If God knows everything why do we need to pray?
If God knows everything why do we need to pray?
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If God knows all possibilities and all their outcomes (ergo knows everything that was, is, and will be).
The he knows what he will do and all the things he could do so he already knows the answer.
AKA God has no free will.
so he, like all dictators, can satisfy his ego
its how you use your soul, more than confer upon God.
It's for us to practice seeking His will
Because he'll know if you're not
Weak ass argument, try defining free will
If God already knows everything, why does he supposedly send us hard times to "test" us since he already knows how we will respond?
>If God knows everything why do we need to pray?
If one prays, prayer is to reform man, not God. God doesn't need prayers.
> Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.
Much like Santa, he's always watching
God and Santa have a lot in common, both are fairy tales about magical old white men with long beards chastising the average person from their white towers...
Oh lordy... I know this is a hard concept to imagine because its not readily comprehensible when you and me aren't beings with perfect knowledge.
OK. When you have free will you have a choice about something you have a good idea of what will happen, but you don't know what really will happen.
Say like Satan and the revolt of God. If Satan really knew he would be cast out of heaven and what he would go through, he may have not done it.
If he did, then well... He was made to know all things and was given an irrational set of criteria to revolt.
Maybe he just didn't care about winning etc etc.
But the point is... If you knew the outcomes of everything, you would know what you would chose based on knowing yourself and your rule set. If you didn't know what you would pick then you are not all knowing because you don't know yourself.
I mean its easy for humans to have free will because they don't know themselves and do everything without perfect information.
But if you had it and knew everything that would ever happen based on what you did and knew which choice you would take because you already knew the ruleset. There is only one choice you would take. Unless you modified your own ruleset, but you would know that you would know that you would modify your choice rule set.
Yeah its really hard to wrap your head around because we don't have perfect information.
Just imagine you were a computer and new all possible chess moves in a game, but you also wrote the code for your opponent so you already knew what moves they would play.
Now if someone wrote the opponent in stead of you, you don't have perfect information so then you could decide what to do based on your free will.
But then you wouldn't be all knowing.
To show respect & devotion
>AKA God has no free will.
Scientists speculate that our universe can have 10 or 11 dimentions.
If god exists, he most likely lives in all of them, maybe even more, because he could be from a higher universe (since he created this one)
If you think you can understand him or know what he can or can't, you're just being arrogant, like all the atheists.
He doesn't dictate you anything. Free will, nigguh.
> if you don't fucking worship me, I will fucking burn you forever
> free will
But Santa lives in a candy cane house at a location people can physically go to.
> you're just being arrogant
Theists are more arrogant as they are one who tends to claim that their God is like this or like that. At least atheists can agree that there are things that are beyond our understanding and we shouldn't play Russian roulette with unknowable.
True. God probably isn't the Christian god or at least Christians have a bad understanding of what God is due to mental limitations.
Doesn't stop them from trying to tell everyone how it is though.
A father expects to be shown humility and manners from his children, they must ask before they receive.
God has free will but is also all-knowing, so he always knows what decision is the best one and takes that option.
He actively and constantly creates every moment that ever was or is to come, and, because he only does what is good, every moment He creates is necessary and good. We may not know why.
What is even a point for us in *good* that we can't understand? Good for someone else could as well be evil of us.
Slaanesh hasn't been born yet. He won't be born until I think around the year 30k.
That is where we must have faith in the love of our creator.
Praying just makes people feel better. That’s its only function. Unless you’re being prayed for, that has been documented to make people feel worse.
>every encounter I have with the difficulties of the demiurge must be something related to God.
projecting own personality or general human personality to a hypothetical omnipowerful entity
everything could of as well never existed if you know the outcome?
Maybe it was his will to do whatever he did/does?
I ain't even religious but what the fuck were dealing with some serious lightweights here. Do you get your well thought out ideas directly from cartoons or some comedy host?
Practicing dialog with our creator helps you contemplate on your issue from a different perspective. This can often help guide you.
>"God is a white old man with beard living in a tower"
>Somehow expects anyone to take him seriously
God cannot have free will because he is perfect. For a being to have free will he must be able to choose imperfection, which God, by definition, cannot do.
Praying is like God thinking.
>God doesn't need prayers.
Depends. On a macro scale the effect of a large population praying could indeed create significant effects.
That's without delving in into the quantum theories going around (that thinking about things collectively effects the universe on a quantum level)
A anagram of santa is satan.
>God probably isn't the Christian god
You are so blind it's not funny.
Look up "Pantheism". Then look at what Jesus describes.
The exact same thing.
>person does bad things and goes to hell
>suffers for all eternity
>god knows all and knew this would happen
>still created that person anyway
for what purpose
I'm a Pantheist, and you don't make any sense. The Pantheist God is not some conscious being making decisions and judging people.
Nigga you and I know there are retards in both groups, stop acting as if religious beliefs instantly defined your common is sence
In my view the theists are arrogant
>free will is choosing to be stupid
>Source my ass
God gave us free will, prayer is an act of submission via giving up your free will so that God can assist your life
You know that that's just another part of your brain right? Just use the occult if you're going to do this.
see, this is one major issue I have with the monotheistic omni-everything concept of god. at least with polytheism the deities are generally limited, and not omni-anything really. they don't know everything, they're not all-powerful...
Neither is the Christian God, hence the New Testament.
why does he care if we respect him? is he insecure?
>If God knows everything
where is this written ?
It was established at the Council of Chalcedon with a majority vote