>Wake up at 10AM
>Snort some adderall
>Day trade until 5:00PM, making mad gains
>Smoke some weed and play vidya till 10PM
>Drink some Alcohol and go party with friends till 2AM
>Pop a pill of Ambien and head to bed
Post your daily schedules here
sounds shitty
Comfy schedule user
>sucking big pharmas cock this hard
>wake up 6am go to the gym, eat then breakfast
>read up on the days lecture or group project
>head to uni
>come back at 4pm, lose money daytrading for a few hours
>try to repress suicidal thoughts until 11pm
>fall asleep
doing addy that early would make me real tired by around 9pm
>not snorting coke
The Nazis didn't mind some stimulants, what makes you? That ambien probably isn't the best for you OP, just pick up some heavy indica
Is coke worth trying? I'm scared of getting a panic attack or a heart attack or some shit.
1000% comfy
It's really, really unhealthy to do it. Don't do it, it's a meme.
Btw i was just larping, here's my real schedule:
>Wake up at 9AM, head to work
>Go to class at 5:30PM and get back home around 8PM
>Study/Finish assignments until 10PM
>Play games till 1AM
>Go to bed
it's ogre for you user
this is actually my schedule
>wake up at 10 am
>fuck around on internet or do assignments until class
>classes for 2-3 hours
>come home and shitpost or daytrade
If there's an exam coming up I'll study a few days before
being a freshman sure is comfy
Join a club user, don't become a faggot like me
Try it, but don't buy it. Imo adderall/dexedrine feel wayy better
>wake up at 9
>get a shower and listen to a book/video/fox news/biz
>make brotein shake
>drive somewhere to help parents
>open blockfolio
>200% gains overnight
>go to bed at midnight after watching Homicide Hunter and learning how to prevent my unpreventable death
>wake up at 8/10 AM
>check blockfolio
>check blockfolio/lunch
>read/browse crypto news
>check blockfolio
>blaze it up
>play videogames till 1AM while checking blockfolio
>repeat until LINK/OMG blow up
That's disgusting. I like adderall and weed too but you're just killing so many braincells if you do all that shit daily.
Ehh really adderall is the only bad thing. Weed will just make you lazy if you let it, but adderall daily will fuck up your dopamine receptors and you'll slowly start to only feel satisfied from dosing. You'll also lose all energy and a will to do anything unless you take it.
how hard is modafinil to get?
Adrafinil doesnt need a subscription, take occasionally as it is hard on your liver when it metabolizes into modafinil
>wake up at 6:00 am
>Work until 10pm
>hodl coins in hopes of leaving this shithole minimum wage job
fuck lads, i can't do this much longer
It's very easy you literally just google it. Have a look on plebbit to check reviews of vendors. Modafinil cat used to be the easiest to use but they shut down earlier in year.
I start work at 7am and get one day off a week if i'm lucky like today
LOL! your frog is wearing a BIRTHDAY CAP!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL XD Hahahahahaha Xd
>wake up 6am
>go to gym
>shower at gym
>class at 9am
>eat at 11am
>class for the rest of day until 5pm most days
>library doing assignments and reports till 9pm
>go home
>check bittrex to see what coins i need to buy/sell
>wack it and go to sleep at 12pm
Very similar OP/
>wake up noon
>snort adderall
>smoke weed and daytrade but until 2AM
>pop a klonopin
>watch my favorite anime until 4am
I've done coke a few times. Everyone says it's overrated but I wholeheartedly agree, you have insane euphoria and you feel ridiculously confident. On coke I'd be convinced I could easily fuck a model. Worth it. Makes it a lot easier to get bitches at parties. Don't abuse it though, shit is terrible for you. Once a month or less.
>Wake up around 11
>Check blockfolio
>Drink water, swim, work on tan
>drink preworkout and eat
>look at crowdsourced coins and choose best one
>workout, swim, chill, eat do whatever I want till sleep where I decide to sell or hold while asleepm
I meant to say disagree
prefer meth or adderal to coke. coke last too short, too expensive, too cut, too much edge
where the fuck is the cocaine u loser
What is it with you Americans needing a pill or a drug just to function normally?
All the chemicals we've been exposed to have destroyed all normal functions.
the jews poisoned us
Damn, head up
Imagine being this new