Is Northern Ireland really THAT important to the United Kingdom? Why can't Ireland be one again?
Northern Ireland
Because the people who live there (mostly) don't want to be one again.
No not really, most Brits would let it go tomorrow, Ireland doesn't really want it, then they would have to deal with the mess.
Most people on Northern Ireland want to remain British
Because fuck England, and fuck WW1 for going all wrong.
Basically, who cares??
Apparently if people want to be part of a country and they have a valid reason to do so (in eg they've been under the administration of that country for hundreds of years) then as long as that sentiment continues, then the people in question shall be administered as they wish to be.
Before Unionists come in and act like they matter, it's time to remind everyone of what they are; the mongrel remainder of a botched attempt to replace an existing population with a preferred one.
The most recent conflict-the Troubles-is the most shining example of just how inept the loyalist people are.
Through harsh oppression of the Irish in Northern Ireland they caused armed conflict with them-thereby going against the sole basis upon which Northern Ireland was created.
Let us not forget that even Churchill offered a pro-unity stance and essentially the selling of NI to the Republic during WW2, and both nations neglected to inform Stormont of this until several decades afterwards.
Loyalists cling to Paisley (who called himself an Irishman and ended his life as a friend to an ex-IRA man) and "muh no surrender" as though they are a final bastion of britishness against the Irish, when in reality it's more that they are a tumour on the UK which everyone simply ignores.
When the Troubles happened, it was not the Loyalists who beat the IRA. It wasn't even the Loyalists who fought them. It was the British who beat the IRA.
Loyalists killed more civilians-and killed almost exclusively civilians-than the IRA, and had no impact upon the conflict whatsoever other than essentially ensuring that some day Northern Ireland will rejoin the Republic.
There is simply no overstating the level of denial that Loyalists live with every day. Most of us here on the mainland just pretend they don't exist except when we need to pay them out of their latest corruption scandal or clean up bodies they produce.
Well, since they're the people that live there now (and have for good many centuries) you should respect their reason to exist, surely you expect the same for yourself.
Who here /carrickfergus/
Ireland was never united, and the people living in Northern Ireland are British.
I would, had they done anything but cause death and destruction of their country and have been nothing but a burden and a danger to those around them.
The term "Loyalists caused the Troubles" is not overstated, as I said I simply cannot overstate the level of denial these people exist in.
I could make a pretty sound argument as to why the UK should be able to tell them to fuck off, without even going into what Irish people have to say.
Northern Ireland is an absolutely retarded statelet which was set up on principles which have long since been set aside.
Irish Nationalism is pretty much enshrined by law into the country, the hardline loyalist votes are not attracting enough young people and the DUP won't last forever.
It isn't "will it unite" but rather "when."
I don't like the Irish but I absolutely fucking despise the Loyalists. They had a greater reign of terror during the Troubles than the IRA and I am borderline sickened by the idea of actual British people going over there and dying to protect them.
We should never have kept them but now I can't wait to see the parasites go.
>Ireland was never united
Neither was Germany
>Northern "Ireland"
>Use bank of "Ireland" notes
>On the island of Ireland
>Northern "Irish"
You're Irish. Everyone in the world sees you as Irish except yourselves. You aren't a proper part of the UK, you're an afterthought kept tacked on to stop you causing more death and destruction in our back garden (except you can't even do that)
Northern Ireland the embarrassing secret that we pretend doesn't exist. You are absolutely unrivalled when it comes to "bits of the UK we would give up if we could."
Fuck off. You have done nothing for us beyond being machine gun fodder in World War 1, and that doesn't undo the amount of shit you've pulled that we've had to come clean up.
So when the unwashed masses of Mudslimes outbreed the English and vote to become part of Syria, surely you will respect their choice as well, right?
No, of course not, as they are not native population, and the nation of Syria hasn't any valid claim to any portion of the country. Furthermore, the Syrians who tragically have fled their country are by and large conforming to those nations that have taken them in, their children will not speak arabic. Now, some "other" muslim populations are a constant problem, and soil the narrative with their misdeeds.
Well the Loyalists aren't really native either.
The land is Irish, and was Irish far before it was English. It isn't even all of Ulster, it's just a chunk of it.
When the country was formed, it included areas that were almost entirely irish catholic just because if it had any less clay it'd be too big a joke to keep going.
People with an English/British/Planter heritage absolutely have their place in Irish society but Loyalists simply refuse to accept that they are Irish, they're just the least liked kind.
The Troubles stands out as a reason why they don't really deserve to have a say in the governance of their country.
Ireland did not exist when those people arrived as far as I know, it wasn't anything more than displacing chieftains and herders really.
the british are doing what they've done throughout the world.
quickly split up countries after leaving, and let them shit on each other for hundreds of years after.
while we get out and sell them arms to do so.
Well naturally, but if that's what we're going on then Northern Ireland has only existed since 1921 prior to which a collective Ireland DID exist, in the United Kingdom.
It isn't at all a proper country.
It was formed before World War 2 to prevent the Loyalists entering armed conflict with the Free State, during World War 2 Britain offered to sell it to the Republic in return for the Republic formally joining the allies (this was declined) and then only 20 or so years after World War 2 the Loyalists caused an armed conflict with the Irish in the region.
Every reason for which the country was created now no longer applies whatsoever. The Loyalists don't want to exist with Irish people in the UK, they want the Irish to get out; the border of NI is in many areas arbitrary and one cannot stress enough the level of artificial the "country" is.
They have no more right to it than the Irish, and the Irish who were trapped north or east of the border would be stripped of their identity and name if the Loyalists had their way.
> You aren't a proper part of the UK
lmao retard. The UK literally ceases to exist without Northern Ireland.
Why do you assume I'm Northern Irish when I'm not?
Also the demonym for someone from the UK is British, which Northern Ireland is a part of.
That's Scotland.
I agree with you on the identity of British, but many people in the region also have full irish citizenship, in fact a huge amount of those who live there have a right to it.
The vehement denying of the inherant Irishness of Northern Ireland-and Ulster-is so stupid. It will never not be Irish. The Red Hand of Ulster is an ancient Gaelic symbol for fuck's sake. Why are they so autistic about it over there?
Neither are the English planters in NI. Thanks for proving my point.
The people of northern ireland were of their own accord politically organised enough to loudly and powerfully block that home rule affair, so it certainly was a force not conjured up by the pages of treaties and agreements.
No, retard. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland becomes the Kingdom of Great Britain if there is no Northern Ireland.
your point was appealing to nativism, and not reality
>Irish want to become like this
>are by and large conforming to those nations that have taken them in
>This is what liberals actually believe
>Nativism is bad
But they didn't want their own country, they wanted ALL of Ireland to be devoid of Home Rule. The idea of tucking all the loyalists into a corner of the island only came about when they realised that Collins was wiping the floor with the British in Ireland
It wasn't going to evolve any other way, just sharing a landmass with people doesn't mean you're to be forced into organising yourselves along the same lines as those clamoring for drastic change that directly impacts you. It's not uncommon in human history for there to be splits in these things, certainly no one claims Pakistan is an artificial entity denying it's going to turn into India.
Northern Ireland isn't just "another one of those weird political entities" though; the idea of it joining the Republic aren't really theorhetical.
The only real evidence to suggest the Union's safety is:
>people still vote DUP
However the Loyalists in NI value sentiment far over practicality. NI will always be Irish before it is British, regardless of who owns it. People see Scotland as Scotland, not as "North Britain" and will always see it as Scottish before it is British-Northern Ireland isn't seen this way by Loyalists as they believe they have an inherant right to ignore the history of where they live and ignore the people who were already living there when their country was founded.
Their government is inept, their people are almost entirely reliant on sentiment and there just simply isn't a coherant argument for NI continuing to exist into the forseeable future once the hardliners start dying off and the Troubles become less relevant.
>Neither was Germany
until it got united like every other nation on this planet you retard
I dare say I think you don't understand that post.