red=literal repeat themes
green=unsourced shitposts
Why is there so little quality control on Veeky Forums? Do we literally not have mods?
red=literal repeat themes
green=unsourced shitposts
Why is there so little quality control on Veeky Forums? Do we literally not have mods?
Veeky Forums has no mods period, check any other board and its the same.
because whether you or i like it or not, Veeky Forums is /pol/2.0, atleast during the daytime for americans. as soon as it reaches midnight on the east coast, actual good threads start popping up
>11 serious (sort of) threads out of 16
That's very good by Veeky Forums standards, user.
>no fun allowed
They are literally retard containment threads.
>what is free expression
go back to rebbit if you want "quality"
fuck reddit fags wanting to make this place their safe space
NO. It's /pol/1.5
/int/ is /pol/2.0
That's Veeky Forums's biggest problem? Not the oversaturation of Wojack images in lieu of actual image folders?
I find the Varg posts are fun. I'm not even white :)
>Meta on /qa/ only.
>All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.
reported and saged
t. Mongrel
Oh, so THAT rule has to be enforced, but not the others?!?!
This, as soon as Americans go to sleep, quality threads happen. God I hate Americans.
If you want a heavily moderated, 100% serious board then go to reddit.
This. If you're trying to get real history from 4chin you're doing it wrong. r/askhistorians has a strict moderation team full of actual historians rather than the memesters here.
>as soon as it reaches midnight on the east coast, actual good threads start popping up
That's pretty much true for every board though
east coasters are the worst
Not OP but i prefer the lawlessness of this place.
I went to reddit once in like 2007 and i never went back to that shithole, i prefer the careless memes and laughs i get here than anywhere else on the web.
Mods are niggers. This has been known for litterally months now.
>t. Caliswagfag
you seem new in this place
might want to go back or stop posting so early
Test pls ignore