Why couldn't Africa be conquered and colonized like the Americas?
Why couldn't Africa be conquered and colonized like the Americas?
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They had an immunity to smallpox, so 90% of the population didn't die immediately after contact.
They feared the Zulu warrior.
The "all natives died immediately to smallpox" is a meme though. Based on the region it varies but others had pretty notable and big populations.
If wikipedia isn't lying to me, the fatality rate was in the 90s.
Yeah, thats why America (the continent) if full of brown people.
Stop using Wikishit to some type of date.
Europeans who lived and worked in tropical Africa dropped like flies to disease
china will pick up where Europe left off , they half no qualms or racial guilt
>why wouldn't a continent three times the size of china be colonized like a single country?
we did okay for ourselves given the circumstances, but Africa is fucking huge and full of diseases that killed Europeans unlike in the Americas.
European settler colonies formed in North America and the southern tip of South America because of the climate. The rest of the Americas weren't greatly settled.
So did Africans to be honest.
I like how guys like you think just because Euros were assholes it means everyone else will be too.
Africa is a uniquely tropical country, and the rest is desert. You don't want to go there if you don't have to.
Meanwhile, the Americas were a land of opportunity and an escape from the problems back home.
Not in the same levels though.
We literally did do that, we just let them live.
Malaria in sub saharan africa.
>everyone else will be too
>will be
They already have been you dumb fuck.
How many scourges of God did Asia send out of the steppe, again?
There's already significant amounts of anti-chinese sentiments in many african states due to the perception that they're there to extract all the resources and do nothing for the locals.
Despite being technologically inferior, the SS Africans managed to BTFO European invaders up until the invention of the machine gun
Because the Americas aren't big either, right?
They did die a lot though. Early 20th century (late 1910's) many colonies had to put in measures to help deal with disease attrition in colonial populations because too much Africans were dying or becoming sterile due to disease and the colony labour base wasn't growing healthily enough.
People literally live far from drinkable water sources because large bodies of water are a haven for pests (anyone in Florida can attest to this). Fuck sakes two Portuguese just walked in a puddle bare foot to mock the Africans who went out of their way to avoid it walking in water and they died to something a few days later.
Tropical diseases world wide are still very unknown because no one public or private does research on that shit barring the few who do it nowadays out of interest.
Chinks are probably responsible for half of Africa's economic growth in the past decade
Holy shit Veeky Forums is retarded.
Africa very well could have been colonized had the European powers taken interest in it sooner, by the time the Scramble for Africa happened it was already super late in the game and decolonization happened before any extensive continental settlement could take place, and even then there was still sizeable settler populations in the Portuguese, British, and Dutch colonies, although in the case of the Dutch it was because they had set up shop really early.
It's there but far form the intensity people say it is. There's a lot of people who love the Chinese presence as well even moreso.
OP is retarded
>Africa very well could have been colonized had the European powers taken interest in it sooner,
See Euros only could gain a foothold on the coast for a very long time until due to progress in science and tech that let them mitigate the bigger obstacles to African consolidation of the interior (the actual part that people wanted to see/trade/exploit).
Gee I wonder where they could have gotten that strange ideas.
The fact that there are only chinese working in those projects doesn't help
Most of this shit has been """colonized""" in the sense that they painted it their color on the map
When wypipo left SSA was like 5% urbanized or something equally pathetic.
how dare they refuse to use exploit the natives
the chinese are refusing to employ the natives as an economic decision, not out of any sense of morality.
also local africans probably don't have the skills or technical knowledge to be employable in the first place.
African kingdoms were able to go toe-to-toe with European soldiers in many cases before western weaponry advanced too far (rifles>muskets). And no European could last in tropical Africa before the invention of Quinine.
Beware beware
The bight of Benin
One came out where hundreds went in
White man's grave wasn't just a cute description
It's actually different now in a lot of places. In many places Chinese are training locals because it's cheaper to use local labour then bringing in Chinese labour and also developing a new pool of cheap labour and customers.
Over 85% of Chinese laborers are native Africans
Westerners are just butthurt cucks angry that their private playground has self-agency
>Africans want manufactured goods and infrastructure
>Chinese want customers and resources
Only a communist faggot or leftist would call consensual intercourse "exploitation"
Your point is decent but consensual intercourse can be "explotive" you know. Just as a heads up
White man feared the mosquito warrior
>disease resistance
>iron tools
>gunpowder weapons, machineguns by the late C19th look up the Basuto Gun War
>experienced in dealing with the invaders from all sides over centuries of the slave trades
not as absurdly large as Africa
and it took hundreds of years to colonize America and that's only because disease wiped out the natives for us so we didn't have to wage war against millions of Indians, we didn't have that luxury in Africa because they had all the same diseases we had and more, so imagine trying to colonize a country 5 times as large as America with millions of tribesmen
Too much mosquitoes.
This + malaria
>not continent
You're forgetting the savannas, plains, mountain ranges, etc.
They weren't able to gain access to most of Africa, until the they pushed back the Moors(1492).
Disease resistance and better weapons. That's it.
Many African groups also benefitted from an environment more hostile to foreign settlement and nasty native diseases.
What China is doing in Africa isn't remotely similar to old school colonialism
It's roughly identical to what Europe and America are doing in Africa now
No by the 20th century African and had begun migrating in the Port cities that were centers of European trade. Looking at least at West Africa we avoided lowlands. In Senegal save for the brackish wet rice growing tribes and populations it wasn't a year round venture.
Genetics is peculiar as is migration, Yoruba have genes that protect them from sleeping sickness even though they don't live in a place that still has it.
The disease load of a place has influenced (at least in West) African populations enough that those dying in droves are signs of repopulation after slave trade.
Native diseases.
Inhospitable land.
Some nations are cited as having gunpowder weapons, such as Benin and Abyssinia, which still would have posed an issue even if they weren't great in number.
Some nations in West and East Africa actually had military tactics more advanced than the Zulu's pincer attack spam, which also didn't find itself being a desireable trait for when the Euros wanted an easy grab.
That doesn't contradict the fact that smallpox had a 90% mortality rate.
Diseases were the unique reason eurangutans settled in America.
>I like how guys like you think just because Euros were assholes it means everyone else will be too.
>muh evil wypipo
all people treat the weak like shit. it's not a race thing
Nobody wanted to live there. Compared to North America where successive waves of immigrants and tremendous birthrates allowed Europeans to spread over the entire continent, you could hardly pay Europeans to move to Africa. Besides government officials, Boers and some adventurous enterprising spirits there was no European presence on the entire continent.
Oh yeah it is. If races have differences, then eurangutans behave like monkeys against the weak individuals.
It took many centuries for euros to actually have big civilian presence as a stable group. Outside pockets of euro areas most places where indian, black or sometimes both.
That sleeping sickness resistance also gives a high chance of chronic kidney issues so it's a pretty shitty tradeoff.