckery seriously ruined everything.
I mean if you look at most asian countries from China to India and you look at how little the government and how little mega corporations cares about its citizens its a little alarming more so than the US and thats saying something
>ralph townsend
Wow you sure showed me.
>He blames "red elements" within China for starting the Second Sino-Japanese War,[54][55] but praises Japan for the "humane" manner in which its armed forces have behaved in China,[56] believing that it is only the Soviet Union and "a powerful minority" of pro-communist Americans who are conspiring to push America to war with Japan.[57][58] Townsend predicts that if the Chinese won their war with Japan, the result would be a communist takeover of China,[59] but he dismisses the idea that Japan might launch an attack on the United States as "simply too idiotic to discuss."
What was meant?
The Japanese were literally paying him to write that book.
Townsend was a shill.
Yeah, the book is piss but /pol/tards and netouyo drink it up.
>Ralph Townsend (27 November 1900 – 25 January 1976) was an American author, consul and political activist noted for his opposition to the entry of the United States into World War II. He served in the foreign service as a consul stationed in Canada and China from 1931 to 1933. Shortly after returning to the United States he came to prominence through his book Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China, a harsh critique of Chinese culture which became a widely controversial bestseller. Townsend became a prominent advocate of non-interventionism, and in the 1930s and 1940s was well known for his vocal opposition to the Roosevelt administration's foreign policy from a pro-Japanese and pro-neutrality point of view.
What an absolute cuck.
It gets better.
>Following the US entry into World War II Townsend was arrested for acting as a Japanese agent without registering under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. He pleaded guilty, admitting that he had accepted payments before the war from a propaganda organization funded by the Japanese government, but denying that he was a Japanese agent. He received a prison sentence and while serving was involved in the Great Sedition Trial. After the war Townsend moved to Fairfax, Virginia, where he died on 25 January 1976. His writings continue to be influential in far-right circles.
>posting the jap shill book
Just stick with posting this on /int/ or /pol/, user.
No, that's a bullshit urban legend about Mao. The truth is that in 2003 (or 4) some guy helped some senile cunt after she fell and she sued him because she knew she wouldn't be able to afford the bill. The corrupt courts sided with her because the corrupt police didn't feel like carrying out an investigation, thus a precedence was established.
Yes, hence a retarded law was made which should have been countered by a codified statute.
>Ways That Are Dark
>Ralph Townsend
You're a fucking moron.
Weeaboos sure are something.
its cuz they dont believe in jesus. their religion is money and self interest
Try living in a 'former' Communist country some time; millions of people with that 'it's not my problem' attitude. The world has been officially Jewed, and you're next, America. Wait till they get your guns away from you. Then the real shitshow begins.
Yeah because the Taiping Rebellion worked out great.
"China Submits to Chaos," Current History, June 1933.
"Our Slump in Foreign Pets," The North American Review, August 1933.
"Mission Schools Curbed in China," New York Times, November 12, 1933.
"America Watches Sino-Japanese Relations," Contemporary Japan, June 1934.
"Let's Stop Baiting Japan," Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, December 1934.
"Meeting Japan's Challenge," Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, June 1935.
"Easing the Pacific Tension," Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, July 1935.
"La Chine, terre de l'opium," Revue Belge, January 15, 1936.
"日本なくばアジアは「赤」," Asahi Shimbun, December 16, 1937.
"Soviet Propaganda in America," The Far Eastern Review, August 1938.
"Pidgin English 'Can Do'," New York Times, January 23, 1939.
"Japan: Our Commercial Prize," Scribner's Commentator, November 1940.
"Mercy – Strictly Political," Scribner's Commentator, March 1941.
"Must We Fight Japan?," Scribner's Commentator, June 1941.
"Publicity Reversal Technique," Scribner's Commentator, December 1941.
The next article he wrote was in 1968 because his writing career was BTFO by Pearl Harbor and his admission that he did shill work for Japan.
>asian culture
>concern for the lives of others
Your case makes it seem like they had that bad law form the sart but aon elaborated on why it stated.
It's like the dumbasses who go "lol Amerisues" when people talk about the woman who sued McD for serving to hot coffee when they don't even know the whole story (in this case why the woman won).
Jesus, he's such a fucking cuck. I just want to get my gun and shoot anyone in the back of the head for believing in such blatant Jap shilling.
>"Japan WOULD never attack America!"
>Japan attacks America
Good work, Townsend.
What a weeab.
>millions of people with that 'it's not my problem' attitude.
That's in palces that weren't communist also user. What's with East Euros and the "woe our predicaments is a special to us and!" complex they have going?
>"Let's Stop Baiting Japan"
>East Europe wasn't communist
Not only was he a shill but he's not even a fucking historian.
I didn't say they weren't under Soviet influence or commie.
was he the first /int/ shitposter?
Mao, teriyaki, samurai, sumo, fojo, wang pang, sushi, tomoyama kim jong un, kim jong il, kim song fuk, Vietnam banzai, sashimi pokemon, anime, Fuji, wang dong!
>"Mission Schools Curbed in China,"
How is this even a big deal
Katherine Mayo was earlier.
Why did you have to mention her? I remember having to read her shitty books at university.
USA used to have a huge missionary presence in China.
The chinese are a slave-race of cowardly autistic insects. They are ugly and weak both physically and spiritually. They do not possess love, great artistic feeling, or any other sort of transcendental ecstacy that elevates man above that of an ape that can count and sharpen sticks. To call them human is to do all the greatness of all the myriad races of Mankind a grave disservice. They are animals.
Mao, teriyaki, samurai, sumo, fojo, wang pang, sushi, tomoyama kim jong un, kim jong il, kim song fuk, Vietnam banzai, sashimi pokemon, anime, Fuji, wang dong!
The Japanese words make it bearable and not all ching chang chong
If you earn more than 350 $ /year. You are not poor according to Chink government
>race of warriors, artists and craftsmen with a fascinating history of human struggle
>continue to dominate much of pop culture
350$/month - 1.15$/day
i lived in china for a few years and wow i guess nothing fucking changes
Hello salaryman.
China is fine if you aren't involved in business
>/int/ storming this place
>their religion is money and self interest
That sums up American Evangelical Christianity though.
are u 12 m8
>Is it just me
Yes, it's just you.
East Asian cultures, especially Confucianism, have very high collective altruism tendency, whereas modern western cultures, particularly US, are very individual egocentrism (e.g. I can do whatever I like as long as it pleases me like a faggot), this whole fucking website is filling with people like this, like you OP.
Chinese Culture? Yeah. Not Japanese Culture though, they help each other all the time and even filthy Gaijin if they're pretty enough.
If you know anything about China then you know everything he said is STILL true
>this post says the same stuff as this one
Oh I know China(not those user btw), and NOT everything he said is true, but I know people like you want it to be true, because you want to humiliate Chinese to sooth your insecurity and hatred.
>muh eastern values
Chinese man 'killed 17 neighbours to cover up murder of parents'
What? I don't care about 'humiliating' the Chinese, do you think I want their societies to be so shitty in inhumane? No. China should be what most outsiders believe it to be, but it isn't
>because you want to humiliate Chinese to sooth your insecurity and hatred.
why are chinks so insecure lmao
Sure, you know the best. It's like all the shitpost, trashtalk against Chinese here, including OP, really means nothing. Why are you Westerncucks so insecure lmao
Perhaps they fear the Han warrior?
>taking Veeky Forums shitposting so seriously you feel the need to go on a poorly written rant about westerners hating chinese people
Go take a breather Zhang, oh wait the atmospheric pollution might make that a bad idea.
I mean you Westcucks can kill yourself without Chinese firing a single shot, literally. Don't worry about Chinese, really.
I grew up in Chicago and IMO a famine that kills millions of people sounds worse desu.
People unironically shill for Townsend books who got paid by Japanese
It is so sad that this shit is more known than pic related.
The difference is that in China those type of news seems to be way more common and brutal, and its not even because they have a larger population
I'm sure you already watched all those webms about chinese not giving a fuck about people and even children dying next to them
>The difference is that in China those type of news seems to be way more common and brutal
According to who? Shit happens in Norway all the time, to not forget about fucking Sweden.
Of course you could soley blame all the problems on the immigrants and shitskins but that still doesn't explain why snowniggers filmed a man getting almost beaten to death while countless of people just stood around and watched, didn't even bother to intervine or when people threw their dogs in the lake to drown in a cage. To not forget about all the fucktards who throws cats on the roads because they cannot bother to take care of it because WE ARE TRAVEILING TO SPAIN KIDS xD
Even if what you say was the case it just shows that survelance of is more widespread in China and it is posted on the chink internet.
Only grudge I got against the Chinks are their greedyness, other than that they act exact the same fucking way, except arguably more polite ironically.
Chinese culture isn't too much about altruism. It's more about reciprocity.
>except arguably more polite ironically.
>chinese people
Buddy, I live in Vancouver which is basically a colony of mainland China now and they are possibly the rudest people I've ever known outside of the wannabe south east asian gangster kids.
You're not entirely wrong. Chinese (and most asian cultures in general) tend to value the whole over the individual. They're very patriarchal and hierarchical and focus on the greater whole rather than any one individual's benefit.
Sino-mongoloid master race.
Was reading a bit about the 70's French mao-stals and red guards in Paris and how they got BTFO to hell and back by a belgian situationist/communist who used to live in Hong Kong and Beijing.
Has anyone read any of these? Are they worth getting?
Have you seen those postcards of lynchings and how people brought their kids there like it was some family trip to the park (and posing beside it).
>Not Japanese Culture though, they help each other all the time
"You do well we all do well. You do bad/fail you suffer alone" and that's amplified in Japan because of higher stakes in society and competition.
Mao did a lot more right then wrong desu.
Wangjiang Fong dong Guang Kong gong Kong dong wong Hong Kong Hong Kong Samurai sashimi Sushi Teriyaki bonsai Fujitsu Momo tango mango Chang Wang Fang Kim Jong un.
>30 francs were deposited in your student bourse