Why does such an intelligent and successful ethnic happen to be disproportionately wrong with regard to political opinions? For example, Einstein literally considered hinself a communist, and Noam Chomsky still doesn't really have an idea of what he believes in, etc.
Jewish Political Stupidity
Jewish opposition of (non Zionist) nationalism isn't stupid it is self preservational.
>Why do people who are smarter than me disagree with me?
Why do you think, OP?
theyre smart enough not to believe in spooks
According to social identity theory, when a minority group is being oppressed by the dominant culture (in case of European Jewry it was the white European Christian culture), members of this minority group become attracked to ideologies and political movements which strongly attack the dominant culture. Radical leftists attacked white Christian culture the most, which is why so many Jews joined them. Now, Jews don’t support the radical left as much as they used to because they are now generally tolerated in white Christian societies (and also because the radical left became critical of Israel). But they still promote liberalism and multiculturalism because Jewish diaspora has historically always been better off in liberal, tolerant and multicultural societies than it was in illiberal, xenophobic and nationalistic societies
She's right, you know.
>Einstein literally considered hinself a communist
>Noam Chomsky still doesn't really have an idea of what he believes in
You're the retarded one. Ever considered that?
Also, anti-Semitism is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Except Jews impressed Christians not the other way around
>ban jews from doing certain jobs
>cry that they are overrepresented in other fields
>ostracize jews for centuries
>cry that they are more insular
>oppress jews for centuries
>cry that they are overrepresented in egalitarian ideologies
>attack jews for being nationless
>cry when zionism develops
Antisemitism is absolutely self-fulfilling.
>"I'm a Marxist"
I'm honestly surprised Noam can even read
Noam has been a left-libertarian for basically ever. Everything there can fit under that label.
>"I'm a Marxist"
[citation needed]
None of those are mutually exclusive.
This is true. No hate, but they have to go. They're a hostile tribe. We can't expect them to be anything other than what they are, just like us.
He's critical of Marxism. The other terms aren't all mutually exclusive.
Doesn't exist.
What's the bottom left buddy?
Einsten wasn't a sociologist or a politician, and he never considered himself as a communist, maybe left leaning but not communist
yes it does and there's a lot of material to read about it
explain how you can have an organized welfare system without a state
Left doesn't just mean welfare. It means a community helping one another and general helping.
what's obliging people to help?
Here's something that you may never have known. Did you know that under national socialism usery is banned? Did you know that under national socialism there was no Rothschild Bank in National Socialist Germany? Did you know that because the Nazis banned usery that the globalists declared war on Germany? Pretty interesting huh?
Huh. As an ancap, I feel what she says is right.
Patriotism to a thing that steals your money is just fucking dumb.
Nothing. Its natural altruism/karma that drives some people
you cooperate with other people to survive
think on Adam Smith's egoist baker example
Patriotism, while unnatural arises when a common group of individuals of culture feel threatened. Such response is valid as it in the tribal mindset. Jews have repeatedly used the tribal mindset for their advantage so I see no problem as tribalism has risen a small ethnic group to be massively over represented in power positions. Thus tribalism/patriotism is an extremely useful mindset in any society as it provides the most to its members.
doesnt sound very reliable
cooperation with out-groups isnt always in peoples self interest. universal cooperation should only be expected in instances that apply to everyone equally. holding doors for example. so at this point, how is it any different than right libertarianism?
She's right.
Also for an economic example, every business is a tribe competing for resources. The most successful tribes are the ones the one who believe the most in their tribe and work the hardest for it to be the top tribe. This is why capitalism works, it is essentially plays off our tribalism instincts.
you're just agreeing with her. you only need to have a tribal mindset because competing groups have it. it's purely psychological and there wouldnt be national conflict if people stopped pretending nations exist.
No, in a peaceful society tribalism always exists. Jews as an ethnic minority logically see the abolishment of the tribalism of the majority as an advantage. As the tribalism of the minority will always rise to the top with a non-tribal majority. This is why Jews always give each other deals and not the rest because the ones who they give deals to are part of the tribe. Tribalism of a nation like Nazi Germany saw unprecedented prosperity levels of the members of the tribe compared when they were disjointed.
>Tribalism of a nation like Nazi Germany saw unprecedented prosperity levels
Complete Bullshit.
>in a peaceful society tribalism always exists
there has never been a peaceful society and there has never been a society without tribalism, so this claim is false.
tribalism breeds conflict. if germans didnt care about "muh ancestors owned dat land gibs" the could have avoided slaughtering millions and losing even more land. so how exactly was the nazi tribalism an advantage for anyone?
look up how German Nazis were doing in Nazi Germany, spoiler all of them pretty fucking well. I was simply stating the members of the nazi tribe did well, not all people. Like I said tribalism results in the benefit of the members of the tribe, and any group of such mentality will out perform groups without it.
In a mirco scale where all members are part of the tribe peace exists. This is why ethnically and culturally homogeneous nations tend to be stable as everyone for the most part is part of the tribe. So every ideology and religion on the planet is a derivative of tribalism. Communism is simply everyone adapts to a single tribe. Capitalism is pitting tribes against each other, etc.
>In a mirco scale where all members are part of the tribe peace exists
which is not nazi germany. even if it's ethnically homogenous, there will still be conflict with external nations. even if nazi germany became a superpower, there would still be internal class conflict.
Well they achieved what communism failed and the unification of people. Those who subscribed to those ideals where greatly rewarded. So basically all Nazis got along great.