Would it last 1000 years?
Would it last 1000 years?
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No, because noone would have wanted to live the dark frozen hellwhole that is Eastern Europe.
>the absolute fucking STATE of Romania
So is this the Uber Magnus GroßGermanium I've been hearing about?
Romania refused to take land in the partitioning of Serbia.
Those borders are awful
It'd be lucky if it outlasted the historical soviet empire.
What's going to happen is, Hitler will die and his successors will progressively water down his policies because it's easier to work with the native populace then to genocide it and people without Hitler's ideological rigor will simply go for the path of least resistance.
This ideological decay, as in the USSR, after the cult of personality died out, will lead to inevitable collapse.
>serbia cleansed but other slavic nations intact
What the fuck is the striping?
assuming it magically beat the Allies, it would collapse the second Hitler died.
It would get economically booty blasted by america and fall apart
absolutely not.
Even if the war was somehow won, the Reich would be knee deep in resistance movements for decades to come, especially in France, Yugoslavia, and Russia, with most of the territory in the occupied USSR being outright ungovernable outside major cities.
If the Germans had to fight tooth and nail to put down the Warsaw Uprising, putting down a Moscow or Paris uprising of an even larger scale would be an uphill gauntlet in the postwar, with many of the occupied/annexed territories breaking free sooner or later.
It lasts until 46 or 47 when B-36s start dropping Fatmans on each major city
Does this retarded scenario takes into consideration that Germans would be outnumbered by the people from lands they occupy?
Burgundy/Lotharingia rises from the ashes, such a beautiful map
>Haha lmao dude the Nazis that conquered France and the USSR would be defeated by partisans lmao
>Even if the war was somehow won, the Reich would be knee deep in resistance movements
like they were in france before 1944 ?
nothing lasts 1000 years, so no.
and where does the "1000 year reich" meme come from?
Probably from the Holy Roman Empire which lasted over 1000 years if you start it with Charlemagne, over 800 with Otto.
>nothing lasts 1000 years
the Byzantine Empire
And what a glorious empire that was after Manzikert.
dat straight line
that's some american tier bordering
>nothing lasts 1000 years
The Republic of Venice
>everyone here so buttblasted about the Serbs
They did EVERYTHING right
No because you cant rule over a population this diverse with an iron fist without making some compromises, which the Nazis weren't willing to make.
> And what a glorious empire that was after Manzikert.
Do you even Komnenos?
>nothing lasts 1000 years
The Kingdom of England?
>The same entity for 1000 years
Nothing about England stayed the same but the name my dude.
>fight tooth and nail to put down the Warsaw Uprising
While still fighting on both fronts.
A Germany that can focus its entire military on dealing with partisans and cleansings in the east would only have the demographic problem for a few decades.
They would either win in the east and peace out the west or get nuked in the late 40s
Mind you few documents about what the Nazis were planning for Eastern Europe survived, precise details on the new borders they were planning may not exist.
>implying Hitler wouldn't have betrayed Finland
>implying Hitler wouldn't have taken over Sweden
>implying France would be allowed to keep any territory
>implying USSR would've kept any clay
>implying Ireland wouldn't have been invaded
>implying Turkey wouldn't have been invaded
>implying Iceland wouldn't have been invaded
>implying Hitler and Mussolini wouldn't have gone to war
>implying Portugal and Spain wouldn't be annexed
But if you want an answer to your question it wouldn't have lasted even 5 decades.
The guerrilla groups that would've resulted from this would've made Vietnam look like a playground
>stormies believe this
Read about Vietnam war
We weren't fighting 2 fronts yet we had to use the fucking draft to fight Guerrillas, guerrillas that only ever had ~200,000 people
Imagine millions of guerrillas. Even if Germany completely disregarded human rights, which they would've, it'd have been an unstoppable resistance.
>Germany completely disregarded human rights
I feel like this is enough to make the Vietnam comparison pointless.
Realistically Germany would have gotten the nuke some time between 1945-1950, cant fight a guerrilla war if the major population centers supporting it have been destroyed
>Realistically Germany would have gotten the nuke some time between 1945-1950,
It's not a thousand years since 1066 yet
>Fighting a guerrilla uprising with nuclear weapons
Now this is autism
>Realistically Germany would have gotten the nuke some time between 1945-1950
German autism was so strong that they literally invented their own version of psuedo-physics specifically because the people making actual, useful scientific progress were Jewish. Germans were never going to get nuclear weapons.
Those Balkans are beutiful. Just like was 1000 years ago
Yes but losing clay even in the German mainland by the time 999 years passed
No, in 50 years Slavs in underground cities in Siberia and Altai mountains would develop ethno-weapons targeting Germanic genes and through Jewish and Slavic agents distribute the weapons across the Reich. The Germanic threat would be removed once and for all from the face of the planet.
>ethno-weapons targeting Germanic genes
Sounds too sci-fiey, but is that remotely doable?
>Fighting a guerrilla uprising with nuclear weapons
I am not saying start nuking random forests. Nuking the major cities would just reduce the amount of people and supplies that are fueling the guerrilla war.
Though i can tell i am clearly a retard tho from the replies so pic releated is me i guess
Tactical recreational nukes, mein friend
>Guerrilla activity in area
>Destroy all the "untermensch" villages in area
>Guerrilla activity stops
Its not hard guys
>Nuke basically all of Ostland and the Ukraine's major cities
>Resettle the region with Germans
>100 years later Germans all have physical and mental defects due to nuclear radiation
>German Master Race
Historically, the resistance movements in occupied Europe were supported by the Allied powers: mainly by tieing down the bulk of German soldiers, but also through material support, parachuting soldiers and instructors and direct air support. It's also psychologically important: The resistance fighters knew that Germany was fighting major powers, if they were all on their own many would probably think twice if it makes sense to go inna woods; think of the Warsaw uprising, it happened because Soviet troops were not far away. And in spite of all those advantages, occupied Western Europe was comparably tranquil during WWII, which is why I kind of doubt a mass uprising in France.
After WWII, there were anti-communist resistance groups without any significant outside support in Eastern Europe, they never were close to endangering Soviet power.
That would still be preferable to what we have today desu
There would be no need to fight the guerillas with nuclear weapons
after a few decades the regular professional troops would surmount over the guerillas, especially as the settlement effort gains steam
You remember that guy Alfred the great, right?
>lol just fucking nuke the guerillas lmao just fucking detonate nuclear bombs where you plan to settle lmao
>Thinking that's how fallout from nukes work
The German plan for colonization in the east was of agrarian settlements population by peasant-soldiers. These were to be constructed, they were not going to move into the cities and villages of a people they saw as inferior.
>The foundation of the settlements was to be funded by the compulsory savings of the individual SS men. Each settlement was to be planned in advance (Soviet villages emptied of their previous inhabitants were to be destroyed) and was to comprise 30–40 farms, each 121.5 hectares (300 acres); a NSDAP party headquarters; a manor-house for the SS or party leader; an agricultural instruction center; a house for a community nurse; and a cinema. -
>40 million settlers
>German population in 1939 was 67million
From what ass did Hitler plan to pull out 80% of his fucking population and just move them hundreds of miles east?
Germany would be depopulated and then the partisans would fuck them all three ways to sunday
Unless they were smart and just stole it once it works.
Stupid population growth, he wanted at least four children from people and probably would've created a society capable of it.
that sort of population growth isnt unheard of
>muh guerillas
Name onr successful guerilla with no foreign support. Theres be no one left to support those guerillas. Inb4 afghans, afghans would be fucked if American leadership wouldn't be bunch of moralizing liberals and US army would be allowed to use the traditional anti guerilla measures of taking and killing hostages and concentration camps both of which Germans had no trouble with.
id rather have three armed germans then niggers and muslims
How have you never heard of china OR india?
Gaining the entire of eastern Europe kinda helps there
But Germans are already retarded and mentally deficient today. It would be the same.
>where does the "1000 year reich" meme come from?
NS propaganda.
what did the Huns mean by that?
Dude LMAO! Lets bomb our major logistic centres, this will surely stop the partisans from attacking us in the forests
Those people are probably germanized polacks living in eastern germany. Slavs are ugly mongoloids.
wasn't Heydrich saxon? he must have some slavshit blood in him as well.
No Kraut, he was an example of ideal Aryan Nordic men according to the Goebbels. Ideal Kraut should look like Jewish Genghis Khan.
No Hun, he was an example of ideal Aryan Nordic men according to the Goebbels. Ideal Germ should look like Jewish Genghis Khan.
While ideological decay (and shitty economics) will probably lead to their collapse in the medium to long run, I certainly don't think it would be easier to work with locals than to genocide them. As history demonstrates, genocide is easy, it's living together that's hard.
Would the Resistance remain a major factor if German boots on the ground left?
>Realistically Germany would have gotten the nuke some time between 1945-1950
t. man who knows nothign about the German nuclear program
>cant fight a guerrilla war if the major population centers supporting it have been destroyed
t. man who knows nothing about guerilla warfare
Not "never", there were still good physicists in Germany, and it will become pretty clear such a thing works if the Americans still nuke Japan, but their efforts are going to be stymied.
Moscow, for example, was to be turned into a giant lake.
The 'soldier-peasant" model was essentially designed to happily "retire" the Heer so that Hitler could finally fully replace them with the SS, as he had always wanted to.
>American ships arrive in Vladivostok
>Somehow supplies get into Soviet hands
>Soviets cross the massive and unpatrolable border with Germany
>Dead nazis
A Wend maybe?
Why would they nuke towns that they've already captured? That's not how guerilla warfare works.
1) The plans were not made by Hitler though he agreed with the idea of settlement in the East; there were different plans made by different institutions, the plans of the RSHA are the most notorious of these.
2) The image in the OP is only partly based on facts whereas other aspects are fictional. The Generalplan Ost of the RSHA calculated with about 4.6 million German settlers in 30 years, natural growth as well as settlers from other Germanic countries should increase that number to 10 million. However, that number was considered unrealistic by Erhard Wetzel in his commentary on the Generalplan Ost of the RSHA (Wetzel's commentary is the main source used to reconstruct the content of the lost documents of the Generalplan Ost); he thought that at best 8 million people are realistic. Additionally, 14 million out of originally 45 million native inhabitants of the selected areas should remain for Germanization, according to the Generalplan Ost of the RSHA.
God... Lebensraum was such an autistic and inbred ambition...
No wonder faggots who unironically believed in it, were bunch of degenerate meth addicts...
Why do mongoloids so much better then Aryan niggers?