You can't
You can't
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>"England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship, is England."
>the weevil scene
Top Royal Navy banter
Makes the old RN seem so comfy
*Blocks your path*
I cannot.
But I can name a more Veeky Forums TV series
A movie based 2 fictional books randomly mixing them up and changing the characters around to make it more sensible to an American audience.
Yes, it's Veeky Forums alright.
I dont get this movie :P
Schindler's List
History is the facade of perspective. Also not exactly Veeky Forums but Where Eagles Dare is probably the best WWII themed old cheesy action movie ever made.
The great opening theme also helps.
In terms of feeling? Sure, but only that. To suggest it's "historical" is a farce. Though if we're going just on feeling? Come and See, Patton, Zulu, The Bridge on the River Kwai, and Das Boot, Lawrence of Arabia, and fuck it, Enemy at the Gates.
jesus this song is so fucking good
They want to make the show about Jackson but they can't even start filming it.
Any movie that has phone booths and no one talking on cell phones is Veeky Forums under technicality. One of the reasons I like old ass, formerly contemporary, movies of any stripe is simply for the fact that I can see buildings, clothing and hair styles or tech that doesn't exist anymore.
Like the Conversation a great old film about espionage using the then state of the art wire-tape style listening devices.
If fictional characters are Veeky Forums then the Sharpe series is superior.
Nothing is more Veeky Forums than here is german
This is my favourite movie and I don't care about what yall nerds opinions
The pinnacle of cinéma
Get gewd
One of the few times I've thought that the movie was actually better (much better in fact) than the book. I thought the book was rather lacking in action or in a lot of places purpose (the whole native raft scene?), though the series as a whole is a lot more interesting because there's a lot more going on than what's evident in just this book.
What is this from?
I liked the duelists almost as much as MaC. I prefer the books easily but the movie was great. shame weir and crowe never went back and did another.
that looks like War and Peace, based on the russian classic novel. the movie is fucking insane also. it tops Waterloo's battles.
Good man
Mah man.
This is the correct answer. Captured the era in it's most natural form.
Adams miniseries is good but the historical accuracy is on par with Braveheart
>Skrip never got back to us on that pregnant Anne Frank fanfic
Name a more Veeky Forums game
actually greatest Veeky Forums film ever.
any movie with based Clint in it automatically becomes kino
>tfw no good movies about Revolutionary France made in the last 10 years in English
>tfw reading that sentence again makes me realise why
fucking anglos capitalising on Veeky Forums films with high budget
War in the East is pretty good
This one is awesome, trully a must see.
I loved that series but the leftist propaganda in it is frustrating.
Too bad they didn't find a way to put in the dog watch joke too.
Very historically accurate, yes. And awsum.
>the Sharpe series is superior
>to fucking Aubrey-Maturin
Just admit you never watched OP's movie or read the books it's based on user.
>Hoi3 but much deeper
No thanks
Lol, where did you get that? It is nothing like Hearts of Iron except for the setting.
Sorry, it's just that the nato symbols and the logistics give me flashbacks
Honestly, the command system is similar.
High Command>Army Group>Army>Corps>Division
High Command>Front>Army>Corps(depending if you want to deal with corps but most players I have seen just disband the corps they get and use armies to command divisions)>Division/Soviet Corps
But the logistics are much less autistic while at the same time being much more realistic. I am sure that it is probably a much more autistic system the deeper you go into it but really the only thing you need to know is to keep your corps within five hexes of their respective divisions and make sure you do not go too far ahead of working rail lines so you can actually get supplies to your corps.
Ah I see. What do you think of men of war?
Red Orchestra 2
Probably the best WWII RTS out there. RobZ realism is a pretty great mod as well.
The only thing RO2 has that's more historically accurate than RO1 is that some maps are based on (very faithfully) real places.
RO1 is much more realistic when it comes to general themes. Most fighting in RO1 is at over 100m; in RO2 most fighting is within 30m. RO2 has almost no vehicles, and no one plays the maps that do have them because they're bugged into uselessness. RO1 has tons of combined arms maps that are actually good. In RO1, the clunky controls prevent run-and-gun BS. In RO2, run-and-gun BS is the norm.
meh, a bridge too far is actual kino
Amerisharts couldn't understand it and the movie bombed there.
>RobZ realism is a pretty great mod as well.
The tanks and trucks seem to drive really slow. Is that historical?
I think that is just an autistic thing all mods do to make it seem more """REALISTIC"""" From RobZ to NTW3 and it is all annoying. The Problem is map size and number of units, those type of mods want to make it realistic in the sense that the battle is not over quickly but I have my doubts a battle of that size would not be over quickly. If we take NTW3 regimental for instance, the NTW3 maps are slightly bigger than the normal maps if I remember correctly but all the units move in fucking slow motion to make matches last fucking forever because that is somehow realistic. While if we take a game actually designed to be realistic and have historic troop numbers, the Scourge of War series, Waterloo and in my opinion the superior Gettysburg, both work in this comparison. The units move 10x as fast when compared to the mods because that is a realistic speed, The maps and armies are both giant So matches take an hour or two anyways without having to slow units down to a crawl. These modders try to take these games which are not simulators, and then try to make them as """"realistic"""" as possible despite the fact that the games are not meant to be like this and end up making mods that are slow as shit and take an hour to simply fucking come in contact with an enemy on a map that is tiny.
RobZ does not do this that much however and matches are still fast and fun.