Redpill me on Salazar. Why does every Portuguese seem to like him? Even normies like him, whereas you see complete hate for other fascist dictators elsewhere.
Redpill me on Salazar. Why does every Portuguese seem to like him? Even normies like him...
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Here are a few reasons:
-firstly he wasn't a fascist, he got rid of communism and fascism in Portugal
-Kept Portugal and by effect keept Spain neutral during WW2
-Turned Portugal from a chaotic mess into a stable and prosperous country basically overnight.
Salazar is not necessarily fascist.
Your view of the matter is skewed, of all the Portuguese I know (only 6) all of them resent Salazar.
The revolution is literally the most celebrated thing in Portuguese collective memory, you fucking brainlet.
Any sources for his 'approval' among 'normies' (kys) or are you just shitposting?
Of course there are always retards like who have a pop history level understanding of complex issues
I live in Portugal (but I'm Brazilian). Most of the Portuguese I know (more than 6) either love or have mixed feelings towards him. Only a slight few dislike, not even hate, him.
Actual Portuguese people voted him the greatest Portuguese of all time in 2006, just because you know a few people who don't like him, doesn't mean he's resented in Portugal.
And what about my statements are "pop history"? Or is that just a term you label to people you disagree with?
>don't true fascism
He banned the fascist party in Portugal and imprisoned it's members you brainlet
>whereas you see complete hate for other fascist dictators elsewhere
Who is Mussolini?
And when are you leaving.
Portugal is such a nice country, still so homogeneous. Visiting it coming from Belgium was so good. You only see Europeans on the streets.
But more and more Brazillians and Angolans are ruining it.
so what he was? a liberal commie?
If you were making fun of me I just wanted you to know that I laughed
If you have a source, why not fucking post it?
Just on a side note, why ignore my statement about the revolution? Is it not true that Portuguese take Utter pride in their peaceful revolution?
Just a right wing dictator
You have to go back, man. Your country wanted independence from Portugal and won. You have to live with your people. Respect for your ancestors.
>refuses the inevitable democratization that was to happen in Europe after ww2
>refuses to give the independence to moderates in the colonies, lets the independence movement be full of commies, and sacrifices many lives in a war that could have been avoidable
>stalls progress after the war and lets a great deal of our population go away to France
>ressentement grows so high that the fucking commies start a revolution, give our colonies to the USSR puppets and leave them in a state of civil war, and later those commies get told to fuck off because the people were fucking tired of having to live in a dictatorship, although we are still the only government in Western Europe with unironic soviet style commies in the parliament, that control the unions and now even support the fucking government
Thanks a lot, António!
Nowadays, most organisations that celebrate extremely to "the tutato" like you said "with utter pride" are left wing sectors "with uter pride" like Left Bloc and Communist Party and cultural organizations with some members to use for their political gains almost taking the role of those who made coup mostly Captains movement - MFA. It also more celebrated in those left-wing reducts too.
Centrist organisations inclusive left-centre wing, city halls and April Captains association celebrate too. Centre-right party and centrist party focus lessin that date, specially CDS/PP party. Not counting those even more right parties that can't even elect a MP.
You must also understand that people - colonist 1 million of 7 millions Portuguese suffered the white flight with the decolonization process - I don't believe that they were pleased - plus few were killed leaving the border, some lost belongings and other were raped - mostly escaping by land border.
>If you have a source, why not fucking post it?
Not the same user
>In 2006 and 2007 two public opinion television shows aroused controversy. Salazar was elected the "Greatest Portuguese Ever" with 41 per cent of votes on the show Os Grandes Portugueses ("The Greatest Portuguese") from the RTP1 channel
> A simultaneous opinion poll conducted by Marktest showed that, given the choice of the finalists, Salazar was the favourite of only 11%.
RTP itself commissioned a simultaneous poll, conducted by Eurosondagem, which ranked Salazar 7th, with 6.6% of the vote, and Afonso I 1st with 21%.
Chill out, I'm only here to get my degree and then I'll be gone.
You mean the parties in power?
Clerical Authoritarian with some Fascist elements
>only 6
what a nice representative sample
>Why does every Portuguese seem to like him?
Funny since so many Portuguese left Portugal during his years
What distinguishes the two? Franco, Vargas, and Salazar seem pretty based compared to Mussolini and Hitler, and they knew better than to spastically declare war on everyone around them, but is there a name for the way they ran things? Also, why is it that they never lasted beyond the deaths of their leaders?
That's just as meaningless as when rolling stone does another 'best rock song ever' poll.
He should have just accepted the inexorable spread of democracy in Europe and slowly allowed the opposition more and more rights. If by the end he had layed foundations for elections and democratic institutions, he would be widely praised.
He also fucked up with literacy. He simply didn't increase it enough.
That contest allowed the same people to vote multiple times using different numbers.
They are rather comparable to Greece, had it not been invaded.
This desu. He could have been our FDR, but goes down as our Hitler, for the lack of a better example
Reminder that, besides being more autocratic, he didn't really do anything FDR wouldn't do
what party was this?
The National Syndicalists, also known as the Blue Shirts.
He was a hero.
t. Portuguese fag