This thread is dedicated to debunking the Holohoax, the greatest deception ever made by (((you know who))).
Holohoax General
Reported and saged
Fuck off
Don't worry Kike. It'll happen for real very soon.
i remember when Benny G drew that luggage lad picture of moot which caused him to get so butthurt he shut down /pol/ for a whole month
i miss moot he always interacted with the community
So do you have any evidence besides autistic cartoons?
Now do the one about how many times they've written 5 or 7 million.
I don't even get what this one is supposed to be implying. A bunch of Holocaust deniers about to crash into an iceberg and each other?
No one has ever claimed all 6 million were killed by gassing though
Damn that white woman is thick as hell
Icebreaker ships are about to annihilate 'The Hoax of the 20th Century' which is represented by that iceberg.
>Simply estimates
>Must be accurate
>Estimation that go to individual units
>No Orthodox in Australia at all
>In 1948
You Kraut niggers need to fuck off. This is why the CSA should have won the Civil War.
>Mfw you imagine the Confederate Battle Flag being raised over the Reichstag.
Really? That's your face?
>Implying that the non-Jewed Confederates wouldn't help smite the parasite if they won the 'War of Northern Aggression'.
>tfw I want to impregnate user
>mfw bought Irving's biography of goring before knowing who he was