>"Our age is not only the most Jewish, but also the most effeminate of all ages . . . an age of the most credulous anarchism, an age without any appreciation of the state and law . . . an age of the shallowest of all imaginable interpretations of history (historical materialism), an age of capitalism and Marxism, an age for which history, life, science, everything, has become nothing but economics and technology; an age that has declared genius to be a form of madness, but which no longer has one great artist or one great philosopher; an age that is most devoid of originality, but which chase most frantically after originality; an age that has replaced the idea of virginity with the cult of the demivierge. This age also has the distinction of being the first to have not only affirmed and worshipped sexual intercourse, but to have practically made it a duty, not as a way of achieving oblivion, as the Romans and Greeks did in their bacchanals, but in order to find itself and to give its own dreariness a meaning."
"Our age is not only the most Jewish, but also the most effeminate of all ages...
Really makes you think...
I wonder what he would do if he saw 2017
I too was born in le wrong generation, my fellow redditor
Far out, breh. I was just reading about this guy a few hours ago.
... maybe it should be noted that he was born Jewish, but converted to Xianity.
History has shown him to be wrong in many of his observations. As well as a mentally-disturbed shitbox who offed himself at -- 23 was it?
Still v. interdasting ideas, from a purely analytical, out-of-touch-with-the-real-world standpoint.
No u
spot on
fugg :(
Why is it always crybaby faggot s that complain about effeminate societies? Not once have I heard anyone with even a slight amount of testosterone say that
It's funny because it describes the alt-right and their inherited Edwardian morality more than anything;
>credulous anarchism
>no appreciation for the state and law
>shallowest interpretation of history (racialism, which manages to beat materialism in vulgarity somehow)
>entire worldview is based on capitalism and marxism
>muh economic and technological superiority
>devoid of originality but chases frantically after originality
>muh "chaste" conservative housewife
>sexual intercourse is a duty necessary to affirm themselves
I guess the MGTOW crowd is more Victorian and doesn't fit the last two.
You have a skewed vision of what's masculine. Masculinity probably means height, muscles and squared jaw for you
>The purest Aryans by descent and disposition are seldom Antisemites, although they are often unpleasantly moved by some of the peculiar Jewish traits ; they cannot in the least understand the Antisemite movement, and are, in consequence of their defence of the Jews, often called Philo- semites ; and yet these persons writing on the subject of the hatred of Jews, have been guilty of the most profound misunderstanding of the Jewish character.
>The aggressive Antisemites, on the other hand, nearly always display certain Jewish characters, sometimes apparent in their faces, although they may have no real admixture of Jewish blood.
>The explanation is simple. People love in others the qualities they would like to have but do not actually have in any great degree ; so also we hate in others only what we do not wish to be, and what notwithstanding we are partly. We hate only qualities to which we approximate ; but which we realise first in other persons.
>Thus the fact is explained that the bitterest Antisemites are to be found amongst the Jews themselves. For only the quite Jewish Jews, like the completely Aryan Aryans, are not at all Antisemitically disposed ; among the remainder only the commoner natures are actively Antisemitic and pass sentence on others without having once sat in judg- ment on themselves in these matters ; and very few exercise their Antisemitism first on themselves. This one thing, however, remains none the less certain : whoever detests the Jewish disposition detests it first of all in himself ; that he should persecute it in others is merely his endeavour to separate himself in this way from Jewishness ; he strives to shake it off and to localise it in his fellow-creatures, and so for a moment to dream himself free of it. Hatred, like love, is a projected phenomenon; that person alone is hated who reminds one unpleasantly of oneself.
t: Antisemitic Jew
>I don't get it
The alt right and Nazism is Modernity. Even Traditionalists like Evola eventually realised this.
Sorry friend but you couldn't be more wrong
Being a (hu) man, to me, means standing up for one's decisions and taking responsibility for one's failures
I only work out to stay healthy and for aesthetics, physical strength is for brainlets
My point was the following: Why ist it exclusively spineless, reactionary neckbeards complaining about 'feminization', but not men that are (perceived as) masculine (by society)
weak people turn to the absolute when the material world is too much for them to handle
Yawn, try again.
the christian dark ages were preceded by upheaval, plagues and death. rather than recognizing their personal weakness in the face of people and things beyond their control, the strength of people like attila is no longer seen as virtuous but sinful. meek morals like those of christianity are seen as powerful when in reality theyre the exact opposite.
the same applies to the weimar republic
that was my analogy.
the germans were bitter losers acting tough in an attempt to salvage their egos.
weak people turn to the material world when the absolute is too much for them to handle
the absolute cant even be confirmed to exist
it's so irrelevant to material reality that you can only define the absolute negatively. ie. everything that exists but is not perceived by the senses, so you can forget about proving it exists let alone deriving some sort of cranky mystical morality from it.
>the absolute cant even be confirmed to exist
Yawn. Take your enlightenment-tier thinking to reddit.
Wasn't Otto Weininger a jew? Why'd he hate jews so much?
Sure, Hilldawg
not an argument
Read Nietzsches geneology of morality you fucking imbeciles jesus christ kill yourselves
Where are all of the noumena, then?
das some prime kikery
Imagine being THIS obsessed with some internet shitposters that you see them in your own shadow and in every quote and statement made in history. You try to skew anything and everything to be somehow related to them. Sad!
because of selective bias and you being a megabrainlet
Well, he also shot a Jew so it isn’t that surprising
>physical strength is for brainlets
>the ability to defend oneself and perform difficult tasks is for brainlets
I'm sorry you could only reach the sour grapes, sweetiepie.
>trusting a Jew
I mean if he killed himself in 1903, he'd probably try to start a nuclear holocaust in the current year
>Selectively quoting Weininger
Fuck off, moron.
>The Jewish race has been chosen by me as a subject of discussion, because, as will be shown, it presents the gravest and most formidable difficulties for my views.I must, however, make clear what I mean by Judaism; I mean neither a race nor a people nor a recognised creed. I think of it as a tendency of the mind, as a psychological constitution which is a possibility for all mankind, but which has become actual in the most conspicuous fashion only amongst the Jews.
>Antisemitism itself will confirm my point of view....Thus the fact is explained that the bitterest Antisemites are to be found amongst the Jews themselves.The true concept of the State is foreign to the Jew, because he, like the woman, is wanting in personality; his failure to grasp the idea of true society is due to his lack of free intelligible ego. Like women, Jews tend to adhere together, but they do not associate as free independent individuals mutually respecting each other's individuality.As there is no real dignity in women, so what is meant by the word "gentleman" does not exist amongst the Jews. The genuine Jew fails in this innate good breeding by which alone individuals honour their own individuality and respect that of others.
>There is no Jewish nobility, and this is the more surprising as Jewish pedigrees can be traced back for thousands of years.The familiar Jewish arrogance has a similar explanation...
What is your reply meant to show or imply?
He is attempting to use Weininger's quote to insinuate that according to Weininger's own explanation that Weininger is somehow an Anti-Semite.
That poster is doing that to then make it seem as though according to Weininger, you can ignore his opinion or writing.
This is a gross misinterpretation and selective quoting which ignores what Weininger means by "Jewishness" or "Anti-Semite" and obviously the poster has not read the book, "Sex and Character".
>maybe it should be noted that he was born Jewish, but converted to Xianity
So nothing changed.
He's absolutely right. Self hating Jews were enormously influential in Hitler's Reich. Just look at Alfred Rosenberg
He was too pure for this cruel world.