...That CHAINLINK will be presented at SIBOS 2017???
Name one single fucking reliable source of this claim.
...That CHAINLINK will be presented at SIBOS 2017???
Name one single fucking reliable source of this claim.
This guy looks untrustworthy
>cricket sounds
Stuff those crickets up your bung hole retard, user above gave you a link
>Search for chainlink: 0 results.
Where do I short this shit
Did you check the link faggot op?
I'm getting pretty tired of piece of shit nolinks who are pissed just because they missed out. Go fud something else.
have you still not bought in? what is your problem? poor? guess why.
Google...... Is your friend... Stop fudding
Smartcontract.com is ran by sergey nazarov.... Sergey nazarov is creator of chainlink
What else do i need to connect the dots for you
He looks like maroccan filthy criminal scum that would steal your bike if he had the chance.
Nice just bought 100k
>hey everyone, heres little sergey. he won a contest we held and will now show us his work. if we could please give him a round of applause..
Can we make the cheapest coin moon to top 4 coins?
Thanks for another successful FUD turned shill thread, OP.
Come on, m8. It's obvious you're just having a laugh. No one can be this stupid.
lmao any user who is reading this now. See this tye of crappy FUD? This is when you know its coordinated by some discord. Unfortunately one of their discords village idiots decided to make a FUD thread and possibly the most identifiable hype trait about LINK.
There you go. SIt back and dont mind the FUD. Trade if you want, but it's going up; rememember that
> In this session we hear how the 2016 Innotribe Industry Challenge winner proposes to bridge DLT platforms with ISO 20022-compliant SWIFT messaging. SmartContract.com will present a live demo of a Proof of Concept where a DLT platform manages ISO 20022-compliant bond instruments, while an ISO 20022-aware Smart Oracle settles coupon payments off-ledger through ISO 20022 payment messages over SWIFT.
Doesn't get more explicit than that, retard.
Everyone who sells before SIBOS is a retard
Everyone who sells after SIBOS is an autistic fucker.
sibos conference says smartcontracts.com will be presenting
>Industry Challenge 2016 Winner
do you lack any semblance of reading comprehension?
btw, SmartContract.com made chainlink and the "proof of concept" is chainlink
>OP gets his ass thoroughly pounded and abandons thread
Nice work, Pajeet.
Because nobody has posted EXPLICIT evidence of what I asked for, so there is nothing else left to discuss.
Chainlink won't be at SIBOS 2017.
Dude looks like my lacrosse coach
big if true
I'm going to humor you for a moment. Type smartcontract.com into your internet browser. Scroll down until you see ChainLink. Take as long as it takes for you to understand what it means when it says on the SIBOS website that smartcontract.com is presenting at their conference. I know you aren't being serious, but I'm making this post because I know this board is swarming with double digit IQ imbeciles that will take your bullshit seriously.
Presented EXPLICIT evidence right here, brainlet.
>30 minutes to show their demo while there are much bigger and more important presentations happening at the same time
True if big
Heehee so epic they might as well not be presenting at all!! :D
when was the last time a presentation worked out for any coin and didnt result in a dump
>im not gonna buy because im afraid of a dump :(
Everything dumps. That's not going to stop this thing from going up to a dollar first.