Did the Romans fear the Gothic warrior?
Did the Romans fear the Gothic warrior?
Goths get too much credit for "destroying Rome." They were just the vultures gradually picking at the carcass. Rome had always been its own greatest enemy.
>”hey can I shag ya”
Did pope fear the Kopernik warrior?
Fuck yeah it is.
Give this man an adidas tracksuit and flat cap, have him squat, and I honestly would think he's just a modern slav.
>implying majority of Goths weren't a horde of Slavs led by some Scandinavian chieftain
I fucking hate the “did they fear meme”, it’s cringe and annoying
When the trepan on point
Kek, perfect
So goths were slavs?
>Goths were German-
Hunnic genes
Huns were a confederation of tribes.Atilla probably wasn't even asiatic, he was born in Hungary.
>Atilla probably wasn't even asiatic
The state of Veeky Forums.
>linguistic groups determine your appeara--
Prove he was mongoloid. Protip: you can't.
Before Huns reached Europe they swallowed huge populations of Indo-Europeans.
Many original Turkic tribes were just assimilated Indo-Europeans from Central Asia who had barely mixed with Mongoloids, f.ex. Cumans who were described as blond and blue-eyed. This is also why said early Turkic tribes spread mostly Indo-European Y-DNA around.
perfect lol
He described as being mongoloid, little eyes, high cheekbones and small, jund came from siberian/mongolia and they didnt mixed right with germanics
Just curious, what's your obsession with Germanics? Do you realise that there are other groups of white people, like for example: Balts, Slavs, Celts. Why focus on Germanics?
He thinks everybody in Europe were swarthy mutts before "Germanic invasions"
He thinks everybody in Europe were swarthy mutts before the so called Germanic invasions
The Swarthy Med has a natural fear for the Nordic Warrior
I do not think that, i just said latins and greeks were black haired people with black/brown eyes
Werent they described swarthy by romans?
Many of them are germanic, if you read about all germanic migration then you will see
Any source about them?
ESTONIANS speak a mongoloid language
They could be from teutonics and vikings
>Werent they described swarthy by romans?
Just fuck off. You literally post this exact same phrase every time Celts are brought up. And I know that you already know the answer, because we correct you every single time. Stop playing dumb, or fuck off.
i'm new here. What's this?
They weren't swarthy ?
You know the answer.
What's what?
No, they ultimately fought together.
I'm a nigger so i forget things.
I love to suck big juicy germanic cock
I thought you couldn't simulate soft tissue features
also why's he smol brain?
>The Gauls are tall of body, with rippling muscles, and white of skin, and their hair is blond
>Nearly all the Gauls are of a lofty stature, fair and ruddy complexion: terrible from the sternness of their eyes, very quarrelsome, and of great pride and insolence. A whole troop of foreigners would not be able to withstand a single Gaul if he called his wife to his assistance who is usually very strong and with blue eyes
t. roman wife
They spoke a germanic language, dude
Wow, i laugh because you take your time to do this
But look at the france, they mixed with germanics yet many of them have black hair and black eyes
Just so you know, I thought this post was actually you finally having the realisation that you're a nigger, which is why I felt sorry for you and answered you.
But I've already been roped into replying so I guess I better continue.
>But look at the france, they mixed with germanics yet many of them have black hair and black eyes
And? You brought Roman descriptions into the discussion as if they were the be-all and and-all. If you're going to use what you believed were Roman sources describing Celts as swarthy as evidence that they were swarthy, then you better believe that they were fair when I give you descriptions showing that they were fair.
Realistically though, since we're not living in your fucked up fantasy world where ancient populations were either 100% swarthy or 100% fair and Germanic with no in between, the Celts were probably noticeably fairer than the Romans but still mixed, with swarthier elements as well as fairer elements.
So only gauls were fair?
Because in iberia and in brittania they were swarthy and im not a nigger so you can suck it up
>and im not a nigger
Yes you are. You're brown.
If you were referring only to Celtiberians and Insular Celts, then perhaps you should have specified that given that the Celts at one point spanned the entire continent?
Besides, the swarthy Insular Celts thing is a meme. As far as I am aware only the Silures were described as distinctly swarthy, and the Silures were restricted to the south of modern Wales.
Im light
Post proof.
He's described as stereotypically Mongoloid by Priscus mate.
You didnt explained why many people in france have black hair and eyes
If gauls were as you described and with germanic invasion, today most people in france should be blonde and with light eyes
Im on phone and have pics on my pc
Actually I did explain it. The Gauls would have been quite a bit fairer than the Romans like the French (especially northern French) are fairer than modern Italians today, and as a result the Romans would have described them as fair. They also would have had a higher rate of blondism and blue eyes, so the Romans would have described them as blonde and blue eyed. "Blonde" is also quite a vague term and could have referred to people with light brown hair as well. Ultimately they would have been mixed like modern French, with fairer people in the north of Gaul and swarthier people in the south. Both Roman and Germanic genetic influence would have been minimal overall, although Roman genetic influence would have been fairly strong in the south and Germanic influence fairly strong in the north. It's really not hard to understand.
Exactly what I thought too, lol.
In the old days, whole tribes generally did move around as a group. I don't know if there are figures on numbers, but they were probably in the tens of thousands. Of course, they would have blanda upp as time went on, making rape babies and taking local women as trophies, and some of the relatives as serfs.
More or less this.
Before Attila and that "great wave" of Mongoloid nomad expansion, Central Asia was populated by large numbers of (what we'd think of now as) Caucasian-types. Why do you think Kazakhs or Kyrgyz look less like their chink neighbours? It's now a thousand and more years later, but there's a reason they aren't as slant-eyed.
And yes, some got dominated/mixed with Indo-Iranians.
>Kazakhs or Kyrgyz look less like their chink
Is this a meme?
In central asia, they are the ones that look pure mongoloid, uzbek and turkmen look mixed
Estonian is the indigenous language (family) of forests/swamps of north-western Russia. Slavs and Vikings etc. displaced them from the vital river regions, so only marginal tribes of such speakers remained on swampy coastal areas or frozen forests. Estonians, Finns, Saami, Udmerts, Mari, etc. Just look at a map and it's obvious how the language families got split. The gaps are where the choicest land is. The eastern groups turned even more Mongoloid and the western groups turned even more Caucasoid.
It's obvious you haven't been to France. Properly black hair is rare in "true" French (not Arabs, Blacks or Italians, etc.), but obviously more common than in Sweden.
There is no connection.
Compare a Kazakh to a Chinese or Japanese. They are obviously more asian-looking today, but the fact they already look slightly more Caucasian is testament to the phenotype base that was.
And yea, the Turkmens and Tajiks, etc. are mixed with southern mudbloods. I imagine people of the region an eon ago used to look more like the lighter-skinned Afghans (lighter Pashtuns, Kalash).
There are historical records of what people in the region looked like before Genghis came along. Even as far east as in the Tarim basin, there are pretty clear reports of Caucasian-dominant kingdoms. (However, there were also simultaneously Asiatic kingdoms at the same time/place on the other side of the basin.)
Southern France, where the inhabitants tend to be darker than the north, was never that heavily Gaulish. There were swarthy Aquitanians in the south even before waves of Greek and Roman colonists arrived.
>However, there were also simultaneously Asiatic kingdoms at the same time/place on the other side of the basin
Source, afaik Asiatics didn't have much of a presence in the steppe prior to Xiongnu
>blanda upp
för i helvete det här är andra gången jag ser dig försöka dig på en variation av det här. va fan använder du google translate eller din dumma jävel?
Sorry Mohammed, I don't speak Somali.
"blanda upp" neger sperma och drick det bögjävel
Proof that Reinhard Heydrich was the most Germanic of all the Nazis.
Did the Vikings look like the Goths, or different? Were not Goths from Scandinavia?
Yes Goths are thought to have originated from Scandinavia and migrated south to Germany and Poland. They likely looked just like Scandinavians.
Germanics came from Scandinavia so they all had the same features
But some germanics got some hunnic genes, OP pic had mongoloid genes hence his little eyes
Vikings aren't an ethnic group, doofus. It's like asking if the Hell's Angels looked like Irish-German mutts.
He was a faggot homo who only got into his position by sucking higher up dicks and licking balls. What a fag.
He acted like a typical nordic,
It's spelled "gopnik"
>2 stripes
>not 3 stripes
fucking imposter
He looks like a Uralic
Whatever you say man, R*mans still got raped out of existence. Modern Italians are literally Germanic-Arabs
Well, that and having the most ruthless of plans to kill Jews, Gypsies, Czechs, Commies and other undesirables.
He was of Franconian/Saxon heritage, who are ultimately forest barbarians mixed with "Wends"/western Slavs. Not very nordic at all.
They don't even look alike.
lol he mad
Oh how you'd love that my Milanese Terrone-hating secessionist friend
I think I just saw that bloke at a Manchester pub yesterday