What is the worst thing that can happen to men?

What is the worst thing that can happen to men?

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Eternal damnation

Sucking the whole universe up into your anus

Never living at all

It would suck but imagine the bragging rights.


not being able to shit or pee

mental illness/starvation/burning in hell/family getting killed/living an unfulfilled life

Living in drumpf's america

That the abominations of the ignoble corrupt the noble or even prevent its existence. Shitty society, shitty life, shitty parents, shitty pedagogy etc...

I only escaped because of psychedelics. For the first time in my life, I felt I was part of something greater that could only be given away, not taken away. But there are men stuck with the shittiest cognitive frames who bend the knee to eternity.


Being exposed to gamma radiation and then slowly dying in a lab as a science experiment.

Meeting the guy who makes Anne Frank's fanfiction

Having an unsatisfiable cravings.

Perceiving greatness, desiring achieving said greatness, realizing you are mediocre.

Watching your wife and daughter get raped by black men... and enjoying it.

Not being able to provide for his family.

This is why niggers who leave their pregnant women are so sub-human to me. I cannot imagine a bigger shame than to leave my child and not provide for it. Whether I'm appreciated or not. It's the lowest a man can possibly go.


You know what's even worse, thinking back on hindsight? The scale of the abominations that were thrown at us and our forefathers.

The internet broke a rotted corpse of shit information and shit mini-cultures. That our teachers were so self-assured and smug in their cathedral...man if I was emperor I'd crucify all high school administration. Like literally nail them to a cross. They've done such a horrendous job of teaching children that a sane society would call it mass treason.

Scaphism, Alzheimer's, or both

ikr how dare men watch my little pony and anime?


To live, because you know it will end just like everything else

Someone castrating you and your whole family, enslaving your female family members to be used for sexual pleasure, then being blinded, your tongue ripped out, and your forelimbs lopped off so you are unable to kill yourself or speak and must wobble around on all fours like a pig.

posting on Veeky Forums

In a sense...yes. A sane society would be able to include men of all walks of life into meaningful roles. Men with something to live for don't watch MLP. Men not cucked by the advertising-media complex would not watch MLP.

You should literally be reading and writing in your formative years. The fact that MLP was able to attract men speaks volumes of how far the social status of men has degenerated.

Here's a blackpull: The Elite wants you dead or farming taxes in a bureaucratic field. They don't care if you're retarded or if your children are retarded. What elites, including those throughout history, actually fear is a group of excluded "higher-than-average" IQ men creating a parallel and reactionary society.

They don't fear faggots watching MLP.

Anime is a whole different ball game.

getting cucked


Stop with that hippie shit already.

The universe is gone, who would you brag to?

Psychedelic s aren't just "hippie shit". I don't know where the boomer faggots got "peace and love". If you resist the twin mental temptations of megalomania and naviety ((that what you are being shown is "the truth"), then you find a field of mental resources that helps people escape the trap of being stuck in repetitive cognitive frames. Or you can use certain ones to gain a boost to empathy. Overpowering to the average person but potentially useful for autists.

Being evil is the worst thing, of course.

Having a cuckold fetish like me

Can you really reset your defective worldview and set you on a straight path? Asking for a friend with chronic debilitating drug resistant depression

Not him, I slept on shrooms once, felt great the next day. It wears off after a while. Don't do acid if you're already a thoughtful and/or anxious person.

It's better to escape nonsense entirely without the aid of drugs, and see that the "something greater" is a lie used to exploit you.

pretty personal, to some even it's probably that their "worst" is never found.

MDMA has a reputation for that. Not instantly but each session seems to improve depression both short and long term.

Honestly, your friend should switch to a low-carb high-fat high-protein diet and cut out the fucking sugars whether it be soda or crackers. And he should also take up weight lifting. Because if you want to trip, you should be healthy enough to take the enormous physical toll.

>Don't do acid if you're already a thoughtfu

? Thoughtful people are the ones most orientated towards psychedelics. As an INTP type, it seems I navigate the trip space with a lot more ease than more extroverted people. They're not really too used to exploring their inner space with the same...'proficiency" as more introverted people.

If you're extroverted and thinking about trying psychedelics, you should probably bring the most calm and rational person in your circle.

I find that my introversion is exacerbated into paranoia when I do psychedelics around other people, even if they're good friends of mine. Taking acid alone was OK, same with shrooms, but as soon as I tried to interact with another human being, or consume media, I became heavily overstimulated.

CONT. (because I pressed submit on accident)

MXE would've been a VERY promising treatment but governments of the world have to be complete faggots and quash its awesomeness. I don't know if long term it'd help but man, he'd have a fucking blast.

>I became heavily overstimulated.

You should've taken a magnesium pill. Also really dampens those shakes and tremors. Combine it with L-Theanine if you need more relaxation.

Yea, thanks, but I'm done with that shit. I have permanent enhanced benign tremors in my hands and HPPD for probably the rest of my life as a result of too many psychedelics. I recommend everyone avoid them, if they can, and if they can't, to use them sparingly.

Probably getting hit with pic related.

Getting cucked.

Being a cuck.

Going to hell for being a cuck.

Man, what did you take? I've done 200+ trips on AMT, 2C-P, 25C-NBOME, Ethylphenidate, a number of the ACOs, and LSD. My favorite combo is AMT + Ethylphenidate + 2C-P or the one that lasts for 12 fucking hours).

Sorry to hear you had side effects from it. But they're not that bad if you take the right preparations and precautions. But everyone has their own biochemistry so I understand the perspective of "made a bet and lost", so to speak.

You should still probably take magnesium and L-Theanine to calm your nerves and tremors. You might even have a magnesium deficiency.. Just throwing a bit of possible hope here.


Sorry, I should have said "psychoactives." Just a shit load of pot, DFW level nonsense. Like, two ounces - a quop a week for about three years. But I'll try magnesium, thanks.


Being shown who is boss of this gym.