cheating frauds general
>the science of hair loss explained
>qt girls
cheating frauds general
>the science of hair loss explained
>qt girls
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In for steroids
aww look, someone is mad at me because i told him the truth.
i bring you the truth, but apperently you can't handle the truth. Not everyone can agree with your opinion, sometimes other people have other opinions, that's how life works. Get used to it and stop whining like a pussy.
how do i brag with my looks and since when is my gf fat?
Seems to me that you're just projecting your insecurities on me. Seems that you have nothing going at all, that's why you need to hate
but tell me, what do you contribute to these threads.
i will 1v1 you anytime
Having a weird spat with my girl. Whatever I'll ignore her all day. Seems petty typing it out but she needs the space and it's annoying me.
I looked full af last night no pump, fasted.
In for dating teenagers in your 20s
I really should have gotten some peg
gotta be so fast to keep my mystery oral in suspension after shaking
your gf is 3d
that means shes a full dimension fatter than she should be
Just throw some watermelon vape juice in it. Follow in stoyas footsteps
looking thick breh. i admit, your waist genetics make me jelly
still can't get used to the nipple piercing, but if that's you thing you gotta roll with it
ignoring a girl is the worst thing you can do to them
how do acquire a 2d girl
That's my point, he's big and happy, but that's all he is. Bricks the no bullshit army guy, yolos the friendly jailb8 chasing somewhat dyel bro, mossad is the smart crazy guy who posts interesting shit, coach has the best of physique and advice on fraud, canary is shredded and fucks Beach sluts everyday, MG is a fucking prick now but he used to tell good stories. Mast is just a big happy shitposting troll, there's no depth to him at all. He's not relateable in the slightest
That's the dream m8
Coming towards the end of my 2nd week first cycle fo 500mg test-e /week. Loving the pumps at the moment, haven't noticed any physical changes so far except a bit of strength gains.
Was originally cutting for summer, but now I'm bulking for the cycle. Bit pissed that I didn't run deca with it :/
kek, you're autism is showing.
this is no reality show. If you're interested in other ppls lives you should watch a reality show. Or just spy on other ppl lives with a spy cam or creep cam whatever.
You're obvious mad about something we disagree on. It happens, people disagree about stuff. Not everyone is into jailbait and lifts for girls.
Some people are just more outspoken and assertive than other people. Get used to it, otherwise you will be run over.
Why do you think i'am happy.
There is obviously a correlation between being dumb and being happy.
>why do you think I am happy
Because you say you're happy.
He's selective and doesn't remember what i actually said. He's also stating that MG is telling good stories, so i can't take him serious anymore.
I always preach you should do whatever makes you happy, and not to please other people. For me is being happy with yourself and the things you're doing the most important thing in life. Nobody should have any influence on that.
follow your dreams. follow the american dream
let nobody take away your freedom
>follow the American dream
I wish it were still that easy.
What bf are you if you have 6 abs with good lighting only? Calipers are telling me 15.5%
Probs 13/14%. Highly individual, and that description isn't exactly the best.
>girl Friendzoned me after I admitted feels
>ok whatever keep her as friend
>she sees me kissing and grabbing 10/10 girls ass last night
>glared at me pissed, acted weird and awkward the rest of the night that we hung out
Should I manipulate this to fuck her? Or just drop her now before I get too close to this clearly immature and broken girl
Fuck her and/or up your tren. How is this even a question?
MK677? Waste of money? Logs seem mixed, and it's pricey - so hoping one of you has some anecdotal experience with it.
Worth. Run 25mg ed for as long as you can/want. Don't do faggy 4wk cycles of it though.
Thanks dude. My waist is insane idk how. Genetics.
Dude ignoring the girlie makes her crazy. Brings her close tho. I feel petty doing it but she gets super negative and starts lashing out. Not cool so I'm putting her on ice. She'll be good by tonight. I just prefer not to talk it when she's being #mean.
>Tinder girl thought it was a date
Fug, I really need a good way of clarifying this without sperging out. Seems like common sense that if you're on Tinder and don't specify otherwise that you're there for casual sex.
Tren anxiety and sides are getting to me, at what point should I start thinking of dropping it? I'm such a jew I don't feel like throwing a pinned vial away that's almost full but I don't know what else to do other than maybe stacking it at very low dose (50-75mg tren-e/wk) with test and maybe some other compounds to have insignificant side-effects but still using it up.
Would it be a complete waste with terrible sides-to-gains ratio or should I give it a try? Can't really find much info on such low dosages.
Don't you have a wife, mang?
Fiance, she's fine with it.
>at what point should I start thinking of dropping it?
If it's E, right now. You can always save the vial for cutting since 200mg is easily enough to keep LBM.
>Fiance, she's fine with it
Since I shared some pics, some user even though I had Klinefelter. Outside of wide-ass hips compared to chest, I don't have much symptoms or effects of the syndrome, so maybe it's just shit genetics at that point.
I've been recommended 3 times to take steroids or tes, so far. I don't know shit about that and I don't even think I could find some in my country (Canadacuck here).
Could someone explain me the ins and outs of roids and how did you acquire your own?
Only on test my friend -__-
Soon tho godmode will be mine I don't even want to imagine how much bitches I'll pull on tren + molly at a rave
Also lel she posted on tumblr confirming she's butthurt as fuck saying how women hate being compared to other women
Why did you pierce your nipple?
No reason not to
You can buy steroids on Reddit, m8
Go to the /r/steroids wiki to start your research.
It's the bleak desolate future of 2040, the race war blazes.
White Aryans are all but extinct from facing the brown menace. In an attempt to neutralize white forces, all Chinese raw hormone factories were seized by the enemy forces.
In a radical attempt to further the white pride agenda, pale fuccbois now extract concentrated hormones from the testes of living brown POWs. This succulent necessity fanning the flames of war. Will this be the tipping point for the white militia? Only time will tell.
Just got my peptides, 5mg in what looks like 2mL vials, individual doses are supposed to be 100mcg. How in the blue fuck am I supposed to dose this shit?
Try using Grade 5 level math.
5mg = 500mcg do ur math
I don't mafs gud, this mL/IU shit is throwing me off hardcore, so I'm supposed to dose 0.04mL per injection?
He's bi sexual
I think I'm just used to injecting grams, now that I think about it.
>he can brew gear but can't handle peptides
Forgiveness pls, first time I've dealt with volumetric dosing in the mcg range.
Also fight me.
looking great man, mirin.
yeah, i know it's the best punishment. Girls hate to be ignored, it's all they care about. Simple and effective, i do the same thing with my gf when i think she said something wrong or being negative etc.
she will probably beg for you attention after that. also best to do if you don't care about it
>laminated cell
Can steroids expire?
Yeah but they are still good. Think Tylenol. It expires, but you still take it and it still works.
What's the shelf life for straight test?
Yeah I'm a super emotional clingy dude and I was telling how I hate it. I feel like a burden because I really just want to chill w/ her in my down time. She's like "nah that's normal" but when she acts like this is it gives me hella anxiety because I'm afraid of losing her again. Idk why she's come back so many times. It's really just mood swings and I should be better prepped for them.
Worked last night it'll work today. Gave her space last night and she texts me at 3am saying she's sorry and hates upsetting me.
My legs no homo this is the best they've ever looked pls no bully
Just yanking your chain m8
I've been wanting to try some dairy free Ben and Jerry's, do the big supermarkets have it in over there?
the oil can go bad. the steroids themselves outlast the oil.
>be me in hella conditioning
>found dose which works for me
>be in the gym early
>olympia physique pro in the gym
>eyeing him up cause i follow him on social media and think hes a total bro
>he eyes me
>autism kicks in and i laugh
>thinks im a dick
>im just a fan
Most grocery store chains over here carry a decent selection of Ben & Jerry's, I've bought the frozen yogurt Cherry Garcia once or twice, think that might be dairy free.
>Ben and jerrys
I thought he loved Azusa
I came into the last thread asking about homebrewing, and someone linked me to the reddit wiki about it (thanks again, by the way, it's an interesting read). I have a couple of new questions.
1. Are raws treated the same way as brewed steroids when it comes to legality, shipping, etc.?
2. Is it possible to make the raws at home, too? Do people order raws because it's a hassle to make them at home, or because it's not possible?
He still does, it's just that she's mine now since I rolled devil quads and called dibs on her.
>mfw cucking Jerry
>1. Are raws treated the same way as brewed steroids when it comes to legality, shipping, etc.?
raws are treated much worse in most countries, its treated as intent to distribute
You shoudn't let her notice you're afraid of losing her again, because she thinks she will be control of you. Imo it's best to act like you don't care and just ignore her when you think she's wrong. That always worked out for me.
>Idk why she's come back so many times
because she likes you probably.
looks good to me, it's still in good proportion with the rest of your body,
I'd like to think we're past that kinda shit. She told me she loves me and the other night fucking her she looks up and says "I'm yours and only want to be yours". Night before last she's throwing me hella pics and vids of her masturbating. She's coming off her period so I should really just anticipate mood swings.
Who'd you get the peps from?
You can buy esterless compounds like testosterone base and attach an ester relatively simply, but that's not really cost-effective or productive when you can buy the esterified compounds for the same or usually a little less per gram.
Deary me. I guess it makes sense, though. Do people normally get them through the same source, or is there a separate path due to the extra regulation?
Again, I'm not on gear (though I may be someday), so my knowledge has some gaps. Thanks for helping me learn about it.
No homo your legs look
That's cute. Yeah i agree, you shouldn't base it on that. Nothing to be insecure about breh. She loves you, she won't leave you.
Inb4 bunk.
Putting raws in oil is easy cheap.and can be done at home.
To produce raw powder you would need.a full lab and probably a chemistry degree to know what the hell you are doing. I assume...
Raws are the way to go if you want it cheap. If you are afraid of being thrown in jail for intend to distribute (like me) just buy finished vials
They have a few new options made with almond milk, might be a good cheat day item for me.
What percentage of 10 regular girls do yall think are aware that yall are on?
Yo. I finally got a chance to go to PrivateMD Labs on Monday to do some blood work.
What panel is the best?
Inderdasting. If you don't mind me asking, how much cheaper is it (ish) to brew rather than just buying it premade? The homebrew guide in that link from the last thread makes it look pretty cheap, but I have no idea what costs are like for raws or premade.
I'm no good with chemistry, sadly.
Any of you cats who are making it on gear located in Denver by chance?
Depends, first brew will be more expensive because equipment. After that producing a vial of test is only a few bucks compared to 20-30 for ugl.
What are your experiences with Johnny law in all of this
Huh, I've only gotten the regular and froyo Cherry Garcias less than a handful of times, think maybe an Americone Dream once. CG's are alright but a lot of their flavors seem way too rich, like that Americone Dream. Them cals too though.
Thanks user they've been a weak point
Duder thanks I'm super insecure about her sometimes because she has been flighty in the past and because I haven't felt passionate about a girl like this in years.
If you are prone to paranoia order ugl
What is "ugl"?
lmao i get a good feeling knowing someone as big and shredded as you can be such a caring and emotional person.
You are a good guy user
Does tren actually have an effect on bodyfat % or no? I see people saying it's good for cutting, but does it just make you look better or does it actually increase the rate at which you lose bodyfat?
underground lab.
Their stuff does tend to be too busy, the almond milk ones are simple stuff like cookie dough though. Calories should be way lower too.
I feel like a pussy, but whenever I open up or a be real person with my girl I only ever get positive feedback. The macho stuff spouted here works for sure but not for long term invested relationships. The initial trouble I had with my girl was that she felt she couldn't trust me because I was so reserved.
It's new because I haven't been this in years hard to pinpoint a balance but she embraces it.
post cute girls please. but not the same cute ones as always. thanks guys.
Sorry for making you fall in love
Bimbo, i feel you man... My girl is currently deployed for 8 months... i'm fine most days but then ill just get super depressed, i feel if i got on roids, id blow my brains out from depression or start crying in the gym mid bench...
I'm mirin though man. I'm same height as you but only 203 lbs... the natty struggle fucking sucks. I want to try a run of just Test E, but between drug tests in the military/sides... im scurred...
ugly cunt desu please try again though I like the effort.
>My girl is currently deployed
Paging Brick for the bad news
It's nothing to worry about. You will notice it when she doesn't like and love you anymore, but that's not the case right now.
We all have our insecurities and feelings, nothing wrong with that.
I actually just discussed this with my buddy who blasts with me. My girl can be super upsetting and I never had these issues in the past, I asked him what changed. And he's like we blast now dude we exist on an emotional spectrum of extremes. He's totally right too. I'd gauge myself before hopping on user.
I really enjoy who I am with my girl but striking that balance is difficult. Gotta figure it out for those we love tho, I just need to be her rock.
And people think masT is just a troll
I think he just likes me
>we blast now dude we exist on an emotional spectrum of extremes
It depends entirely on the person. I don't think twice about girls on gear and I'm as happy as can be. More so on tren. They're just objects and nothing can bring me down.
Chem still in a rehab house?
Weird I'm way more emotional even with e2 in check.
Oh hey thoughts on legs a few posts up?
Where is that guy anyway? Is he still locked up?
Looking solid. Try to keep the definition up in the offseason and your next cut you might have some feathering (srs).
Speaking from personal experience on this because the same thing happened with my quads.
Nice dubs. I'm still less than 10%, probably 8% so a bulk up to 12-13% wouldn't cut too much definition. I've definitely added mass with the way I've been eating as strength is way up.
I think I've reset my metabolic set point so hopefully I'm more efficient at being lean now. Been sub 220 for 4 months. I have 8 more weeks of 350 tren, and that will help with maintaining leanness.
What percentage of 10 regular girls do yall think are aware that yall are on?
>I think I've reset my metabolic set point so hopefully I'm more efficient at being lean now.
Can you explain this?
piss tests aren't sensitive for roids, you cockmonkey
>deployed for 8 months
motherfucker don't even, she's in kuwait or some shit isn't she
if he doesn't know about jody by now, he's clinically retarded
I keep saying it over and over, gear just amplifies your emotional states to lesser or greater (cough, tren) extents
but assuming you've got e2 dialed then a grown-ass man should be able to identify the disconnects between emotional intensity and current context to control their emotions and reactions
maybe get some strength too while you bulk :3