India created working democracy in multicultural society. How were they able to accomplish such a feat?

India created working democracy in multicultural society. How were they able to accomplish such a feat?

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Toilets are the enemy to people’s freedom

>working democracy
>on par with China and Brazil on the Corruption Index

Hardly. However, the reason they haven't imploded is because they have a primary national identity and language that supersedes local cultures, which discourages tribalism to a degree. They're all Indians before they're Marathis, or Dravidians, or Punjabis. That's the only way for a "multi-cultural" society to work.

>working democracy
Really? Because they can elect their leaders? You see, "modern India" is relatively stable, they never had any atrocities similar to all the crazy shits happened in China nor devastated by countless wars, but their development is very slow compare to modern China, and their corruption is almost the same level. That really makes me think...

Also, India does have ethnic insurgences, but western MSM seldom report them.

You don't know anything about india. Any Indian on int would disagree with that.

>working democracy

Most “Indians” refer to themselves as their ethnicity and then nationality. Most Indians don’t even share a language.

99% of Indians on /int/ are shitposters.


India is a complete shithole and its "democracy" is basically an ethnic census. China is a much more ringing endorsement of multiculturalism.

>working democracy
Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. They're relatively peaceful but hardly a model anybody wants to follow.

>discourages tribalism
Fuck no. Indian civil society is plagued by the tyranny of cousins. The tribe as a social institution is far more powerful on a local level than the government.

Colonialism :^)

>meme tier answer
It ruined India. Now it will never be successful because it's such a blandupp clusterfuck.

>op: how did india end up as a working democracy?
Not: is india succesful?

>mfw OP specified "working" democracy so your points still moot

Because India is a country with 1st class constitution and 3rd class government.

> How were they able to accomplish such a feat?

Pan-Indian nationalism.

Same as Mexico with their line.

It is a pretty simple road forwards if you point everyone in the same direction, something the brainfucked western leftists cannot seem to comprehend, or refuse to.

There are still tribes in india?

India is not a democracy, try again. Modern governments like India are moderate oligarchies who simply claim to be democracies so they can fraudulently boast of certain heritage and legitimacy. All they've done is adopt an oligarchic form of power transfer: direct election.

India... creating anything that works.


It has to do more with their religion and mutt-mixed race than anything else.


>59 minutes of endurance


>working democracy
India is a shithole and it will remain that way because they didn't go the way of the Chinese, eradicating minority identities, enforcing a single administrative language, and embracing state capitalism. Democracy does not work in a country with no middle class.

t. doesn't know anything about india.
The indian government is extremely decentralized.

t. wangdong

they stop western toilets from corrupting the youth

>destroy your culture and heritage to become successful like china.


>india is not a working democracy
yes. because people love to follow autocratic countries

>failing to adapt to circumstances and becoming a failed state

>Democratic form of government prevents crazy shit from happening in china
>generally smart diplomacy keeps it out of countless wars.
>this means that democratic india is a failure because it is not making mad money as fast as china despite being one the biggest economies in the worlds.

>fail to adapt
>becoming a failed state
that is literally the opposite of what happened to india.
Pakistan was supposed to be the strong religious and stable state. Now it is sucking on china's teat and has been torn into two parts.

>destroying your culture

Why is this meme spouted so often by idiots? Chinese people define Chinese culture. Not some Western cuck.

>despite being one the biggest economies in the worlds.
70 years, 1.4 billion people, and yet still poorer than your former colonial master?

Literally not though, if you're talking about GDP.

Overall they're united by their hatred of the muslims, they do have some problem with the Sikhs and Tamils tho

>India is a failed democracy
>India would easily balkanize if its government failed

The fact that India is so truly united despite massive ethnic, linguistic, and cultural differences between geographical areas is a hallmark achievement for democracy. If ever something was going to break apart India it would have been demonetization.

India has the largest middle class in the world


The fact that India exists is a miracle of the British system of governance.

>We haven't finished ethnically displacing everyone who isn't Han, therefore it's multicultural

Isn't it like four in the morning over there Ping?

>t. poojeets
Your country has shit institutions


The fact that it even exists as a country and isn't one big Arab tier clusterfuck is one of the finest works of the Anglo.

The fact that Pakistan exists is a miracle of the British system of governance.

You must give the Anglos credit here for flattening and forcibly integrating the indian subcontinent with a common language, common institutions and railroads.

Anyone who thinks India is a democracy is a mouth-breathing retard.

How stupid do you have to be to think that democracy is defined by an oligarchic mechanism for peacefully transferring power from one oligarch to another and ensure a reasonable degree of popular support?

Probably stupid enough to believe that you, yourself, live in a democracy.

>India has the largest middle class in the world

mfw $2 a day makes you middle class in poojeet land

>How were they able to accomplish such a feat?

Safari suits

Pajeets want to kill each other
And their present illiterate prime minister is worst of all.
Cow piss drinker
Their prime minister and their Parliament is fully gay and homo.
That's why these cow piss drinkers support him.
Their government is a failure.
These shitty pajeets with 2 inch monkey dicks are disgusting.

Present government of pajeets pay them to spread Pajeetness on social media.

And every pajeet posting on Veeky Forums is paid up government agent to spread their agenda.

>where would pajeets spread their propaganda
>in facebook where half the country is looking for bob vegene
>or on Veeky Forums where a bunch of western NEETs collectively cream over dixie

That's a very nice safari suit, sir.


They had 55 railroad standards. India had to spend billions to unify them to one.

Thank you. You have a very cute cat.

anglos gonna anglo.
Notice how the anglos will take credit for india being a united country despite the indian union's structure being based upon the united states in terms of federal power.

Not even remotely true. According to most Western intelligence agencies they expected us to collapse decades ago and then be picked apart by India and Afghanistan.

Well now Afghanistan's gone and India's kept back by nukes so we're pretty good. We just need to develop the country now.

>paki forgets his country got bifurcated in half.
kek. Pakistan was supposed to be the israel of the continent while india was expected to collapse.

But your democracy really isn't as successful as you think, stop deluding yourself.

Let's not compare to your "former colonial master", just China(I know it's sensitive for India but you people like to compare,no?), the overall living quality in India is still behind than China, even in rural area, but the pollution, corruption you people cause are already rival with China, even worse sometime. Also your literacy rate is still far behind than China.

If you're Indian and really care about the situation, you should do something to improve it, not just piss matching with Chinese on Internet.

Bangladesh was never meant to be a part of us desu. We just included them because our government was completely out of touch with the people.

And yeah we had a lot of potential but constant coups and military over the decades has stagnated it. We've improved a lot over the past decade tho and I have high hopes for the future.

Except the democracy is the reason why the indian state exists. Consensus building is slow and boring but it keeps the state intact without having china tier purges when some leader has some addle brained idea.
And india's living quality has improved dramatically since independence. Sure there is more we can do better but it doesn't take away from the fact that we didn't create meme cultural revolutions, suppressed linguistic and cultural minorities or massively changed the demographics of outlying regions.

>our government
literally a meme made up by jinnah who wanted le epic country to rule.

Pakistan had a chance at happiness before Partition as a united Hindustan/Bharat but nope, jinnah wanted to be on his own and you all have lived and will die as such

>mfw I see this in every thread and can't be bothered giving you (you)s anymore
Stay mad you seething fucks.

Like I said, you can argue as hard as you can, but it won't change the fact that India is still a far bigger shithole than China, despite you didn't do the same shits China did. Besides, your insurgences and wars against your neighbors really are no less than China.

>get rid of the most cancerous parts of the country
>"Y-you are salty, pakistan jinnahbad"

because everything in life doesn't boil down to faster HDI growth sacrificing your entire way of life. India has been relatively peaceful starting 1 war of aggression as a result of a refugee crisis, actively finds political solutions to insurgencies like in nepal and generally starves out insurgencies before they happen with the exception of kashmir.

So no, we are doing quite fine. Yes, we could be doing better but we are moving in a manner that builds consensus instead of memeing about glorious middle kingdom bullshit.

what's there to be mad about?
India didn't have the smoothest path since independence but Pakistan has had what, three or four constitutions? how many military dictatorships? what's there to be jealous about?


>implying you weren't just seething about muh bharat right now
Did I say anything about jealousy?

no, that was someone else.
people are generally happy that the worst parts of the country got partitioned and the least worst part got freedom from teh worst worst part.

You guys can't even build infrastructure without 3000 different "holy sites" being in the way, thus postponing or making the essential infrastructure even more expensive

Your population barely has sanitation and running water outside the big cities

Your population in the rural areas have the same levels of incest, violence, honor killings and revenge-rapes as Pakistan or Afghanistan

Your holiest of rivers is clogged with the corpses of babies, yet you bathe in it.

Your development is slow as fuck, your GDP rises only as fast as your population growth, so you never improve.
And your democratic leader made the genious decision to outlaw small money thus breaking the backs of many many small businesses

India is a failed state, you just haven't realised it yet

>people are generally happy
Good for them then. I feel the same.

>can't even build infrastructure without 3000 different holy sites
no. We don't build infrastructure because of corruption, not because of holy sites. Considering the government has executed several high profile infrastructure projects over the years in power generation roadways and the like I really doubt you know too much about what you said.

>barely has sanitation and running water.
Literally false. Tier 2 cities in india have running water and electricity for the most part but service is spotty because of the distributor not keeping pace with the development of buildings.

>same level of incest violence and honor killings
Only it is transparent and the government actually works to improve it instead of hiding it to paint a facade of le strong nation.

>your holiest of rivers is clogged with corpses of babies
No, the biggest reason for pollution is the industrial effluent being pumped into the river.
>development is slow as fuck
It is one of the fastest growing economies in the entire world m8, population is beginning to stabilize and the HDI and GDP in PPP has been steadily improving over the last 20 years.

>it is a failed state
sure thing.
This is the problem with you westerners. If any state doesnt perform as you expect, it is a failed state. It cannot be that indians despite being uneducated and having a variety of cultural and linguistic differences can run a country together.
No, it is a big lie and india is a failed state that steadily does better every year while the world laughs at it.

It's time to get back to work, Pajeet. You've put me on hold for over half an hour


this is the part that I take issue with

>its not working