What peoples and kingdoms were important in this period (878-1066)?
What peoples and kingdoms were important in this period (878-1066)?
Nubian kings were the original British
Roman Empire, Bulgaria, Norman's, Arabs
You know, the ones not in this game
The point of the game is to focus on a specific place as well as time, the place in this case being (obviously) the British Isles. I believe the main factions will be various Norse, Saxon and Gaelic kangdoms
welsh kingdoms and scotland, though they we'rent doing much through this entire period
Anglo Saxons, recently unified under Alfred, crowning himself king of the Anglo Saxons
the Norse - vikings that btfo
video game.
>Gaelic king is just wearing leather with wool
How do you fuck up the aesthetic so much?
I first thought that the guy on the left was wearing some slick sunglasses.
>not doing the civil war
We allready had viking invasion with charlemagne.
Goddamn useless!
Wessex would be the most important Kingdom with Alfred and Athelstan being the most prominent rulers.
The biggest ones were:
The Franks (I'm considering here both the German and French noblemen as Franks)
The Greeks
After that:
The Andalusians
The "Danes"
The Normans
The Hungarians
That's a very Byzantine-centric view.
Franks were Germanic not French
>muh Vikings
>muh Saxons
Fuck's sake, not again.
Yes, but the Capets and other nobles of the Kingdom of France were Franks (other than the Normans).
>it's another spearmannii episode
Good Rome 2 fucking when?
>Focuses on Anglo-Saxons and Danes
>Not Anglo-Saxons and Romano-British
The Tang Dynasty
Strathclyde will be based
I think 1066 was when William the Conqueror invaded England
whose that?
My Gaulish(Read Frankish) ancestors slaughtered your g*rmanic ancestors
>Gaulish(Read Frankish)
>More spears
>More vikings
>More of the same old shit
I really wish the series would think about doing the 17th century, or even rehashing the line battles of the 1700s/1800s (something they put absolutely zero effort into in Empire and Napoleon). I'm so sick of fucking angry Germanics hacking at each other in a shieldwall. It got old very quickly in Attila and Charlemagne
wre in attila is ok roster but part of the fun is playing someone like stilicho its not that boring
He was the Duke of Normandy and the first
Norman King of Brittanya
They would have to revise their army system to effectively make 1700s.
I think a 30 unit cap so we can build out triangular and dual regiments in sufficient bulk to make it feel like a whole division on the small end and a corps on the large end. 1000 man regiments would also help.
Was Alfred the great, really that great? Does anyone know what he was like as a military leader?
Hi dominicuck
Which civil war?
Instead of having a cool Total War game set in the Renaissance era, we got a spinoff about some boring snowniggers with shit culture. Disappointing.
eras that total war hasnt touched
>early victorian
>late victorian
>early 18th century
>17th century
but from now on apparently all we're getting is retards with swords and fucking warhammer
my brother, why are there no renaissance total war games? personally i think it laziness
>Early 18th Century.
That was Empire. Empire starts in the year 1700.
Are you whingers actually interested in Total War? It's not exactly news that this title is just a standalone spinoff and the next major historical title is apparently an era they haven't touched before.
Love how greasy the “oily byz” is
my bad
Your loss.
The Video Game Industry is convinced that the only historicals that sell are Roman/Spartan-Samurai-Knight-Viking
Just look at the lukewarm reception Empire & Napoleon got because of plebs who couldn't understand the period. What more pike & shot.
They said they're making 3 new titles, and they've already announced 2, those being this Viking spinoff and the Rome 2 DLC. It's more than likely the next standalone game will be set in the renaissance.
Pike and shoot will always have a important place in my heart
Anyways napoleon didn't sell that well because single player was shit
Haven't played empire so i can't say anything about that
Empire didn't get a good reception because the game was fucking broken and the warscape engine is trash
>no fucking cavalry: the game
Also Bronze age.
Since they chose the most boring and bland era for the next game, I personally hope the next will be Bronze or 30 years war
Britain was getting btfo by the Vikangz at this time
I would like either a pike and shot game or a fucking total war that isn't eurocentric or in weebland.
Had to control F to see if anyone had posted this. Strathclyde are my favourite kingdom of Yr Hen Ogledd. Probably because of their longevity.
Don't forget British
I would trade OP's right nut for a Bronze Age TW
Do I get to play as the king who was promised?
Asking for a friend.
Don't really recall what source I got this from, I think it might have been his assistant, but he had crohn's disease, preffered axes to swords, and was more of a strategist than an anything.
Why do you ignore the Picts?
He's a big guy
only in your imagination with the aid of vidya wizardry, you only get to play the cuck who was caged IRL
>groups of millions of humans are as simple as a stick
>stick analogy
bravo abos
The real -aboos are the figurative and literal children ignoring historiography
life is suffering
t. Giorgio Papadopoulos
t. Günther Osmanoglu
Paradox games are better. Victoria 2 and CK2 are all you need. Torrent them all and have a good time, lads.
Paradox games hurt my soul because they're usually such a heap of wasted potential and bad decisions
>Franks were Germanic not French
The French kingdom was literally named after the Franks retard.
>The French kingdom was literally named after the Franks retard.
In a way, you are both right.
The Franks were Germanic, not Celtic like most of the French are.
At the same time, you are right in that they were part of France (and Germany) by the time of Charlemagne. As you have said, France is called France, not Galia. Just like the Norman Kings of Sicily could be considered Sicilians after a while, even if they were not Greek.
You've posted this exact post before
I'm pretty sure I didn't
>wanting more generic swords and spears except this time covering a smaller area and with less diverse rosters
Is there a TW fanbase more retarded than bronzeboos?
The Civil War bois are the worst
>two factions (maybe 4 if Mexico and Canada are available)
>0 balance
>little variance in unit rosters
>incapable of destroying infrastructure in TW so it’s a completely false experience
Civil War would only work as a historical snapshot game for a Victorian TW.
>Bitching because people enjoy periods of history you don't like
Wasn't it the Vikings that got their shit pushed in by Wessex
A TW game set in the Victorian age would be GOAT
>able to rise up as Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to become a world power
>able to take advantage of the American Civil war to make your own Manifest Destiny
>the mad scramble for Africa
Victorian era and 30 years war are literally the only reasonable options right now Medieval III would be nice too. But iam sure they will come with Warhammer III or some autistic bullshit again.
>able to rise up as Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to become a world power
>Implying Taiping wont just be an emerging faction soley for the use for the Ai and Players to take advantege of China.
>implyinh the units wont will be accurate at all and not just copypaste of Qing Units despite a whole site dedicated to the Taiping.
If paracucks can't make Taiping interesting then neither will CA
Bad """"""""" news"""""""""", Warhammer has been a 3 game cycle for a long time. The next full historical game is an era they haven't touched before though.
>0 balance
What do you mean?
I know what you mean, in a way. It's more fun to play multiplayer with your friends since you aren't held down by the "thoughts" of an AI. At least on decision making fronts, that is.
barely organized military under an agrarian economic system versus an industrial economy with an organized military
>historic battle of koniggratz