ITT Maps that give you cancer
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honestly, geopolitics is the biggest fucking pile of shit ever
read Mackinder's "Geographical pivot of history." It's literally pseudo-science
>Spain is Western
>Hispanic America isn't
>Mongolia is Buddhist
>South Africa is CAR-tier
>Philippines are somehow a mix of Sinic and Western
>Albania is somehow Muslim civ, but Bosnia isn't
What drugs am I on
>Japan gets to be its own distinct category, but Uzbekistan and Burkina Faso are lumped together.
Niggers in Burkina Faso still create charms and place voodoo curses on each other, they just say it all has to do with Allah now.
The fuck is this supposed to even be?
Why the fuck does "Latin America" gets its own category when they're literally just Hispanic and Luso? They should be Western. And why the fuck does the Iberian Peninsula not belong to that same bloc if we're making it anyway?
>Buddhist Mongolia
>Turkey, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Central Asia all part of the same culture as the Arabs
>Luzon is Sinitic
>Kazakhstan not Muslim
>Orthodox is a culture but Protestant and Catholic are the same
>distinction within country borders is made for Tibet in China and Serbs in Bosnia but literally nowhere else (e.g. all the Muslim parts of India)
This map is fucking retarded.
>Angloamerican sphere
>European union
>Russian sphere
>Chinese sphere
>Islamic schism
>Indian sphere
all these can be as far reaching or as small as you like :)
Better system would be:
>Arab (Iraq, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Palestinian territories, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Lebanon)
>Anglo (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland)
>Hispanic (Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, most of South America)
>Luso (Portugal, Brazil)
>Sinitic (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam)
>Slavic (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus)
>Indian (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives)
>Iranian (Iran, Afghanistan, Taijikistan, Pashtun Pakistan)
>Turkic (Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, East Turkestan, Tatarstan, Azerbaijan, Azeri Iran, Turkmenistan)
And some other regions I haven't classed yet.
Turkey is Turkic in name only. Aside form their language, their culture and history is pretty different from the other Turks back in central Asia. Similarly, Azerbaijan is also Iranians larping as Turks.
More importantly though, why are the Portuguese and Brazilians given their own category, but you've put every Slav and every Iranian together? Do you know how different a Sunni Pashtun is to a Shiite Persian?
Turkic and Iranic are language groups. People who share the same language and culture. This is the meaning of "nation". Also what the fuck are Iranians? Do you mean Citizens of Iran? Or nations who speak an Iranic language? The people of Azerbaijan, neither the ancient, or the modern ones, were or are Persians. Before the Turkic people this area was settled by Armenians and Caucasian "Albanians".
I love how you can just tell what countries he studied and what countries he has no fucking clue about just by how it selectively goes ultra-autistic, like in the Guyanas, while blandly painting 90% of the world
>Slavic (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus)
One is not like the others.
got Bali marked as Muslim there lad, its Hindu.
Mongolia IS Buddhist to be fair.
Turkic people are spread from central Europe to east Asia, from Siberia to north Africa and India. Of course every "tribe" evolved differently, and had a different history. And the Turkic people were never people of the same biological race. As example the Kumans were blonde, the Khirgiz were "white" and red haired, the Pechenegs were mostly Caucasian.
Like the French historian and turcologist Jean-Paul Roux said :Turkic is, who speaks a Turkic language.
The same goes for Iranian people, who are genetically and "racially" different.
Not the same school as Myanmar though.
there's no way that can be right
>all the little excited retarded redditors who've never read of Samuel Hutington let alone read his book.
Veeky Forums is the plebbiest board, I swear
The Turkic peoples share common linguistic and cultural origins. Also, by coincidence or something else, most Turkic nations are also similar in the modern day in that they have generally similar level standards, are Muslim, and are secular.
Which one?
Gee I don't fucking know.
for catholic nations, remember that oral and anal don't count
What makes Japan different from the other east asian countries?
>implying oral counts at all
I guess that leaves anal.
The only problem with it is that it underestimated the economic potential of North America, but otherwise it proved to be a useful tool during the Cold War
why won't this meme die
lol, why isn't Eastern Germany in this category then?
As far as I know, Czechs, Slovaks speak Slavic, not Germanic.
Hungarians speak Uralic language, not Germanic.
There is no real way to divide the world into different civilizations because cultures borrow heavily from each other and the real difference between them depends on personal perspective.
Take Europe in the OP's map, for example. The decision doesn't really make any real sense at all. The idea that British civilization is more similar to Western, Central, and Southern Europe than Greece or Russia is absurd, the only real similarity is the standard of living but otherwise Britain, and all its institutions, are highly distinct from continental Europe. I would argue that there are far more similarities between Russia and Poland than between Poland and Britain (Let alone America or even Papua New Guinea). So should Anglo civilization be considered distinct from continental Europe? Well let's look at America and Canada which both probably have just as much in common with Britain and Australia as they do with Mexico, Brazil, or any other country in Latin America.
Other civilizations doesn't make much more sense here either. I would struggle to find a single similarity between Turkey, Israel, Singapore, Iran, and Somalia. It is also absurd to say that Mongolia has more in common with Sri Lanka than it does with China or Russia, etc etc.
What do they have to do with each other?
Very different culture. The only common ground is language.
North western spain is celtic. Basque country isn't.
Why is Indiana up there
What the fuck is this meme
>muslim parts of india
what apart from kashmir is a muslim part of india?
>Japan, considered a hybrid of Chinese civilization and older Altaic patterns.
According to the author it is because of Japan's altiac heritage, still that doesn't explain why Korea is part of Sinitic civlization despite them also being part of the altiac meme. It is just all out retarded.
>Mfw the Philippines will always confuse the fuck out of people.
Why is it so hard to accept that there is a Latin-Cultured country in Asia?
No, this map is total retardation. Geopolitics in of itself is a useful lens to examine the foreign policy of other and ones own nations and extrapolate motives, objectives, and likely outcomes.
The Philippines is its own cultural identity really. You really just can't say its Latin or Asian simply. Hence the confusion.
It's Hispanic in certain aspects (save for language), its Asian (SEAsian Austronesian) in some aspects, peppered with Hindu & Sinitic aspects here and there. And ultimately its also Americanized. It's the Philippines, basically, there's nothing else like it in Asiapac.
To be fair, the confusion isn't only limited to foreigners. Filipino Nationalists trying to erase 300 years of formative colonial past by going WE WUZ TRIBALZ N SHIET is pretty fucking retarded. Not to mention contradictory to Philippine identity considering those pre-colonial Tribal states didn't see each other as one country.
Kill Pajeets and problem solved
Comparing Mongolian Buddhism to Tibetan Buddhism is like comparing Protestants with Orthodox, not to mention Buddhism is highly syncretic.
I can attest to that for India because of their women - large portions of the population are still very traditional, and it's expected for women to remain virgins prior to arranged marriage, which might not be until you're in your early thirties, so if brings the average way up.
They don't speak a latin language.
I would say they are mostly hispanic, but with asian influences.
They were under spanish control for centuries until 1898, i suppose they should still have spanish heritage.
Anybody knows if there still are spanish speaking people in the Phillipines?
>They were under spanish control for centuries until 1898
The thing about this argument is that said Spanish control wasn't as intense as the one in Latin America, which fully hispanized the natives there.
Being as far as fuck away from Main Spanish holdings, with only very few colonial Europeans arriving there, a lot of local concessions were made to the native cultures so as not to disturb the peace and in addition to ensure the cooperation of the chiefs who were either subjugated or willingly pledged their loyalty to the Spanish King & Converted.
Consider the fact that the lions share of the upper class in the Philippines wasn't made up by Spaniards, or even halfbreed, but by the Principalia, the descendants of the native Filipino nobility & royalty who converted to Catholicism and pledged their loyalty to the Spanish king in the face of the Conquistadors. Upon doing so, these people pretty much continued to rule their subjects- only as colonial nobility this time around- serving as important middlemen to Spain while retaining pretty much a lot of their cultural institutions. Chiefly native language and practices like circumcision, tattooing, and even local martial arts.
Where did you find in a abomination?
Why Brazil would not be western?
>mexico and spain have a very different culture
>but usa and spain have a similar culture
Wasn't that map made in the 1980s? Back when Latin America was literally Africa-tier, Eastern Europe/USSR looked like another planet, and Japan was a rising power?
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
It's a shitty maps thread user. You are allowed to complain. You must not put the map's misery on me, it's like if I pointed another mistake now to you as if you were defending it. Calm down.
>Wasn't that map made in the 1980s?
Try 1996
>Back when Latin America was literally Africa-tier
Latin America, for the most part, has never been Africa-tier. Latin America never experienced the kind of drastic famines that post colonial Africa ever has.
>Eastern Europe/USSR looked like another planet
lol, keep telling yourself Greece in the late 90s looked like another planet compared to Croatia, but Estonia and Papua New Guinea looked like two peas in a pod.
>and Japan was a rising power?
It was already an established power by the point of the making of this map. Even so, there's no justification for it being on its own like it is, because then it should just be in with the "west" category, because that's where most of its loyalties lie. Japan is hardly a neutral country in geopolitics.
>I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
You shouldn't. This map is shit no matter what lens you try to look at it through. Trust me, I've tried.
Aside from all the other ways this map is stupid, isn’t it silly to say that Indonesia and Iran belong to the same civilization while Latin America is apparently entirely separate from Western civilization?
>speaks English
>native language is dead
>ruled by Anglos for almost its entire modern history
>English culture diffused over time
Accept it.
He said cancer maps, not autism maps.
>Latvia is part of the same civilization as Spain
>but Latin America is its own civilization because brown lol
>also the founders of Western civilization aren't Western
This map is a joke.
India is 15% Muslim, has more Muslims than any country in the world except Indonesia.
>Also what the fuck are Iranians? Do you mean Citizens of Iran? Or nations who speak an Iranic language?
Why the fuck do people insist South America is Western? This is geopolitical alignments. For all this map's retardation, classifying Latin America as its own entity isn't part of it.
Almost no South American countries are good allies of France, the UK or USA. They've been actively hostile to them before. Years of CIA meddling has made most of those countries hate the USA. If a "civilizational" was were to break out, South America wouldn't do fuckall for Europe, and Europe wouldn't do fuckall for South America.
yes and they and they are not a majority in any state except kashmir.
>western includes Poland but not Greece
>3 for East Asia alone (4 if you include India) but the entire western world is one
>fucking Japan has it's own thingy
So by your logic, Japan and South Korea should be classified as western since they are close allies of the US.
Yeah, politically they are very much in the Western Sphere. Only in the next 25 years when China supersedes America in that region with SK and Japan be in the Sinosphere
That pretty much applies to a lot of religions tough.
Brazil had a famine that killed ~500k people in the late 1800's and the north East was plagued with a lot of drought and famine to the point millions of people emigrated to escape and thousands died.
Isn't "Altaic" busllshit?
Allow me to revise.
"Latin America never experienced the kind of ROUTINE drastic famines that post colonial Africa ever has."
As well, the point that Latin America was not Africa tier in the 1980s (let alone when this map was made) still stands.
It's been largely discredited. Now linguists think the reason why languages like Korean and Japanese are so similar is because of areal diffusion amongst the proto-Koreanic and proto-Japonic peoples rather than any genetic relation between the languages stemming from a common ancestor. Same with the Turkic and Mongolic languages.
> This is geopolitical alignments.
"Orthodox" is not a fucking geopolitical alignment. It's a map of culture. Hence "Clash of Civilizations".
Based on the author of this map I'd say it is actually supposed to be more geopolitical than anything. He's just incredibly shit at naming so he calls his groups "civilizations" and gives them ridiculously broad titles like "Buddhist" and "African." Not to say that viewing this map as geopolitical stops it from being retarded. It just makes it a little less retarded than if viewed from the POV of culture or history.
>They've been actively hostile to them before
Just like all of those wars in Europe, no?
The definition of western changes everytime depending on what countries you personally want to include. We don't care if we are western or not, but one thing is true: a good part of our culture is european-based.
Was it autism? Seriously, was Huntington autistic?
No. He's just a guy that overestimates himself and compartmentalizes reality to try fit his dumbass theory. He also seems like he's incapable of viewing geopolitics in a non Cold War lens.
>japan not sinic
>latin america not western
I don't understand.
Productive region of Europe vs Scroungers
>Little Spain (Portugal) and Spain are in the same group
>But not Little China (Japan) and China
For some reason Canada being it's own thing in all of this autism is funny.
This map is the #1 reason why any and everyone should be against draining the Mediterranean. That Italian Empire is vomit inducing.
roman autism aside Atlantropa was a great idea
>Phillippines are western
>Phillippines are western but also have sinism in the center
>Latin America isn't western
>kingdom of sardinia
how the fuck do we have accurate maps of sardinia?
No ot wasn't
>wanting to connect Europe to Africa making migration into europe 100 times easier
Fucking krauts
africa was completely under euro control at this point, i expect apartheid would be instituted continent wide
It defectors was in a way.
ok guys the haplo group meme stopped being funny a long while ago
each section has the population of Canada
>that perfectly straight line through the Amazon and across South America