He missed the next guaranteed x10

>he missed the next guaranteed x10

Too early. I am going in with 7 links. chill.

dont have a whitelist acc.

ill buy one with the e-mail included, any offers?

Sure man...what's your offer?

Can even do KYC when needed...

Another payment platform wow innovative

missed the whitelist but I'll be sniping up low sell orders on ED

20k members in the slack

this gonna be the next kyber

>this gonna be the next kyber

this total cap is $30million, $2million less than chainlink. This shit will easily 10x-20x.

How the FUCK does comparing the market cap of a completely unrelated coin equate to a projected growth rate?

It's retards like you that I love to make money off of...

0.2 eth, i can do the kyc myself

How much with KYC?


you're so retarded didn't you go to school? obviously because it's lower than link it will go higher

Selling Request accounts, .2 ETH [email protected]

.5 with ID. Id can be used after so no need to buy a new one for future ICO/KYC.

shoot me an email address

That's fair...I'm ok with it.

darkieweb -> gmail

i have 2 accounts, i want 2 eth for the both of them.
or give your money to pajeet and get nothing.

uh.. what is this coin?

The next x5 at least.


i am also selling request accounts for 0.2eth. you can email me at idmemebuyer @ cock.li.