Does anyone besides the Greeks get triggered by year 1453?
Does anyone besides the Greeks get triggered by year 1453?
>tfw no kuruminha gf
Battle of Castillon happened that year too.
As a Greek I get more triggered by 1204 than by 1453
Orthodox Christians and Byzaboos.
Only all white, european people
Me being proud of my spain ancestor Spinoza.1632 is the best year! Cheer up the good times are coming!
everybody hates turks but turks.
English got BTFO in the Hundred Years' War in 1453.
stop posting this bitch shes an asian girl LARPing as some amazonian
Doesn't she make you want to go on a miscegenation rampage leaving behind a mutt police state
>implying any Anglo knows about this
Why you post that pic?
The hundred years war ended at Agincourt and we withdrew from France having taught them a lesson.
Pakistani or indian?
I prefer turks then greekbitches desu
Are you memeing or do Bongs literally believe this?
That pic is fucking disgusting. Pls. stop posting it.
Only muslims say this though.
Fags need nod abbly :DD
It's gross seeing that stupid poop colored thing every time I scroll through the catalog. Stobbb >: (
I'm catholic
/pol/ is so gh3y
Brooo thats sooo controversial XD
It's definitely not like you'd sell your mother to dip your tip in her shiggy
You aren't really tho
If you say so
1453 was a bad year for mother England
Even worse then, heretic.
>triggered by 1204
Try not being a filthy schismatic next time.
I said catholic, not orthodox or protestant
or try not holocausting latins cuz butthurt
>the Greeks were schismatics
Hahahahaha, Constantinople was the capital faggot, fantasize all you want but the l*tins were the ones pushing for unnecessary change and competition
I know what you said, you are the heretic that worships a priest.
go worship some icons nigger
>a devout catholic has cursed!
>he must now deposit 30 gold coins in the Vatican ATM to be pardoned from his sins
I was memeing, but its true that Brits only know about the first half of the war and a lot probably don't even know we lost.
yes ,me
Ah, okay, thank you.
>implying we lost
yeh exactly, even in my Anglo mind I rationalise it as 'dude we held half of France and it took them 100 years to take it back xD we only left because we had better stuff to do and didn't want to waste the effort'
The English people won the war and the (not English) nobility lost the peace (which ended up being the best case scenario for the English people).
>literally worships a human
At least my icons depicts something that is holy, chips-for-holy-communion.
mostly larpers
>he unironically worships a Jew
No. You would have to be either fat and ugly or a shitskin to do that.
>he doesn't worship a jew
t. Fag
isn't spinoza an portugeese jew?
t. Byzaboo
Holy shit it's Anglo Vietnam.
yeah well there's three ways of looking at it
>dude we helf half of france lmao
>dude french nobles conquered us and laid claim to french thrones
>dude i should kill myself because i'm a retard who apllies the logic of nation states to medieval holdings and dynasties
Why would Balkan rape babies care to what happened in 1453
>pope creates schism by bringing filioque out of his ass so as to not share power with other patriarchs
>"orthodoxes (orthodoxy by the way means correct opinion) are schismatics lol"
>orthodoxy is correct because the name means correct
>North Norea is a democracy because it has Democratic in the name
Why does anyone care that a silly city run by an incompetent government for 300 years falls to a bunch of Islams?
>doesn't adress the filioque argument
fuck off popeboo
Not even Muslims, only Turks say that.
>dude i should kill myself because i'm a retard who apllies the logic of nation states to medieval holdings and dynasties
greeks are lazy af
You made no arguement, the word of the pope is law.
>the word of the pope is law.
>being this retarded
filioque was not part of christian tradition, the pope made it up to create a shitstorm and have an excuse to split from the church
>And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Dont fucking post that whore again
I hate so much when women do that face