Well, was the nazism left or right wing?
Well, was the nazism left or right wing?
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Left and Right don't exist.
Depends on which branch you're referring to. It wasn't really a coherent economic ideology. It encompassed alot of things.
Radical center
Both desu
The Left-wing elements of the party were purged during the Night of the Long Knives though.
Left and right denote economic policies, its more right leaning then left, but its pretty close to the center
Whichever one you aren't
>Left and right denote economic policies
nazism was just Hitlerism. As in, it was basically just "do whatever hitler says" with him as the most absolute dictator in modern history. So nazism was left and right wing at any time depending on what Hitler needed it to be to accomplish his goals. It sort of isnt even in the realm of left or right, Its more like having a destination in mind, and then taking whatever route you need to, jumping back and fourth at times, to get there
It's name was essentially the Right Left Right Left Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party).
Strasserism was some sort of weird left and right wing bastard child. Nazism was right wing.
Whichever I don't like.
it wasn't real leftie socialism which is why it was a success
Naziism is Platonism regurgitated for the lesser classes.
Success in what regard?
>Economy recovers from Depression
>Economy crashes under total war
>Massacres civilians
>Own civilians get massacred
>Dominates and occupies other countries for years
>Gets dominated and occupied by Allies for years
You might be on to something.
except you include a foriegn incited war as "reasons why national socialism doesn't work"
its literally saying that assad is bad because Americans don't like him thus they bomb his country
third positionist
the public weal, social safety net, full employment, etc aspects of socialism, class co-operation and state collusion with corporations insofar as it benefits the nation, no workers controlling the means of production necessarily, they ostensibly get greater general control since the government is the representative of the nation and works in its interests and the nation is made up of workers for the most part; no abolition of private property.
Radical centrism. As it was reliant on heavy state intervention and de facto control of industry, it is extremely far-left within the liberal frame of things, bordering on scoailist, but since it was founded as an incestuous relationship between capital and the state and something like free enterprise remained, it'd be disingenuous to say it was socialist.
>foreign incited war
Btw, you might want to read "The Wages of Destruction" to read about Nazi Germany's successful economy.
To expand slightly, the nationalist ideological aspect and the socialist material aspects necessarily meet at a cross roads on the point of wealthy individuals of the nation and what to do about them, "marxism socialism" as Hitler described it promoting class agitation and conflict within the nation while national socialism accepts enterprising individuals and checks them if they become particularly pernicious to the well-being of the nation.
With all the time you spent doing your arrows and oval, you must have missed the "social scale" part.
Pic related
Right wing
>National Socialism
Gee whiz, I don't know. Whatever could it be? Could this socialist form of government possibly be left wing, like every other fucking socialist ideology in existence? Or is it right wing because they had an army and invaded Poland just like the most left-wing fucking communist government in history? I just can't fucking tell. I have no fucking clue whatsoever. No fucking way National SOCIALISM is a SOCIALIST ideology, no siree.
Fuck you, you goddamn stupid nigger. How often do I have to explain this to you goddamn drooling retards. Socialism. Is. LEFT-WING. Read a fucking book, fuck.
>benefits the nation
wow, so unique, literally no other regimes claim to do that
That's up and down, nigga ;)
The entire idea of being a "third position" only makes sense when you take fascist rhetoric at face value and ignore what they did. In most respects Fascism and National Socialism were firmly right wing. Socialists and Communists were branded as dissidents or political opponents and locked up, labor unions were abolished, capital remained largely untouched, traditional conservative elites remained where they were in industry, military, religion and government. The "collusion with corporations insofar as it benefits to the nation" you mention was the wholesale funneling of borrowed money into corporations responsible for rearmament programs which made up more government spending than any of the 'social safety net' you're touting. Both Mussolini and Hitler got into power by aligning themselves with conservative elements, Hitler himself directly entering a coalition with the conservative political party and both dropped most of their 'anti-bourgeois' rhetoric that colored early fascist movements.
Totolitarian is right
Nazism is just a specific brand of blaming things on racial fictions
That's done post-hoc though, nitpicking centrism stuff like this isn't like someone advocating for full worker's control or free market capitalism preaching about how ultimately beneficial their thing is for people. Nazism collusion was to reach ultimate goals that would benefit the German people, you can't really deny that things like Lebensraum wouldn't have benefited them, the only argument you could make is based on the morality of the act of subjugating other nations and taking their shit.
>labor unions were abolished
I guess literally every socialist state ever proclaimed was not socialist than?
>Muh name argument
So please tell us about how the Congo is a Democratic Republic
So you found it, well done.
Trade unions existed in the USSR
So Africa is filled with democratic freedom fighters, then?
>democratic republic of korea
It would be historically leftwing, as the left was anything but monarchist; though that would make capitalism leftwing as well.
But given its socially conservative policies, it could also have been considered "rightwing".
Economically it was just plain corruption
>though that would make capitalism leftwing as well.
That wouldn't. Monarchies are capitalist.
Read The Big Lie by Dnesh Dsouza, it all answers your question
They were controlled by the party and couldn't do anything doe, agitation would've branded anyone an enemy of le grand plan.
Woah the mental gymnastics to base polotical spectrum on reactionary vs humans
>Not Germany's comeback tour
>Muh Democratic Republic
Kill yourselves
>implying if Nazi Germany didn't go to war it's economy wouldn't have collapsed.
>left/right dichotomy
>Left and right denote economic policies
Why are American posters always so stupid?
>American education
it is anti-Enlightments, thus right-wing
That guy's a retard but North Korea is actually democratic.
underrated fact: the post
t. not even buttmad Popperite
What's the point of trying to answer that question? The answer depends on what you mean by "left" and "right".
Authoritarian center. Go slightly left you get Nazbol
The DPRK bourgeois party is called "social democratic" and it's peasants party is Christian. Lol. What a contortion of popular front politics.
This, in the sense that everything was ad hoc and arbitrary.
That they managed to kill only 6 million people, and not 60 million like successful socialist countries
Except that they killed way more than 6 million and in a shorter period.
I can't /thread this hard enough.
Also, who talked about "successful socialist countries"? You're not implying I'm a socialist, are you?
Economically speaking, Nazi Germany was living on borrowed time. It was far from a success.
The 6 million figure only applies to Jewish victims of the Holocaust, and you're dismissing the people killed by the war as well.
Let's drop the dichotomy for a bit and let's see the actual "policies" of Nazi Germany.
>Corporatist: under the guise of "these corporations (Krupp, Rheinmetall, etc.) help the nation/race" the corporations that collaborated with Hitler and co. received lucrative contracts and other benefits.
>Private property: this was respected, unless one was a target of persecution (some Catholics, Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, etc.)
>Social conservatism: This was a reaction from the perceived (or very real depending in your views) degeneracy of the Weimar Republic. The NSDAP wanted women at home (for the "continuation of the race") to the point where women received medals for having a large amount of children (who were "Aryan" of course). The NSDAP disliked homosexuals. The NSDAP did believe in eugenics (Back then this was very popular, even in the US).
>Religion: The SS was filled with Pagan LARPers who WE WUZed everything into being made by the "Aryans". There was a pagan cult called the Ahnernabe that was a direct successor to the Völkisch movement. Now, Hitler did appease the Catholics (Hitler was from Austria and was for a while, nominally Catholic) and strong armed the Pope into giving him legitimacy. This did not prevent Catholics from being persecuted however. In conclusion, Nazi Germany, while nominally Christian to appease the populace, were quite pagan in practice.
>Economy: This is where the shitflinging starts. The Nazis originally possessed a class struggle narrative (as it was at one point, economically left) along with the racial struggle narrative. HOWEVER, after the "Night of Long Knives", the left wing of the NSDAP (Strasser and his fellows) was liquidated from the party. Hitler did this to get the backing of the industrialist elite and land-owners of Germany (the former nobles, while title-less and politically powerless, still had massive land holdings and a huge amount of social capital).
To be continued...
So this is what pure autism looks like?
Pretty sure the 6 million figure is everybody who died in the camps, not just the Jews. It's one of the reasons why Holocaust denial has turned into Holocaust revisionism among neo Nazis.
Middle-of-the-road authoritarians.
The Nazis were German ultranationalists and Hitler was a shamanic figure, taking on the aspect of Wotan/Wodanaz. Their government had no allegiance to left or right dichotomy.
There's more to it than that, stop trying to reduce history to a paragraph you piece of shit.
The Bazi political party was inspired by that nigga Carl Schmitt and his book The Political. In that book he brings out some pretty convincing arguments about the ideal structure of a society, most of which is found in the Nazi regime. All of his theories on government and sovereignty were more or less applied in Nazi Germany. That being said it wasn't supposed to be an economical theory, I'd see it as a combination of both too, a dictatorship with a private market economy overseen and possibly outruled by the state. The Nazi administration didn't work on restricting personal freedoms(as opposed to the USSR) or promoting them (Murica). They allowed people to do as they please as long as they knew the government comes first and it has full authority over everything.
There wasn't really much starvation within Germany so it couldn't have been left wing
Nazism is quite easily the greatest failure of the 20th century. It managed to put Germany in a situation even more humiliating than after the first world war.
Pretty sure Germany had food shprtages during WWII.
>stop trying to reduce history to a paragraph you piece of shit.