>claim you're superior to Jews
>be controlled by Jews
>lose to Jews
How do stormfags cope with that?
Claim you're superior to Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
>How do stormfags cope with that?
Jews are going to hell. Himmler going to heaven.
>Himmler going to heaven.
Asians don't go to heaven.
jews are smart. but its a sneaky smart so it doesn't count.
This bleached korean meme has to stop
this one is better. He looks like he'd fly a Zero into the Arizona for the Emperor
>Asians don't go to heaven.
Himmler not Asian, and plenty of Asians go to heaven. Most monotheists don't get to go to heaven due to their futile war against the gods.
>Himmler not Asian,
Res-o Hitler senpai
>claim you're superior to Jews
In what way? No one will deny that Jews are high achievers. What the claim is is that Jews in host nations are conspiring against that nation.
>be controlled by Jews
>lose to Jews
They lost to the Soviet Union, who had been purged by Stalin at that point. No Jews.
>How do stormfags cope with that?
How do we cope with Jewish lies?
Oh, we're used to it...
>might makes right, do whatever you can to achieve your end goals, wh*Tes were justified because the new worlder neo-gooks and niggers couldn't fight back
>oh also YOU CHEEEEEATED not fair shlomo!!1
What did stormcunts mean by this?
a lone wolf can be taken down by a pack of rabid dogs
put him in a jap uniform and he wouldn't look out of place one bit
>claim you're superior
enough of this wolfenstein tier meme.
the nazis may have called joos scoundrals and such but this "superhooman master race" crap belongs in 1940s propaganda reels
We don't want jews to parasite off of and destroy our societies when did we ever say they were dumb?
Jews can do be smart in Israel we don't need them here.
They even cope with pic related.
>Because they are uneducated on amphetamine and/or GHB trips when they 'study' {watch History Channel}
>How do stormfags cope with that?
By blaming the Jews and pretty much anyone but /theirguys/, seriously, it'll be a cold day in hell before a Stormnigger ever admits Hitler and his cronies ever did anything wrong
He was in a boxing accident or something and that's why his face looked so fucked up.
>that weak feminine faggot
No. It was based Skorzenny that got his scar from a duel
Isn’t it just “honourable” German rapier whipping?
Jews are smart.
Let them be smart in Israel.
how have i never noticed this?
German Aryan Nordic on the right, Soviet Asiatic Slavshit subhuman on the left.
Slavs were Germanized in many areas
Oh yes, especially in Eastern Germany and Eastern Austria, all right?
germs have a crazy inferiority complex
>Nazis didn't believe Germans were superior to everyone else
Top delusion
Fuck this hitler would have won ww2 if he was'nt such an idiot. He just had to attack the sovjet union
Why did they give him brown eyes? Couldn't they just be honest in one aspect by getting his eye colour right? I don't even care about how they portrayed his character, but changing his eye colour to fit the "lol hitler wasn't even aryan" narrative is bullshit.
>I don't even care about how they portrayed his character
As I said, I don't really care how accurate it is.
The funny thing is that with all the false flagging and deception, sense of entitlement, and victim complex the Nazis had, they acted exactly like the Jews they hated so much.