Has the intelligentsia of today moved to the internet?
I have watched some videos by Jordan Peterson and it seems to me that he and people like him are carrying the torch of reason through our crumbling modern age.
I do take Peterson as a man of letters, watching his videos it's quite obvious.
Has the intelligentsia of today moved to the internet?
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1/10 user, and only because I responded.
am I the only one sick of seeing this crypto-nazi everywhere? yeah, I get it, you're a neckbeard that's angry women won't touch you, and you want a pseudo-intellectual justification for your bigotry so you can shift your self hatred to those darn ES JAY DUBYAS. go back to and never return, thanks :)
The only reason Jordan Peterson is worthy of respect is that he found a way to milk literally tens of thousands of dollars a month out of reactionary dupes.
You're kidding, but I have a friend that actually buys into the bullshit Petersen peddles.
I don't get this "Jordan Peterson is a covert Nazi" thing. Is it just a meme to troll /pol/?
Well done OP. You're doing the Lord's work.
Why is everyone who criticizes postmodernism and the way education is handled on college campuses a crypto-Nazi? There is a very large area between his criticisms and blaming the Jews for everything.
>criticizes postmodernism and the way education is handled on college
This is nothing special, Pierre Bourdieu did it too, but I guess you don't even know who he is.
Because other than playing the 'he isn't qualified to talk about x' card, calling him a crypto nazi is all they have left.
Naturally, yes. Internet, compared to universities, is relatively free still.
>I get it, you're a neckbeard that's angry women won't touch you, and you want a pseudo-intellectual justification for your bigotry
Not the guy you're talking to but even if that were the underlying motivation - how does that affect anything?
Important is not what motivates him but whether what he says is true or not.
I'm not a Peterson fanboy and I certainly don't agree with everything he says, but I am from Toronto and so knew who he was before neckbeards of the world discovered him. I then went on with life and didn't think much about him for a year or so, until i saw him again posted here as if he were Pepe incarnate or something. He is not a crypto-Nazi, he is not alt-right, he is not a bigot, and his fans are not all angry bitter NEETs.
He is unabashedly interested in regenerating male power, but not in some misogynistic MRA weirdo way. Writing him off because you saw a meme and you're too cool for memes is retarded.
He is obviously religious, but for comparison if he were a Buddhist he'd be a Zen Buddhist -- he realizes the psycho-drama going on with religion, he doesn't quite believe it literally, but he recognizes it as a system leading to enlightenment. His point is that, quite frankly, if you think you are an oh-so-smarty pants beyond and above religion, you are fooling yourself. Your religion is merely not a middle eastern sky daddy, but whatever (post-)modernist ideology you follow. If you think you don't have one, again, you're a fool.
He believes post-modernism is an internal-rotting fungus, evil really, and he is not really wrong.
He is pushing back against reactionaries you doofus.
>regenerating male power
So we can't talk about Peterson critiquing the state of universities today because someone wrote about how it should be done in the 1970's? Bourdieu has been dead for over a decade, of course it is good to draw from his thoughts, but you still contemporaries talking about this stuff as it is relevant to today's world.
And all it does is draw more people to the right. He has very reasonable beliefs, and if you keep calling him and those who agree with those Nazis, don't be surprised when those peoples' convictions trump the fear of being called a Nazi. That is your normalization that so many on the left are afraid of. By taking normal, level-headed views and calling them an extension of Nazism, you're going to make people think Nazism must not be as nasty as they've been lead to believe
He isn't. But he's reactionary: you don't "defeat" post-modernism by reverting back to outmoded modernist philosophy, you advance it with meta-modernism, the "new" philosophy these days.
>So we can't talk about Peterson critiquing the state of universities today because someone wrote about how it should be done in the 1970's?
Do you have brain damage or did you just forget the post that you wrote and I replied to?
The point is no, not everybody gets branded a nazi for criticizing education. Stop displaying your persecution complex.
Nice argument
>Has the intelligentsia of today moved to the internet?
Jesus fuck it genuinely bothers me that people think this
>you lived to see anons failing to recognize obvious bait posts
Wouldn't surprise me with how cringe worthy Veeky Forums posters get
Jordan "I make $50K a month from Patreon" Peterson is a smart guy for sure but a lot of his fans are nazi morons and he's a bit of a money hungry shill.
It just says a lot about the state of Veeky Forums. moot was right.
nice b8
>He believes post-modernism is an internal-rotting fungus, evil really, and he is not really wrong.
But he absolutely is. Post-modernism is about putting truth in the social context that created it, understanding that our notions of truth have a socially constructed component, this allows us to glean more insight from things; it's not about rejecting truth, it's about rejecting a specific notion of truth as an implicitly valid construct.
>if you think you are an oh-so-smarty pants beyond and above religion, you are fooling yourself. Your religion is merely not a middle eastern sky daddy, but whatever (post-)modernist ideology you follow. If you think you don't have one, again, you're a fool.
Um Sweety...
fuck OFF /pol/ and take your shitty neonazi philosopher with you.
>but whatever (post-)modernist ideology you follow.
Prove it.
Also while I'm at it, I'll note that this statement requires redefining the word religion to something other than religion.
He is right about the problems of western civilization but he fails to understand that there is only one solution to it.
>the western zeitgeist is so far gone that classical liberals like Peterson are now nazis
crypto-nazi is just a fast way to say someone is more radical than he pretends to be, don't take it litteraly
Looking at this thread, I think that people are underrating Jordan Peterson in comparison to academia.
The issue here is not that Jordan Peterson is Socrates.
But he at the very least he is better than this
Or look here at the great arguments by a Yale Philosopher
Both him and Zizek are hacks.
anyone who isnt a nihilist is unironically a fascist to some degree
5/10 forgot the R&M picture
your kind will be dragged through the streets on the back of truck.
t. spooked retard
>black anality
Pfffthahahahah, what a load of wank. No wonder they're so salty about getting publicly exposed and mocked. Their ideas literally don't hold up to more than two seconds of mass opinion.
Even funnier is this garbage can literally be written by a machine.
You can find Veeky Forums anons making these posts unironically.
We need a second red scare.
Let's purge the universities of these Marxist scumbags.
I don't think he is reactionary, because he's been saying more or less the same message for decades. It's just that thanks to the interwebs and the current SJW atmosphere on campuses (memword, but you'll know what I mean by this), he is now getting wider traction.
How can you "shill" for yourself? Just cause a man has more money than you is no reason to be jelly.
Insofar as all these thoughts do not exist without human brains to ponder them, everything is socially constructed m8. Anyway, post-modernism has birthed quite a lot of mutant retard ideologies, so that's not doing it much credit. I think Peterson is so triggered by gender pronouns (which are stupid, let's be honest) is because it's the state acquiescing to some new squishy mutant retard ideology. The state should be above, or out of that, business.
>MOM, I did it! I stood up to Nazis on the internet!! Oh boy, do I feel giddy!
If it is "self-evident" beyond debate and reproach, and assumed to be the "correct" outlook on the world, a set of zealously defended principles and tenets in which transgressors are viewed as either unenlightened swine at best and evil violators at worst... religion.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
eh, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are full of commie faggots, wouldn't surprise me if it's real
There is literally nothing wrong with being a reactionary.
stormfag damage control while obvious stormfag DAY OF THE ROPE posts like slide past the far right purview
>b-b-but it's okay to lie and use Poe's law for our benefit STOP QUESTIONING THINGS
>jordan peterson
>crypto nazi
Kek clean your room kid
Jordan isn't a reactionary. He just thinks religion is important.
trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...
You would love that, wouldn't you?
Pretty much this. I like Peterson a lot but he's not the second coming of Christ but he's better than most of the shit in academia
i know you're trolling but how some people can think this canuckian christfag liberal is a crypto nazi is beyond me.
They claim no divinities and lack the essential features of religion.
Sorry mate I don't need a psychologist who appears utterly ignorant of the philosophical trajectory of this century (up to and including the arguments of those he criticizes ((such as his conflation of postmodern and marxist academic thought)) and the contents of actual spiritual texts like Tantraloka, Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster, and the Greek Magickal Papyri telling me to read Jung to "clean myself up" in the psychological sense, despite Jung saying he bought the spiritual model (as in the archetypes are objectively real), or that I'm too dumb to make my own ethical and moral decisions so I should listen to his advice about ethical and moral decisions.
For fucking real, if I want "truth in chaotic times" I'm going to turn to 10th C. mystical wisdom, not some high pitched whinging about SJWs or whatever got his boxers in a wad this time.
Peterson isn’t even that intelligent. He makes good points here and there but it’s mostly rambling rubbish.
Peterson is a good gatekeeper to his references, Jung, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, German Idealism...
It's cute to me that the criticisms he levies against socialism are almost verbatim Nietzsche's criticisms against Christianity with the serial numbers filed off.
To be fair many of Nietzsche's criticisms of Christianity are also Nietzsche's criticisms of socialism.
Guy sounds like Kermit the Frog
Axiomatically sort yourself out.
Peterson is a MESS. I know I'm being trolled by seeing his retarded crypto-fascist face posted here constantly but I don't care. If you desperate idiots are looking for some right wing strongman apologist to look up to read Thomas Carlyle or something. Fuck.
What? Commies get called out on their bullshit constantly here. Like how many replies agreeing with that poster do you see?
Jordan Peterson is right that more hedonistic sexual norms lead to more sexual assault.
No, he's a scaremongering retard.
Like all violent crime, forcible sexual assault was on decline from 1990 to 2013, with a three year uptick only up to 2009 levels as of last year, according to the FBI's recordkeeping on the topic.
Drives me ducking nuts.
You can't talk about mixed market economies without some idiot calling you a commie.
1992 goddamnit.
>'haram dessert'
>no visible hijab in profile pic
>uses twitter
she's lucky her owner didn't kill her off then and there
18 (You)s, that's some quality shitpost.
1990/2 also had hedonistic social norms.
>has the intelligensia moved to youtube
Thread theme.
But the rate has been on decline, from 1992 with about 42 per reports per 100k, to 2013 with about 25.
Is your argument that 1992 and 2014 were PARTICULARLY hedonistic with a puritanical streak between?
What do we make of Alaska, pretty much conservative country with an incredibly boring and pleasure avoidant culture, what with Palin and all, having the highest rate in the union?
I think it is obvious to point out that other factors affect crime as well. There is a reason why people don't make studies with one dependent and one independent variable. And during this period we did have completely hedonistic sexual norms, which didn't change, no matter if in Alaska or in California. For example, the percentage of Americans that had married virgins is about 5% and has been so since the 80's.
And I'm surprised that you think more sexually hedonistic norms won't lead to higher sexual assault. This is completely obvious.
except the highest rates of sexual assault are in socially conservative countries, if anything your assertion should be turned around for it to be correct.
Sweden, South Africa and Denmark are not socially conservative countries.
Social conservatism is an effect of a troubled society, not a cause. There is no reason why we should not continue being socially conservative after becoming a wealthy developed country. It will stave off decadence and we will be happier and more productive at the cost of having a little discipline (which is basically nothing and sometimes enjoyable once you get used to it).
Why are you surprised when the statistics show a steady decline of reported sexual assaults for essentially the last thirty years despite constant /pol/ & /r9k/ handwringing about degeneracy, hedonism, and promiscuity.
teach me your shitposting strats senpai
SJWs and shitlibs are secular Christians, the furthest thing from nihilists.
I think Peterson is sort of the voice of reason right now and is necessary, weather you like him or not, to call out the left domination of academia and the utter shit it has produced
video related
And I always find it interesting that the people who truly hate him never have any actual reason to. They just scream that he sucks but they can never articulate why.
Its a catch all phrase communist use to describe anything that isnt communist. This isnt even new and they have behaved like this since the 30s
Yes, and their rates of sexual assault are not as bad as socially conservative countries. What has increased is the data on sexual assault and many developed countries consider 'sexual assault' things that may not be, which inflates their rate.
>Sweden, South Africa and Denmark
I know the source of that claim, and they didn't even mention countries like Mexico, which has a very high rate of sexual violence.
Does anybody outside of internet actually care about these vlog philosophers?
I never really watched any of them, and i don't know anybody irl who did, but that may just be because i'm not american. Here in the old world, we still prefer reading books.
honestly, this has been bothering me for a long time
Veeky Forums gets flooded with wannabe youtube intellectuals, and to me it feels like their fanbase are just neet americans who are too lazy to pick up a book. Should i change my opinion and not discard any post regarding youtube celebrities as 15 year old kids' rant?
>Peterson has been on the Joe Rogan podcast, Jocko Willink podcast, and even h3h3 podcast where all of them really liked Peterson
I know you will probably scoff at podcast, but the point is that these are three very popular sort of hubs of subcultures, and all three of them resonated with Peterson. He is obviously onto something. Its also really relevant to the world right now where some "dusty old book" isnt really
>Joe Rogan
The definition of "woke" gymrat dudebro enlightenment.
>valitaing internet celebrities with another internet celebrities
I think you missed the point of my question. Does anybody in academia care? Does anybody actually important, who knows his shit, care? Or is it literally just 15 year olds who never even read any old greeks?
If you like joe rogan or not is irrelevant, the point is that Joe Rogan has one of the top podcast out, and Peterson has been on there a few times and was well received by Rogan and his fans. Peterson is resonating with a lot of people who are sick to death of this retarded leftist SJW shit that infects every aspect of their lives now, to the point where even watching a football game on ESPN is ID politics bickering. Also, to think books are the be all end all of getting your point across in an age of internet and streaming and people listening to podcast is just retarded. This would be like refusing the medium of movies in the early 20th century over some autistic attachment to bound pieces of paper because mass media is somehow beneath you.
>the internet isnt important!
sure thing grandpa. You are too plugged into your matrix to realize how retarded you are actually being right now.
Since i'm a history guy, i know that all youtube "historians" are literally childrens history, with no sources, no critical thinking, jumping to conclusions etc., so i am just asking if youtube "philosophers" are the same.
You can't be that much of a torch-carrier if it bothers you when people call you Kermit
He is a decent tier psychology lecturer who has made some minor but worthy contributions to psychology. He's certainly a learned and well read individual but obviously no one in academia cares about his 'contributions' to philosophy. However that doesn't mean by a layman's standards he doesn't know what he is talking about.
>Does anybody actually important, who knows his shit, care? Or is it literally just 15 year olds who never even read any old greeks?
There's a million miles of grey area between those two things.
It is important as in: lots of people are on it and probably more people have watched those vlogs than who have read Platos Republic, but i am not talking about quantity, but quality.
>Since i'm a history guy, i know that all youtube "historians" are literally childrens history, with no sources, no critical thinking, jumping to conclusions etc., so i am just asking if youtube "philosophers" are the same.
Of course they are.
Not him but books are the greatest medium
>I mean, I've worked in television, I've worked in film. I look on it with some concern, I think the printed word is the perfect medium. I think a book is the perfect cassette. You can start it wherever you want, you can stop it wherever you want. You can run it backward anyway you want. It has absolute perfect pitch and tone and color and characters look exactly as you wish them to look and they sound exactly as you wish to hear them. It's the perfect cassette. But we have produced several generations now of people who are sloppy. They much rather sit on their asses and watch television, or sit on their asses and play computer games, then expend the effort to get themselves involved with the real interactive media, which is a book. There is nothing more interactive than a book. All of these other things that call themselves interactive, require you to sit there like a slug on a rose, and press buttons or flip switches. And I look on that as the death of intellect. I do not see Ricky Lake talk shows and television and computer games as the way out to get us a more enlightened electron. We elect people like Clinton, Reagan, and Nixon and the rest of them, because we have been taught that this is the best we can hope for. Anybody who has ever read Thomas Jefferson's works knows very well that we can have a lot better. I think these mediums are created to lie to us and keep us asleep. I think we are programmed by inarticulate conspiracies. I don't think there are twelve gray bearded men sitting on a glass mountain top, who say, 'all right, let's keep them stupid.' I think it is society's need to keep producing drones. Big business, multi-nationals, they need to have consumers. And that is what we are raised to be, from the moment we leave the womb, we are raised to be consumers of products. Whether it's twenty-seven Spider-Man comics, when the world only really needs one. Or it's a new car every year.