>Kill the Myceneans
>Kill the Minoans
>Cause Linear A to become a dead language
>Kill the Hittites
>Barely stopped by the Egyptians, who are unable to fully recover from the blow
>Suddenly disappear
What the fuck was their problem?
>Kill the Myceneans
>Kill the Minoans
>Cause Linear A to become a dead language
>Kill the Hittites
>Barely stopped by the Egyptians, who are unable to fully recover from the blow
>Suddenly disappear
What the fuck was their problem?
They were Vikings of their age.
but vikings would assimilate one of their cultures then go on to unite the british isles, almost take the french crown, and sicily along with jerusalem
Were the Sea Peoples Makedonians then?
>but vikings would almost take the french crown
Too much casu marzu
lmao, is that varg on the left?
They also destroyed Ugarit and a bunch of the cities in the Levant and some in Cyprus
Linear A was already a dead language since Myceneans conquered Crete in 1450 bc and only wrote in Linear B
This man is a killer.
They started with the Greeks.
So why that man is blonde?
Linear A was spoken on Crete and Cyprus in the form of Eteocretan and Eteocypriot well into the classical age.
>almost take the french crown, and sicily along with jerusalem
amerimutt education
is there any written text, armor or weapons that can tell us who these nigga's are ?
Liberar a is a script you retard
Not really.
Sardinia wasn't populated until the XVth century, you dummy.
Sardinians. Check out the Nuragic Civilization, their weapons and shields and their bronze statuettes.
were they descendants of Early Neolithic Farmers?
They couldn't all have been Sardinians. Some were from Greece like the Philistines.
There's a reason why Jews are one of the genetically closest populations to Myceneans/Minoans.
ENF were too mellow. It was really the CHG admixture which made Sea Peoples in Greece chimp out. Even today there's so much chimpin out in the Caucasus.
brainlet here, what does CHG stand for and why is it more chimpout prone than other admixtures?
That is because most are converts and not related to hebrews at all, hebrews were semitic people
"Caucasus Hunter Gatherer"
If you know anything about the recent history of the Caucasus it's full of genocides no one really gives a shit about and terrorism in Chechenya and Dagestan. Definitely something in the blood there.
thanks lad
Sardinians were the opposite of mellow according to Greek and Roman sources They defeated a massive Carthaginian army and always rebelled against the Romans for centuries and would rather kill their masters or themselves than becoming slaves
Heebs mixed with Philistines early on. The idea of unmixed Semitic people in nonsense anyway. Maybe some Bedouins, others are mixed.
>Heebs mixed with Philistines early on.
They didnt
>unmixed Semitic people in nonsense anyway.
That is today but in the past they werent mixed
Not to mention that Romans record state that Sardinians from the highlands lived off plunder and piracy on the Etrurian coasts
Source of that battle
They feared the mighty hurrian warrior
Marcus Iunianius Iustinus XVIII, 7
>linear A was spoken
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
Sea peoples wuz nords and shiet
>linear a
Into the trash it fucking goes
Ramesses III names the various tribes that made up the confederation of sea peoples on his mortuary temple.The problem is the names dont correspond to any known group other than one that sounds suspiciously like Sardinian.
They were just time travellers from future fixing timeline. That's why they were so mysterious and disappeared just like that.
funny how Europe never took off until they started carrying things underhand, instead of on their heads
Who were the Normans.
Who are you talking about?
I don't know if they were Sardinians but their statuettes looked a lot like the Sherden depicted by Egyptians, also these were the same years when South Italians and Sardinian merchants moved to the Aegean and Cyprus, because the Mediterranean was finally becoming more interconnected. This is why I think it might be more than a coincidence, since these weird people from the "sea" appeared in concomitance with the foreign Italian pottery and Italic weapons in the Levant.
As i recall the mortuary temple mentions the tribe in question fleeing to a island after the various sea people's defeat.
what isnt clear is did they come from there first or did they simply flee there after the defeat.
No, it does not mention the Sherden fleeing to an island, but a text from Tanis mentioned that the Sherden came from "the midst of the sea" which some translate as from "the islands"
>The unruly Sherden whom no one had ever known how to combat, they came boldly sailing in their warships from the midst of the sea, none being able to withstand them.
The Sherden are mentioned numerous times in Egyptian texts, since they served as the guards of pharaoh Ramses II and as mercenaries for centuries, and that is the first Egyptian document that mentions them, but it doesn't help us much
> What the fuck was their problem?
A lot of historians argue that some event happened that fucked up the climate for a while, causing mass migrations.
There is evidence of such migration even in mainland Europe.
So this horde of sea farers were searching for a fertile land to settle in after their own was fubar'd.
It is also proposed by some that the reason Egypt managed to survive them was because they fought off a similar invasion some decades previously and settled the captured ones, recruiting them into their army instead of enslaving them.
Because native Egyptian men could not fight for shit, as we all know.
The sea peoples didn't disappear. Sea peoples just means Canaanite diaspora in the Mediterranean who got their butts kicked by Ramses II.
Well said.
Sea peoples invaded Canaan from the Aegean, they were not Canaanites
Veneti Troad diaspora.
> who got their butts kicked by Ramses II
That is what Ramses propaganda walls say, in reality, it was most likely a horrid situation where Egypt barely survived, as is clearly evident by the situation in Egypt after that invasion.
Egypt never recovered.
There were Canaanite settlements in the Aegean. The stele celebrating Ramses' victory specifically lists different races of Canaanites allied with the sea peoples who are identifiable with Israelites
I agree with you.
>There were Canaanite settlements in the Aegean.
No, there weren't, there were however Aegean settlements in the Levant from where the sea peoples probably launched their attacks.
>The stele celebrating Ramses' victory specifically lists different races of Canaanites allied with the sea peoples who are identifiable with Israelites
If you're referring to the Merneptah Stele then Canaanites are not mentioned to be allied with the sea peoples, who were however allied with the Lybian tribes that attacked from the west
Main cities destroyed during the BA collapse
Why not?
Yes, the statuettes look really similar with the Egyptian images and their weapons and armours. In particular the kind of round shields they used were very unusual at the time, so that restricts the other possibilities a lot.
The Normands* are a subgroup of the French, they were never near to conquer France, and they didn't conquer Jerusalem(that's the French ) but Edessa.
ive said it before and ill say it again.
sea people were thracians
Autist from the future ?
Autist from the future obviously came back Larping with round shields and caused the BA collapse, probably from a plague as their doughboy bodies couldn't fight.
This. Also the Romans never managed to conquer the center of the island, that for this reason it's still called Barbagia (from Barbaria, "Land of the Barbarians"). Even when Sardinia was part of the Byzantine Empire the pope had to send a letter to Hospito to ask them to convert to Christianity, because they were independent and still pagans.
Really activates my almonds, m8.
Yes, the Parati, Sossinati and Aconiti were said to often raid Pisa and the rest of the Etrurian coastal towns
It does mention they came from islands.This is the translated text on Ramesses III's mortuary temple.
"The foreign countries made a conspiracy in their islands.All at once the lands were removed and scattered in the fray.No land could stand before their arms ,from khatte,Qode,Carchemish ,Arzawa and Alashiya on,being cut off at(one time).A camp (was set up) in one place in Amor.They desolated its people,and its land was like that which has never come into being.They were coming toward Egypt,while the flame was prepared before them.Their confederation was the Pelest,Tjekker , Shekelesh,Denye(n) and Weshesh ,lands united.They laid their hands upon the lands as far as the circuit of the earth ,their hearts confident and trusting "our plans will succeed"!"
Yes, but not that they fled to an island
Debated and probably debunked already
Ramses III's sea peoples inscription papyrus Harris-
"I overthrew those who invaded from their lands.I slew the Deyen(who are) in their isles,The Tjekker and Peleset were made ashes...."
It does not mention the Sherden
No, the French (Baldwin) took Edessa, the Normans (Boheman) captured Antioch. Additionally the name Norman comes from Norseman. Get off my board amerishart.
"The Shardana and weshesh of the sea,They were made as those that exist not ,taken captive at one time , brought as captives to Egypt ,like sand of the shore"
Interesting how they set up a camp in Amurru (Syria) and archaeologists have recently dug up Sicilian pottery there, Shekelesh=Sicels?
It doesn't mention that they fled, they were all captured
Wasn't Egypt's stated reason that they were amazing at fighting on the sea but shit-tier inland so all Egypt did was just wait and force them to come ashore?
how can they be brought to Egypt? if they were defeated in Egypt?
They also found an Egyptian scarab in a Nuragic tomb in the site where the stone statues were displayed, though it's probably just a coincidence
>The Mont'e Prama scarab was considered by archaeologists to be made of ivory or bone, but recent archaeometric analyses make it clear that it is a glazed steatite of Egyptian origin. Careful typological considerations showed that it is a true Egyptian scarab, picturing a stylized lotus flower and dated to 1130-945 BC
They were defeated in the Delta and brought to upper Egypt
> Wasn't Egypt's stated reason that they were amazing at fighting on the sea but shit-tier inland so all Egypt did was just wait and force them to come ashore?
No, firstly, Egypt did engage them in the mouth of the river(as that ship battle can even be seen in reliefs) and secondly, they ass blasted the Hittites, whose cities were inland and whose warriors were not to be messed with.
Egypt most probably won by simple numbers, it most likely had the largest manpower pool and Ramses zerg'd the invaders until they quit.
Even with this, Egypt was devastated.
Pelasgians, Sardinians, Sicilians and other tribes from those regions, they were in their turn probably pushed more south by Indo European tribes comming from the north and east
Emilia Romagna in North Italy had towns of considerable in the bronze age, then a drought hit in the 13-12th century bc and they abandoned literally every town, it's possible that they pushed towards the Southern Italians
That's how neolithic farmers looked like. Swarthy skin with fair hair and eyes
They were employed as mercenary soldiers by the major powers before the collapse.They are depicted as foot soldiers armed with NAU type 2 swords and body Armour.They seem to have superior foot soldiers.Since chariots were the the major powers biggest weapons,its likely these mercenaries had some sort of anti chariot role which was then used against their employers
They used Cetone/Allerona Italic Naue II swords but according to Jung they used Thapsos Sicilian like swords initially, they later switched to the urnfield influenced Central Italic Naue II prototipes
>Kill the Myceneans
>Kill the Minoans
fuck off with your misinformation
The Nordic blood andneed for subjagation and conquest.
Jesus Christ, he looks fucking 65. Is that what a diet of pure sociopathic tribalism does to a man?
It would take decades to sail to Sardinia.
Imagine being so fucking angry you destroy civilization. All of it.
I thought they had dark eyes with everything else you listed.
How come Sardinians are pale?
Because 3000 years have passed user.
>Norman comes from Norseman
They were genetically Frankish, not Danish.
it was Northmann, not Norseman.
William the Conqueror was probably as Norwegian/Danish as the average American is (blacks included).
The Normans who conquered were not vikings nor were they even remotely related to them. At best they shared a haplogroup. They spoke French, were genetically French, fought in the Frankish style.
Vikings never conquered anything.
Are we counting the Goths or the Anglo-Saxons?
Anyway the viking warrior is a meme, they were mostly craftsmen and traders. And they excelled at both endeavours.
How the fuck is it possible that we don't know who a very large group of very important people were? There must be some writings or something from them.
Deluded frog
>They were genetically Frankish
are genetically Gaulish*
Why do every Anglos(Anlogsphere included) assume that the Normands somehow ceased to exist
No, many high cultures left no written documents