>That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
>That fat as shit youtuber who made a video 6 years ago about wanting to lose weight and get healthy but hasn't done anything about it
It's easier just to do nothing.
>That guy who yawns between sets.
>That guy who brings his thinkpad to the gym
he tried a ketogenic diet where he ate bacon all day
top fuckin kek
my friends mum was rattling on about the "atkins diet" once, she was like "I can eat all of the bacon, eggs and sausage I want for breakfast, I just have to avoid carbs like bread"
It didn't resonate well with my logic, does that shit actually work? Or is it just a meme diet that fat people get excited about because they can still pig out on greasy pork and "lose weight".
She was very overweight too...
as long as they eat few enough calories theyll lose weight
THAT being said, atherosclerosis and heart disease dont work in that way
eat the shit food -> heart problems
>that guy who breathes air
it wouldnt have that much of impact when paired with exercise
there are some differences in metabolism, but generally its easier to eat fewer calories because carbs are less filling
>that shitlord that exploits his thin privilege by going to the gym
>Or is it just a meme diet that fat people get excited about because they can still pig out on greasy pork and "lose weight"
>carbs are less filling
Kek, maybe if you're eating sugar you fatty
>that guy that shits on the floor between sets
>that guy who whiffs and sniffs Rich Piana's straight man poo
literally who does this though? is this just a funny meme thread? because i never actually see people yawning between sets or wierd things like that
>mfw babby grinch posting has caught on
What's the deal with Veeky Forums hating on people who wear basketball shorts?
>implying people 600lbs are exercising
>that guy that wears earphones even though there's already music playing in the gym
>that guy sleeping with your oneitis
Dude don't
>that guy that wears a hat to the gym to hide his receding hairline
>that guy who stretch in the squat rack
My mom is on a diet like that and she lost 25 lbs since Feb
>that guy who only uses 2 scoops
>that guy who lifts weights between drinks of water
Yu maek me sad man
Bradley Martyn
I finally saw it today guys. I thought you were all making it up but...
>that guy who shadow boxes in the mirror
He did this for like 15 mins
>women grow beards now
i'm out lads
I'm now on suicide watch, friend.
they're just sticking it to the patriarchy, user ;)
gender roles and facial hair are a societal construct!
I yawn sometimes between sets because I work out around 10 pm. I've never had to worry about that before, and now you made me insecure. Thanks faggot
You realise this entire thread is just memes right. If its this easy to make you insecure then maybe that's something you need to work on
>one frame in the webm shows her lying next to some other guy one night
Would have been more realistic.
I yawn too, not a big deal.
Most of the autists here don't understand that people leave their houses and have responsibilities that drain your energy throughout the day.
As a father of 2 who works 40-50 hours a week and still finds time to hit the gym for 2 hours, I'll be damned if some autist is gonna tell me to not yawn or WEAR BBALL SHORTS.
BBall shorts are fucking comfortable, I wear them as pajamas and at the gym, fight me breh.
I can't tell if you don't get the bit or this is another layer of sarcasm
>literally anybody that wears a shirt like pic related
autism gear
>Wearing a similar style hoodie with the hood up in the gym
Goofiest shit I have ever seen
>tfw Veeky Forums is making fun of me
>Boogie's wife quit her job 2 months ago to stay with him 24 hours a day and stop him from eating like a pig
>Boogie has literally lost zero weight in the past 2 months
RIP Boogie ;_;
I give him 2 years.
lock him in the basement for 6 months giving him only 1800 calories a day. he can stop this when he's able to walk up the stairs
In June 2000, while visiting Korea, I did a fun hack that clearly illustrates the original and true meaning of the word "hacker".
I went to lunch with some GNU fans, and was sitting down to eat some tteokpaekki (*), when a waitress set down six chopsticks right in front of me. It occurred to me that perhaps these were meant for three people, but it was more amusing to imagine that I was supposed to use all six. I did not know any way to do that, so I realized that if I could come up with a way, it would be a hack. I started thinking. After a few seconds I had an idea.
First I used my left hand to put three chopsticks into my right hand. That was not so hard, though I had to figure out where to put them so that I could control them individually. Then I used my right hand to put the other three chopsticks into my left hand. That was hard, since I had to keep the three chopsticks already in my right hand from falling out. After a couple of tries I got it done.
Then I had to figure out how to use the six chopsticks. That was harder. I did not manage well with the left hand, but I succeeded in manipulating all three in the right hand. After a couple of minutes of practice and adjustment, I managed to pick up a piece of food using three sticks converging on it from three different directions, and put it in my mouth.
It didn't become easy—for practical purposes, using two chopsticks is completely superior. But precisely because using three in one hand is hard and ordinarily never thought of, it has "hack value", as my lunch companions immediately recognized. Playfully doing something difficult, whether useful or not, that is hacking.
I later told the Korea story to a friend in Boston, who proceded to put four chopsticks in one hand and use them as two pairs—picking up two different pieces of food at once, one with each pair. He had topped my hack. Was his action, too, a hack? I think so. Is he therefore a hacker? That depends on how much he likes to hack.
>That guy who doesn't do body weight routines in the gym.
stop making fun of me
>tfw he thinks anyone read all of that.
>mfw i remember reading this ages back
fucking stallman
I lost 13 lbs in a month on it, but I'm pretty sure I fucked up a few times and threw myself out of ketosis.
...what should I actually wear to the gym?
But...when I started I didn't have anything else...and I was 400 pounds..not much fit me. :( why bully?
Life is short user.
>that guy who wears a belt to squat
I lost 35 pounds in 2 weeks fasting and lifting. This fat piece of shit took years just to lose 20 pounds.
>that guy who warms up to bench
I don't even have a oneitis but this still triggered me
>that guy who lifts in between rests
>35 lbs in 2 weeks fasting and lifting.
This is literally impossible. Unless you weighed like 450lbs or something. Either way there's no way you'd have energy to lift with literally 0 calories. You're a faggot.
>that guy who works out in front of the dumbbell rack
I had to do a project/presentation on why Atkins failed for one of my marketing classes. The problems were:
1. General pushback from the medical community because it was a new and at the time "radical" idea at the time. The science would eventually prove him right but nobody was on his side in the early 2000s.
2. He was pushing it without FDA approval.
3. People are generally idiots and thought Atkins was all fatty, salty meats and absolutely no carbs (including vegetables), when it was just a low-bread/starch diet
4. He was kind of a dick in interviews.
Whats this from?
Fuck me
is there ever a time this is okay?
>that guy who's shirt raises and you can see his belly when he ohp
>that guy who sweats alot and develops noticeable pit stains unless he's wearing black
>that guy who's sweat pants are too short revealing large amounts of ankle/sock
>that guy who yawns
>That guy who sips water between every set
all me
my dreams
Me too
thanks for making me self conscious
>that miserable guy that wants to kill himself because his korean qt 3.14 left him because he wasn't good enough and lifting is all he has now
>that guy who hogs the fucking fans by laying on top of them.
>No energy
How do you think cutting works?
Wait, then what the fuck am I supposed to wear?
>sipping water between every set
First one is completely normal, meme'ing about it makes you a faggot.
Second one is basically habit, or if you're sweating a lot it keeps your mouth dry.
Second this. They're practical and comfy as fuck.
This isn't a fashion show you judgmental twats.
See how constructive that was?
Is that Zizek?
basically everyone wears them at my gym. the only time I don't is when i'm going to be deadlifting that day.
I wear them every day except legs when more... Support... Is warranted.
As opposed to what, you walking shitstain, shadowboxing in front of a traffic light?
We have this nerdy slenderman figure doing this all the time after lifting his 5kg dumbells.
He's the laughing stock of the gym, he literally build a reputation doing it.
Are... Are you me?
because everyone likes jb songs
aka roider n old people
When I couldn't afford my MMA gym for a while, I just went to a regular gym. Turns out, I can use the mirrors in the fitness gym, just like the ones we used to see and improve on our technique using shadow boxing in the MMA gym, who would have fucking thought hu? That an MMA mirror would do the same thing a typical fitness gym mirror would do?
Been on for a month lost more than 15 pounds lol its not a meme its just hard, the people who call it a meme just have heard that it's shit from weakwilled cunts who "cheated" by eating fucking cake.
>that guy who lifts weights at the gym
That ones not a meme. That actually pisses me off.
>that guy that wears yawns to the gym
>that guy who brings his lunch to the gym and eats in between sets
I hope he starts making it soon. Probably one of the most incredibly nice and genuine personalities on the internet, yet the dude can't get his shit together.
If his shadowboxing looks any decent. I wouldn't fuck with him. He probably boxes and will knock you out. Him being a skelly has nothing to do with his ability to eff you up, assuming he can fight.
Pretty sure this guy is just being an ass, he's king skelly with an ego the size of the sun.
Shadowbox all you want, but don't make retarted sounds doing it and for the love of god don't do it after every fucking set you do.
>b...b...but muh glandular problem!
Yet he cut back a little and exercised, and ended up losing weight until he decided being lazy is better. Further proof that "muh conditions" is bullshit
Too close to home
fuck you, man
I'm aware that muscle=/=fighting, but his technique and form is shit.
Also I tend to leave people be, no matter how retarted. I do however discuss it with my lifting buddy after he leaves.
I just cant understand why you need to draw so much attention to yourself, no matter your physique or actual power.