Seriously, did you even read what Vitalik said ?
Ethereum is building oracles natively making this useless.
Do not trust me, DYOR
Seriously, did you even read what Vitalik said ?
Ethereum is building oracles natively making this useless.
Do not trust me, DYOR
>Ethereum is building oracles natively making this useless.
>there are people that didn't sell at the top
People actually thought we were serious?
Did you also read Vitalik stating if there was feasible solutions to smart contract oracle problems that it would come from something native the Ethereum ecosystem and not Ethereum itself? Are you fucking retarded?
My dad works at SWIFT and he hold me that Ethereum is building oracles natively.
I'm not memeing, DYOR.
Nice just bought 100k
read Vitalik's posts
Vitalik valuates ethereum at $14m
Vitalik is unsure about a valuation of $32m for chainlink
Vitalik loves oracles
Chainlink is providing the first decentralised oracle
Those are the facts. It was a huge buy signal when I read his tweet. I guarantee chainlink is in his top 5 most promising projects.
He's not going to praise a competitor.
Bitcoin, Dash and Monero combined should make Litecoin useless but it's at #5 market cap.
Both Ethereum and Ripple are there, there is no need for LINK at all.
Huh? There are people still holding this fucking ERC20 token here? Loving Every Laugh.
He literally never said this faggot. Stay salty that you didn't buy at 5k sats retarded chainless.
Vitalik scared of the new king
>He's not going to praise a competitor.
This made me kek. Vitalik is a genius but he's autistic.
This coin seemed over hyped/shilled from the get go. But we'll know after Sibos.
Etherium is a shittoken launchpad without any other utility than enabling ICO scams. Come 2018 when 99% of said scams end up in flames so shall eth
Vitalik hasn't made shit that could be of any real use
He said the exact opposite. Ethereum is the base layer. Functionality gets built on top of it. NOLinker begone
>Vitalik hasn't made shit that could be of any real use
Same as your mom you dumb inbred.
>without any other utility than enabling ICO scams
like chainlink amirite lmao
You may be mistaking me for a new world mongrel, ad-homie
I can't think of a single shittoken whose only reason to exist isn't to transfer crypto from suckers to scammers
Just because many manage to find another level of suckers to offload to doesn't change the scam nature of it all
Theres a couple with actual use where holders gain money without having to sell... But I wont tell you about them :^)
Just shot my dad for being a fucking bum. Thanks!
Fundamentals investors will win in the end of this diarrheafest
Uhh, who cares what Ethereum is doing. Chainlink works with other blockchains too. Weak fud 1/10.