What's your ideology, Veeky Forums?
What's your ideology, Veeky Forums?
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Catholic Traditionalist Monarchist Pan-hispanist
Unite the Spanish America under the King again.
According to this I'm a left leaning Libertarian. Not sure how accurate that is though.
A lot of monarchists here, if the poll is to be believed. Then again, I suppose our experiment with democracy is a rather short one, when you take all of human history into account.
>let's get together and compliment each other's spooks
I put "monarchist" on the poll, as a generic "if you want a monarch of any type, this is your answer" answer.
>there's literally some faglord changing IP and choosing "Monarchist" over and over
Even if he is, he's right you know.
>being a socialist unironically
Gnostic transhumanist environmentalist meritocratic (as opposed to democratic) technocrat with conservative libertarian social policy and fascist economic policy
If you're honestly surprised that Veeky Forums of all places would have a lot of monarchists then you haven't been here long enough.
Jesus you put way yoo much thought into your political beliefs.
your list is missing something honey
Other: Apathy.
I pray nightly for Queen Elizabeth to fire literally everyone in Parliament and keep holding elections until they are all her lackeys and the Monarchy is back in full control.
At this point I dont even think there would be much opposition to it.
Secular neoliberal capitalism, similar to what the USA has been running the past couple decades but slightly less interventionist and with a slightly larger social safety net (the current healthcare system really is just a gigantic waste).
then she dies and is succeeded by le protector of the faith(s)
Spoiler: Your ideology is what you'd actually vote for
>tfw no Catholic king to rule over the US
I can dream, right? I'd even take a Spaniard from Spain if it got us there.
I wonder how far west we would have expanded if we never rebelled against the English crown.
Where's my Anarcho-Mercantilism?
And where's my Caesaropapism?
most likely to the Mississippi
Without the rebellion, the development of the American US territories almost certainly would've been much, much slower, since the crown would've had more much influence in how settlement industries would be built up and established, mostly due to the policy of mercantilism at the same. Mercantilism was a vastly detrimental policy to a developing state that needed to rely on free trade in order to improve its competitive place in markets, as the mercantilist system required the colonies to trade through England exclusively, forcing them to pay whatever England said to profit. By rebelling, those restrictions were lifted, meaning goods could be sold to the buyer willing to pay the highest price, allowing wealth to flow faster in the US, and thus for the US to more quickly grow.
Also, the US would've been wrapped up in the great game of Europe politically, with England deciding how to go about acquiring more land. Since getting land in a backwater colony is less desirable for England than it would be for the independent US to expand it's main territory, it'd have less impetuous to agree to the Louisiana purchase or fight with Mexico for a section of distant land.
What's your take on him blaming the Jews for the wars in the middle east and how the Israeli lobby has too much power?
>implying the lousiana purchase would have happened period without an independent US
France saw the US as not an enemy, but as a fellow rival of the British, therefore making the Louisiana purchase, you know, make sense- rather than selling land to one of your nation's oldest rivals
Your list is shit
Exactly, which pretty much limits the US expansion but paves the way for a possible French colony, or perhaps for another nation if the French sold it to someone else.
I'm basically an old-school social democrat, supporting strong labor, public control of transportation and energy, and a robust welfare state, but also quite conservative in attitude and influenced a lot by Catholic social teaching (currently agnostic and flirting with Catholicism after once being a fedora atheist). In terms of the modern cultural wedge issues, I support LGBT rights, oppose abortion (embracing a consistent life ethic, so I'm also against the death penalty and almost all wars), and am somewhat moderate on immigration (I think the US should accept more skilled immigrants but that Europe should focus on integrating the ones it has already).
As an American I vote Democratic, not out of any love for American liberalism but because the GOP in its current form is so utterly depraved. Voted Sanders in the D primary.
A lot of monarchists, sure, but monarchists being 1/4 of this board is absolute rubbish, and I was here when this board was made.
It's literally some guy (you) who read Hoppe and is now sperging about monarchism in every thread and trying to build a false consensus. Autism. Pure autism.
>I'm basically an old-school social democrat, supporting strong labor, public control of transportation and energy, and a robust welfare state, but also quite conservative in attitude and influenced a lot by Catholic social teaching
>I'm also against the death penalty and almost all wars)
You can't go full Trumanmode without mountains of dead evildoers in your wake.
Death penalty is the most retarded shit though, especially if you use fancy, expensive methods like the US. Forced labour camps are where it's at
I agree that it's inefficient, but I also believe that providing justice is the most important way for a society to use its resources.
Also, focus on lowering recidivism by any means necessary so that less productive labor is lost.
>board about history
>people like the past
>most common form of rule: Monarchy
>"you just read hoppe"
>being this delusional
The death penalty is not just because it doesn't have any value for society. Does killing a murderer bring his victims back to life? You have them work to make it up for society
>No NatSoc/Fascist
>Two diffrent options for Communist ("Communist" and "Socialist")
>liking history means liking monarchy
>all the libertarians
>Tfw too inteligent for being a republitard
>be unable to read
>be on board about history
>be shocked about people liking monarchy
>people liking monarchy
Not him, but I've always been on the fence about the death penalty anyway. On one hand, it provides no tangible benefit since it's more expensive to execute the person than keep them alive in the modern US. On the other, talk shit, get hit, as the saying goes.
I think the best balance is just to gulag everyone in place of the death penalty. The death penalty is essentially saying "This person will never be able to reintegrate into society after incarceration," so as long as they're place somewhere where they won't be reintegrated, I think it's fine. As a bonus, since it's easier to throw someone in a work camp than to sign their death warrant, especially because you can go back and sort of rectify the situation if you do it by mistake, the punishment will be handed out more than the death penalty.
Communism is stateless classless socialism. They're different.
weak bait
There is an authoritarian option.
What the fuck are you talking about? Veeky Forums is full of monarchists. This is not news.
Is this a joke?
State socialism with a focus on national/cultural importance.
>pandering to the rabble with the focus of LARPing
Genuinely don't understand what you are even trying to say.
that sucks maybe look at the two statements and compare them
>Not subjugating the entire world under the banner of Christ and bringing about the thousand year kingdom of heaven on earth.
Yeah I don't see how "larping" applies to focusing on cultural importance and national importance. These are real things, don't be autistic about it.
Heaven is a monarchy, user. You're a monarchist.
>No Hoppean category
I voted Monarchist, but it would've been nice to have a Hoppean category. I could've also voted Classical Liberal or Libertarian, I suppose.
From Ancient Greek αἰδώς (shame) + ᾰ́ρχης (rule)
Basically, rather than a strict "Rule by heredity, rule by wealth, or rule by ____", it's more fluid, but basic, and encompasses a range of ideas, yet is based on one basic idea: Honour.
Principles of Aidosarchy:
>Law regarding a subject absolves and negates the necessity for reason or inquiry of said subject.
For example, we don't have the freedom to fly or float around like birds, therefore we don't need to know why it's a good idea to stay on the ground; we have no choice in the matter.
Or, when alcohol was banned, we ceased to have a reason to not drink it other than the fact that it was illegal.
>Immorality to be made illegal will inevitably cease to be immoral and could be made legal if law itself were to become immoral.
If we ban something immoral like prostitution (for example), we will collectively forget why it's immoral; and when the law, banning prostitution, itself becomes immoral, then it too will be removed.
>Man's own reputation is his only judge and jury, as any law (but nature) is fallible.
We always live by our own reputation. The absence of reputation is why we're so depressed. Honour has historically given us a reason to die for others; it is the drug that has maximized our chance for survival and adaptation. Law, on the other hand, has bred a weak stock.
Have you even read Hoppe? He makes a very good argument for monarchy with unlimited power of secession.
I assume a very large amount of Veeky Forums have read his works. And some also just voted that because they support other types of monarchy.
>reading right wing propaganda
no thanks. maybe you should go back to
So you're an idiot insulting something just that you haven't even read? Maybe you'd understand why there are so many monarchists on Veeky Forums if you just read, at least, Democracy: The God That Failed.
Don't reply to obvious trolls
Wow weird liberals are never closed minded despite claiming the opposite.
Here's a .pdf. Make sure to buy it if you end up agreeing.
Hoppe's ideas, if actually implemented, would lead to death and chaos on a scale not seen since the Khmer Rouge. He also sort of proves that American "libertarian" is a natural gateway drug to far-right autocracy.
If you are going along with this "muh oppressed factory worker", which is the basis of socialism you will subsidize the rabble of the big cities (which is still more wealthy than the rural population, but who cares for them?).
I respect the worker. But the real worker will not identify as proletariat, since he is proud of his work, which means that he does not feel oppressed in a materialistic way.
tl:dr: the reason why I call this larping is that the rabble of the cities which is the main profiteur of the basic ideas of socialism is rootless and materialistic. So no nation and no culture for you. In essence both ideas are conflicting.
>No fascism, nationalism, revolutionary conservative, traditionalist or anything to signify the radical right
Pretty shitty poll user.
The Red scare propaganda is quickly wearing off for the blue collar american, at least when compared to the past. They are more mad about anti-nationalist sentiments and open borders than they are about wage laws and massive corporations having maximum freedom.
this is what a brainlet post looks like
>this is what passes for subtlety in the /pol/cuck's mind
>The Red scare propaganda is quickly wearing off for the blue collar america
Really? The latest trend I am seeing right now is workers shifting their vote to the right and that not only in the US.
When looking at left wing groups right now, I know some people who are engaged in them, they aren't workers toiling to death, but instead either unstabalelly employed or students funded by partents.
the "right wing" growth is just people who are sick of hordes of third world immigrants and neuroses fueled identity politics. It's less about economic policy and more about rejection of "leftist" social policies and cultural poison.
Trump ran as an economic populist and Clinton failed to have a strong message like Democrats usually do on that front. Trump's approvals have dropped now that he's turned out to be a typical Republican on most domestic issues.
Also keep in mind that only the white working-class votes R. The US working-class is less white than the country as a whole.
I guess I'm an extreme centrist if I'm to believe pic related.
Honestly can't tell otherwise. Only real thing I could say is that I prefer living under a Republic than a Monarchy but that's about that
It's also middle class and small business owners. Don't pretend poor white people are the only T voters.
Oh, I know that one was likely to be a troll, but I also know that it's likely to be the very real opinion of some people in this thread. I just want them to read Hoppe.
Honestly, Hoppe's core message really boils down to an unlimited right of secession. Then, small communes, republics, and monarchies could all exist. Hoppe himself, as well as myself, would prefer to live in a small monarchy, but not to force that upon anyone else.
Agreed, but the ideas which have lead to this mass population exchange will not just vanish when this issue is solved. And the source of these ideas is oppression, which is nothing but the resentment against success. The rootless masses of the cities which benefit from socialism the most are the main profiteer of this resentment.
Trump voters actually had higher median income than Clinton voters.
it goes in authoritarian
This is me - The only king I would be willing to accept would be AM.
Shittiest poll ever
Leave Brazil alone you faggot
We just need to install a Kennedy and we'll be fine.
>being a socialist
At least you're not a communist.
shit poll
So why choose monarchism over democracy?
Read Hoppe.
Can I just get a quick rundown?
Why? It'll only take a few minutes to read the first chapter.
There's a link, somewhere up there.
>"Unless someone makes a fallacious argument, or violates the NAP. Then you can totally kill them. Especially if they're democratic communists."
Do not waste your time reading Hoppe
I never said you were wrong, I asked if you could give me a quick rundown because I'm just impatient, so don't bitch at me.
No, I'm not him. You asked for a rundown on Hoppe, I gave you one. Argumentation ethics is straight chicanery
Oh shit, my bad, i'm just retarded