This kills the ancap

This kills the ancap

love this meme where brainlets act like that the nazi party is synonymous with the nation and the people just because it claimed to be

>national socialism

>calls others brainlets

I wish I had an image for this

>it wasn't REAL fascism!

fascism is built on quicksand, all of the superpowers that used fascism descended into ruin in 3 generations at most.

>hey guys we totally have free enterprise lol that means you capitalists have to like us fucking hypocrites
>ignore the fact we stole and ruined all thise companies haha

Meme tier ideology that didn't even last a generation.

Fascism is authoritarian collectivism that is in effect no different from communism and socialism. They are both ideologically opposed to free markets, free trade, and individual liberties.

The reality is that most people don't actually know how the Nazi Germany economy worked. Here's one that was written at the time that goes into vivid detail. This book was written in 1939 by a German communist, but he was an economist so considering historical data he seemed to be on the mark. Reimann meticulously describes how the Nazi economy operated. It was an economy of statism, cronyism, bureaucracy and coercion. What wasn't confiscated was trashed. As Nazi Germany expanded geographically, the state expropriated businesses while paying the owners and creditors pennies on the dollar.

History books give the impression that businessmen were natural allies of Hitler and the Nazis. That is total nonsense. Every business was loaded with political commissars who siphoned off money for themselves and the Nazi party leaving the natural owners and operators of the businesses powerless. Basically the only way you were safe was if you had a business the govt had 0 reason to give a shit about. How people within the system were just sucking money out of the businesses to benefit themselves, hence the term "vampire economy". This is not a good thing when you are a country that relies on imports for important stuff like steel instead of producing it yourself,and that by the time 1939 rolled around, if they didn't start plundering other countries, the system was going to run out of money. It was not a long-term viable economy and even its short-term was plagued by internal problems.

Regardless of the author's own personal feelings, you don't have to be a communist look at how the system operated and find it unsustainable.


>implying fascism is the only form of authoritarianism and that authoritarianism is based on the economic policy of giving people economic freedom
very weak piece of propaganda, kys

if you have full control of the state and military, it's in your self-interest to tax the shit of everyone. just because fascists dont depend on anti-rich rhetoric as much as communists, that doesn't make them any less against robbing people.

Not even an ancap, but fascism is almost as idiotic as anarcho-capitalism.

>i maek funny meme picture i win lol
Noone was arguing what the picture says
I'm not even an ancap

Horseshoe theory only makes sense if you assume that liberal democracy is the default system (which, historically speaking, it isn't).

That's not Ancap at all. You don't know anything about Ancap.

We all know what the default system is.

Most people are naturally classical liberals, which is the rational middle ground.

your post doesnt make sense
all it does is propose liberalism as the golden mean between populism and elitism

There's also Wages of Destruction.
Nazi economic ideas being good is literally the most brainlet popular meme.

>anarcho-capitalism doesn't wo-

just post mongols and huns if you like anarchism

Most people dont care about politics

>implying i dont

WTf I love neoliberal technocracy now

>a business man can become wealth in a fascist country
*teleports behind you*
*seizes your property because your ethnicity/ political orientation don't measure up*

>as long as he benefits society

No wonder kikes get nervous

>neoliberal technocracy and Nazi retardation are the only two economic models

society is a spook
fascist elites have no obligation to the masses if they control the military. they can seize your wealth and make it their own. You are so naive that you actually believe their moralizing rhetoric.

>heh kid you have morals?
>you’ve got a lot to learn

Thanks for agreeing with me, I guess

Everything is a spook

There’s no reason to support one ideology or another. Just pick and choose your LARP.

i actually mean to reply to

Wasn't Wages of Destruction written based on confirmation bias?

>guys I really think we can harness the better parts of capitalism while curbing its excesses to benefit our people, society and culture
>lol fuck that pussy just focus on material objects and pleasure seeking fuck your community; you’re the only thing that matters

Average western citizen ca 2018

genuine culture int he west hasnt existed for decades

morality has no basis in reality
morals are just sets of arbitrary oughts people invent to pretend they have life figured out. it's an essential part of political rhetoric because politicians know ignorant sheep crave meaning in their lives.

this is a political thread
political threads belong in /pol/

Sage and report

God kills those who step out of line. Just look at how the evil/impious side always loses in war.

You can thank capitalism for that

here, this one should aid you well.

I can smell the cheeto breath through your post. Even if you honestly believe what you write you can’t just live as an edge lord your whole life.

Stay away from my church.