>shitpost on Veeky Forums about g*rman subhumans and tease CSA sympathizers about Sherman's march
>decide to hop on the genealogy bandwagon and learn about my family history
>turns out my bloodline is like 90% German and all of my civil war era ancestors served in the confederate army. One was even a Colonel
Shitpost on Veeky Forums about g*rman subhumans and tease CSA sympathizers about Sherman's march
You are a born loser
kys before its too late
>all of my civil war era ancestors served in the confederate army. One was even a Colonel
How did you figure this out?
>tfw nearly 90% Anglo-Celtic (about 10% Dutch/French) with Union Colonel in my bloodline
Unfortunately, I have a few Confeddys mixed in there too.
>always thought I was a pureblood anglo dixie boy
>find out my ancestors were irish
>find out they all fought in the civil war on the yankee side
>find out one of my great grandparents was black
one of my relatives hired a genealogist who figured it out
>tfw always post about how native americans were idiots and deserved genocide because they couldn't defend themselves from Europeans
>my mom is 1/2 Choctaw indian
>shitpost on /pol/ about the jews and niggers
>23andMe test
>I'm half-ashkenazi
>I'm 40% English
>I'm 10% black
Oy fucking vey
>Ameridians are superior now
This thread is like that Ryan Gosling movie where he's a Jewish Nazi
I feel terrible for you.
>be retarded nationalist
>take dna test
>realize I am the product of every great society throughout history and the pinnacle of human development/genetic diversity
>simultaneously realize that I don't care about the microscopic twirly things inside the skin cells of backwards-ass retards who literally ate eachother thousands, hundreds, hell even decades ago anymore
>fuck now I'm out a hundred bucks
Basically how it went down
>find out im quarter jew
>suddenly feel like exterminating wh*tes
>mfw all 31 ancestors fought to advance the flag of Dixie
Wew at least you don't have any Blank-stan or Ausfag blood. That's something to be proud of
>mfw all 31 of your ancestors got BTFO fighting a war they could never win
>kill 2-3 Yankees for every one of ours that fell
>that's 58-87 fewer Northern vermin in this world
Step into my whower Yankee
I don't get it. I thought you defend Anne Frank from the Nazis and yet you are killing this poor union soldier in a gas chamber like a Nazi would.
Jude Sleeper agents, please have mercy
r8 my genes
also is there someway i can make sure none of those British & Irish genes are a*glo
>I thought you defend Anne Frank from the Nazis
>you are killing this poor union soldier in a gas chamber like a Nazi would
They're invaders who are burning and pillaging their way across the South, they deserve it.
>a*nglo or potato farmer
You like to post about the Confederates winning the Civil War and thus saving Anne Frank during WWII decades later from the Nazis.
>get BTFO so hard your entire region is only known for being bumpkins who don't know how to spell, contradictory racist racemixers, and cooking good food
I'll give it to the Carolinians for the BBQ and quality Seafood
Nigga that ain't me.
>being ashamed of being based a irish lad
>Burning and pillaging
Rapin ur churches, burnin ur cotton, freein ur blacks. Stay mad.
Well then, fuck you. Do it again Uncle Billy!
Also if I wanted to save Anne Frank, I'd just set the timer on Georg Elser's bomb back 30 minutes or give Staffenberg a suitcase of PETN and call it a day.
man I forgot about these before you reminded me
>Giving shits about what your ancestors did instead of improving yourself
how are the two mutually exclusive?
I agree, burn down Lawrence again Bloody Billy!
I didn't know the CSA was a Marxist dictatorship also.
>The Virgin Lawrence massacre
>The Chad March to the Sea
Caring about what your ancestors did is for autists. 3/4 of my grandparents and great grandparents were no-name fishers/farmers in southern Europe who probably fucked their cousins.
Have they ever done an update on what happened to this couple? I find it hilarious their kids were eating off NSDAP-marked dinner plates.
Only according to the Recucklican Party
>>kill 2-3 Yankees for every one of ours that fell
The number of CSA troops who died in combat was 94,000 to the Union's 110,000. And a significant chunk of the Union's troops (~10%) were from the South. You're literally just making shit up.
Though you have further convinced me that the USA should have executed its POWs. Doing so would have pretty much cleared the South of military-age men. Would've been good their K/D ratio too (POWs don't count apparently).
>mfw my mom's family is Northern and my dad's is Southern
>mfw both fought for the Union and my Southern ancestor literally fled North to enlist in the Union cause
>mfw Southern ancestor died in the same state he was from
how does this asterisk meme work
do you just insert it into the stressed syllable? that can't be right, g*rmanic looks better than germ*nic even though the stress is on the 'a'
It's meant to mimic text censors like sh*t or f*ck or bullsh*t.
You're uncle Billy looks like Che.
My family mainly fought with the ANV, who in many of the largest battles such as Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, the Wilderness, and Second Manassas inflicted twice as many casualties onto the Union despite inferiority in numbers and equipment. The other major engagement they were involved in, Battery Wagner, had an even larger disparity in casualties.
TL;DR, yes my family probably actually killed 2-3 Union soldiers on average.
Statistically your family probably died of disease without killing anybody.
give me the stats for your exact ancestors if you're going to narrow it down.
Would you support a Confederate-Baathist alliance?
thought it was because turks referred to their ethnic minority as k*rds, but that might have been an extension of the phenomenon you mentioned
>Dad born in England
>Shitpost about the Eternal Anglo, Rule Britannia, Dresden, Oliver Cromwell.
>"Grandma And Grandpa where did you come from?"
>tfw my ancestors got Anglo'd yet i continue to shitpost about it
>tfw say im english when it suits me or Irish when it does.
I only know of one who died of disease and that was after the war. At least two were killed Gettysburg and another at Fort Wagner, another 26 died of undetermined causes (KIA, died of wounds, disease, died in captivity etc.).
Ba'athism>>>>>Islamism by a longshot
Baathism is literally fighting to preserve their Unions against rowdy bumpkins who stumbled into a war where the best outcome for them is pyrrhic victory lel
Yeah well, the Arabs need to learn how to secular democratic government first and then we can talk about decentralized power
>Decentralized 3rd world country
When has that ever succeeded in anything other than begging for neighbors to attack?
>always despised niggers
>look in the mirror
>turns out I'm black
This! The CSA don't need Lincoln the Baathist to tell them what to do. But the Arabs would need Baathism before they can experience the Confederate Arab States.
You are an autist if you care about your genetic makeup because most of you have Ghengis Khan DNA somewhere in there unless you are inbred.
Also you probably are descended from someone who fucked children and killed and ate other people at some point way back before recorded history.
But don't worry... We are all descended from assholes.
is he immortal
The problem with Third World countries is they either decentralize too much or are centralized to the extreme. Hence why they're either constantly on the verge of falling apart or authoritarian nightmares.
Once the Arabs figure how to have elections without them descending into homicidal bloodbaths and have separation of powers, we can talk about removing the Saddam-esque rulers. Remember, American Democracy was not born overnight in 1776, it had spent centuries being developed in bits and pieces under British colonial rule and it was all only put together after independence.
>amerimutt since forever
>no ww2 ancestors
>no ww1 ancestors
>no civil war ancestors
>no revolution ancestors
You're like the exact opposite of me. My family has fought in EVERY major American War and a lot of the smaller ones too.
lieutenant Dan?
>make an account on stormfront, post anti-jewish and anti-black memes
>turns out im half black
>you are an autist
Yeah i am
>you care about your genetic makeup
Lmao that is a low standard for autism senpai im not even invested in the results in any ethnic sense i just need them categorized
>mostly Mongolian blood
>+5 nat to horse-riding but still need to grind dex for L337 recurve bow skillz
That's actually pretty damn cool man. Looks like Desmond Miles could actually exist as a person then.
You put it in a vowel so nobody will ever know how it was truly said. Kind of like what the Jews did with God's name.
>German arrogantly spouts off his mouth then loses
Yep, true to form
Is this proof that nazi are just jealous of the jewish community and want to destroy them only because they can't be part of it? (educated, tight family, ingroup bonding and help)
Yeah, except I haven't had an ancestor killed in every war. All mine's came from Vietnam and WW1 physically alive, but dead inside.
Just be American you stupid goblin
Welcome home, brother
You need 12 strength to pull a horse bow
The US is nearly completly of german descent when it comes to early settlers. Whats your problem? you won the genetic lottery.
Anglo or Germanic ancestry is best in life.
The Nazis basically wanted to become the Jews. The Sturmabteilung were pulling the same shit the Zealots did during the Judean Rebellion, starting riots, encouraging anti-Roman and anti-Greek violence, and killing any Jew they saw as a collaborator/apostate. The Sicarii were basically the SS of their time, a secretive, cult-like, organization of fanatics who had no compunction with murdering the innocent ('member the 7,000,000 Roman women and babies at Ein Gedi barbarian) and lashed out with total disregard for the suffering it would inflict on their fellow Jews (((Nero Decree))).
The Nazis have even spawned a literal diaspora now in Latin America, where they exercise disproportionate influence over certain governments given their population size and will probably be violently persecuted for it when the next series of Latin American civil wars come around and /pol/ will be shilling for Trump to bomb Brazil to save our "Greatest Rocket Scientist Allies".
There's undoubtedly some freudian shit going on with people that obsess so much over jews
My ancestor is the best! Europe belongs to me! And the crown and reichsapple in england too!
I can track my ancestry all the way back to pre ottoman times. Europeaniggers can't relate
I think behavioral psychology is more realistic.
We are born with ingrained emotions and the Jew is their "go to" meme that represents some of them.
>The US is nearly completly of german descent when it comes to early settlers
This fucking meme needs to die already
t. Anglo-American
Which regiment?
>take DNA test
> >0.1% West African
Seriously considering suicide right now.
>OP was literally born to be a traitor
>betrays his own ancestry
its like pottery
Do it.
Shitposting about the eternal Anglo is an universal pastime, no matter your roots
nothing new here
>tfw no based Bomber Harris to bomb antifa shits
back to /pol/ nigger
Back to leftypol shill
People who sympathize with the Antifa are literal retards, im sorry.
Same goes for anglo mulattos admiring the nazis.
Absolute fucking retards.
It’s okay. Trying and failing is the most German thing there is.
The problem is that jews won't let white people have what they have, a tight knight community. Jews have been forcing mass immigration on people of european descent
If jews could just keep to themselves and stay out of politics that aren't related to them they would probably be hailed as the most virtuous and greatest group of people who ever lived.
If they would simply stop the "diversity for thee, not for me" shit and leave everybody else alone nobody would hate them. The core fundamental problem with jews is they are the only religious group that only apply their moral standards to themselves. When they read the commandment, "thou shalt not steal," and "thou shalt not murder" they think they only can't steal or kill from a fellow jew. Literally no other group of human beings on this planet has a religion with a moral system like this
that hurt me a little bit.
t. german
>Blames the fall of Rome on Alaric
>blames the totality of people killed in religious conflicts following the reformation on Martin Luther
>blames the totality of people killed in and by communist regimes on Karl Marx
>blames the totality of people killed in world war 1 on Wilhelm
>blames the totality of people killed in world war 2 on Hitler
You might as well list their mothers too by that logic