Chainlink fence sitters assemble

There are so many shill and fud posts. What side of the fence are you on? Impartial Veeky Forumsnessmen only.

I feel like the fact that the github has little action, the fact that it's only shilled on biz and the fact that the devs could barely handle their own slack means that this is a likely PND. Also they are at sibos because they won some competition. I thought they were personally invited or something. That's a bit disappointing. It gives me DGB vibes.

What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fence-goer here. It's adding an unnecessary layer to ETH. They're not introducing ease. Their smarcontract requires knowledge of JSON, so might as well be written in Solidity. Why would anyone educated enough to use JSON use LINK/GAS vs just gas?

Read that a little bit. It's by the world economic forum.

They kind of do really well at predicting shit

What does FUD mean?

Never thought about that. I don't think it's that much of a barrier desu but i get what you are saying.

fear uncertainty and doubt

... Dude this is like dejavu all over again with linkgas link shit.

I made a thread like two days ago addressing this before the mini moon.


I'm sorry, perhaps I wasn't there?

There you go. Now this is a halfway decent attempt at a FUD thread. I'm proud of you.

pasta it comrade

I'm just having good laughs from shills and FUDders fighting.
Veeky Forums has little effect on the price and LINK has a lot of whales that are easily manipulating it.
I'm just holding knowing it can still go a long way.

And just to add, everything is a PnD nowadays. It can't keep going up forever, if there's good news price will soar and people will take profits afterwards, this is true for every single coin.
Stay comfy everyone.

Don't click the link, he took my links.
It's gone.



I'll accept the honesty.
Anyways link tokens are paid to node operators to maintain trusted nodes.

There is no paying link to use the smart contract.
If entity a has a contract to pay entity b with omg tokens if entity b fulfills whatever but wants to be paid in fiat. Chainlink facilitates that using nodes

>implying I don't know how nodes work
Do not accept anything. Good luck with your "decentralization" "problem".


Really? I have no LINKs on ED but guess now I need to get a new private key.


I tried educating myself on this coin, but all the shilling and fud is confusing me. Personally I think it has massive potential if they're going to connect data from multiple sources to multiple destinations, but I always err on the side of caution when it comes to massive scale biz shilling and fud. Also Vitalik said it's overvalued, final nail in the coffin for me


Watch this video to start learning more about Chainlink's actual vision and technology being used to do so. Remember to always do your own research. Don't just blindly trust the shills.

All alt coins are pump and dump scams. You missed the pump. All you can do is buy some random alt coin that hasn't been pumped yet and hope you are both lucky enough to have that coin pumped and sell it at the correct time.

Facing Unavoidable Death

>You missed the pump.

Like you?

Vitalik is the godfather of shitcoins, don't listen to him

Sharing a post isn't shilling, but it's whatever. Link is overhyped here and most don't even know what it is or does. Come to your own conclusions and don't be some brainless zombie.

>posts a graph of a dead cat bounce from an alt coin which died shortly after

"Requires knowledge of JSON"
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about here

>posts a graph of a coin that had 500x growth and dismisses it because it inevitably dumped
The wonderful thing about this market is that you can sell.


Powerful retort.

The guy didn't say anything besides "you don't know what you're talking about!"? What the fuck is going on with you people

That's not always true.

Why does he keep pushing his finger into his ear? It's disgusting!

I don't know. Interesting question

nice, what's the source on that?

Shills user. They can't be reasoned with

and very important when determining tha value of this investment and future of the techonology.

Link is paid to the node operators, but I don't think that users of the system pay it to them. I think that it's paid out by the smart contracts that governs the oracles and their trustworthiness.

Nope, the technology can speak for itself. If it is good, it will succeed. Chainlink has something good here.

Fuck U Dickhead

>If it is good, it will succeed
>If it is good
Wait, so no one knows if it's actually any good?

They are getting ready for the biggest event of their lives

You missed the part where I stated "Chainlink has something good here". DYOR. Come to your own conclusion.

Yea, when you typed it, you must have forgotten that you typed "If it is good" right before that

>Their smarcontract requires knowledge of JSON, so might as well be written in Solidity.
JSON is literally easier than filling out an excel sheet, it's not even programming really. Not comparable to solidity at all IMO.

I think it is good, but do? Should you? That's the entire point of it all. If you have to ask others if it's good or make comments like " so no one knows if it's actually any good", you likely haven't done your own research. I am not here to convince anyone to buy anything. Buy it or leave it. Come to your own conclusions.

Fuck it I'm in. There's a lot of FUD about chainlink and only 2 devs but at the end of the day SWIFT looks like they are running with this and these people leave nothing to chance. I already know what they are announcing and it's not going to be anything that dumps the price.

I was really considering putting in 60k usd, but the github speaks for itself. Pass.

Don't fall for the FUD, github is updated everyday