Why have Germanics always been so inferior?
Why have Germanics always been so inferior?
They were further from where the first civilizations developed, so technology diffused into them later.
God I hate english so much. Germanics aren't Germans, Huns aren't Hungarians.
Heightened sense of entitlement
>it's okay for us to loot your cities and burn your towns cuz we Germans n' shiet
>it's okay for us to invade Belgium to get to France cuz we Germans n' shiet
>it's okay for us to attack the Poles cuz we Germans n' shiet
>WTF why does everyone hate us?
no plato to WE WUZ
But /pol/ told me that anyone who can't create their own civilization is subhuman
>uses a Germanic language or else no one would understand you
yeah, not because your culture is superior
thank you user
who says the top then the bottom
seriously who
during the bronze age they lead the world in metalsmithing.
these swords where state of the art in 1300bc and they where the longest in the world.
it takes a considerable amount of skill to caste bronze swords this long.
they also invented the very first brass horns.
and they developed the very first functional battle axes also
razor blades are common artifacts found in bronze age Scandinavia.
more examples of inferior Germanic culture.
the oldest buckler to date.
guess who created this civilization that enables you to use the internet?
fucking idiot!
the jews?
Those were Indo Europeans not snowniggers.
the eternal anglo?
>mfw I'm of Northern European descent but most likely not Germanic
feels fucking good
these artifacts are from the nordic bronze age culture idiot.
where did snow niggers come from, did they just appear out of nowhere? what a retard!
"anglo" the anglo saxons where a germanic people.
During Bronze Age there were no snowniggers yet. Snowniggers are an Iron Age phenomenon.
you didn't answer the question retard. where did they some from?
pic related is a reconstruction of a nordic bronze age long house and it's pretty much identical to iron age germanic long houses.
You do realize that Rome was built and ruled by blonde, blue-eyed people?
>you didn't answer the question retard. where did they some from?
From snownigger natives getting killed off by Indo-European invaders that bred with the killed snowniggers wives and later got killed by other indo-Europeans and that created Germanics in the procces of rape and assimilation?
you're a fucking retard and historically illiterate.
the indo european invasion occurred a long time before the nordic bronze age.
you're thinking of the corded ware culture 2900 BCE- 2350BCE
the artifacts i posted are from 1300-800bc fucking moron.
Whoa, so this is the power of Scandinavian education.
actually Germanic culture started right after the bronze age collapse.
in Scandinavia there was a cool period, this caused a large scale migration of proto-nordic peoples and they came into contact with the Celts. this also resulted in a decline of culture, a sort of dark age for northern Europe hence "snowniggers"
so Germans are likely a product of migrating Scandinavians mixing with Celts.
>langue germanique
il y a une raison pourquoi 33% de mots vient du français et en outre 33% du latin
White nationalists
Seems logical.
Since im a german born guy who looks like a celt womans wet dream. Kind of jon snow but taller and less babyface.
The Romans and Greeks were white, divide and conquer shill.
>Germans are likely a product of migrating Scandinavians mixing with Celts.
You clearly dont what are you talking about
Nordics are germanics and germanics are different from celtics
How can someone be this stupid?
And stop saying german to talk about germanics
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>A thousand year ago
>Present day
And white nationalists look down on Mediterraneans because they think they aren't white even though they are direct descendants from Ancient Rome and Greece.
Would like to see you trying to build anything while spending every spring and summer of your life trying to scramble enough stuff to survive the next fall and winter.
Also, Celtic and Germanic iron age towns were pretty neat.
Germanics only progressed because Meds brought them civilization, same thing is happening to Africa now, snowniggers are literally on the same level as niggers
Are you implying Mediterranean cultures as of today are superior to Germanic cultures as of today?
Nordic Indo-Europeans created Rome and Greece.
>Those were Indo Europeans not snowniggers
They carry the most Indo-European genes.
Those were Indo-European civilizations, modern Mediterraneans' IE blood is very diluted.
Even if that were true it wouldn't fucking matter when you look at the state Greece or Italy is today compared to Norway or Denmark
>norway and denmark
>countries with no historical achievements for the most part.
>their cultural output only starts to increase after a post world war boom where all the older empires collapse.
Doesn't change the fact that the Mediterranean is a modern shithole and Denmark and Norway are thriving. Even Sweden is in economic growth
thank whatever gods may be for being born in norway instead of some 3rd world shithole that was relevant a thousand years ago
>don't look back at anyone's history, just look at this current moment where we are at the top
Ok pal I was just pointing out that your picture is retarded
My point was, that if Mediterraneans have had any genetic superiority over Germanic peoples, clearly its a thing of the past
Started from da bottom now we here.
I live in the empty strip between yellow and blue zones. What am I?
>tfw civilized
Fuck off namefag. Shitposting doesn't make something true.
Wanna rethink your words m8?
>countries with no historical achievements for the most part.
what are these i listed?
you're mostly Celtic with a tad of Germanic and med.
you're a Gaul.
>this thread again
lol k
At least I'm not a barbarian...
They feel rootless and ashamed for their past so they have been constantly trying to claim based Mediterraneans as their ancestors.
Is there anything more pathetic?
>Be German
>Help destroy one one of the greatest civilizations history has ever known
>Usher in the dark ages in Western Europe
>Start two world wars
>Help start usher in thousands of unvouched refugees to an overburden Europe
Germans are a mistake.
Usually they say one or the other ackshually. Sort of like how Marxists favor industrial society, whereas some green socialists or hippies prefer agriculture and simpler lives.
Did you know that a single political coalition can be made of an alliance of people with different visions? Wow!
A true European
>tfw European side is Basque and injun side is a rare Central American featherneck
>tfw natural born terrorist
croats wuz celtic ?
Primitivists say the first. Nationalists who believe in Civilisation say the second.
Retarded image.
I would imagine being on the Mediterranean nearby so many other people (Egyptians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Persians, Hittites, Akkadians, etc.) would have been quite a good thing, all things considered.
Access to easily available trade, fertile land, lots of sun... Whereas up in Germany and Northern Europe it might have required a bit more effort- lots of forests and cold shitty snowy winters and all that stuff. Plenty of timber, which shows.
It doesn't help that the OP is bait, but it is a useful thread for talking about this sort of thing I would imagine.
If you are referring to Western civilization, that was created by pre-Christicuckiny Greece and Rome.
Wow! Genetic evolution happens in hundreds of years now and directly correlates to a nations HDI.
Science is truly amazing.
>Yamnaya are Swarthy Anatolian Meds mixed with Caucasian
>Yamnaya genes make people Nordic
You're schizophrenic, Piotr
What about Finn btw are they IE too ?
Genetically? Yes.
Nah amcient Greeks had less steppe blood than modern Greeks and Minoans had 0
These are Celtic swords, dumb shitskin
Not G*rmanic swords
what do you mean?
the Celts where considered to be barbarians.
they aren't celtic dimwit! atleast learn to reverse image search.
they are from the museum of Copenhagen idiot.
look up these sources
but muh snow niggers ended roman civilization.
ours a separate civilization and it was founded by Germanic cultures with the aid of Greco-Roman knowledge of course.
almost every major European nation besides Greece were founded by Germanic tribes.
t. too dumb to even identify a sword
These are clearly celtic swords, just look at their pommels, brainlet
You even posted a Carnyx that is a purely Gaulish thing