Does decadence actually destroy empires or that a right wing meme?
Does decadence actually destroy empires or that a right wing meme?
>nobody fights off the invaders
>instead they start gay marriages and smoke weed all day while comitting christ-cuck blapshemy
they fall because of impiety, and decadence is a form of that
Decadence is just a reaction to the actual decline. People realize shit is going south, so they start enjoying as much as they can before it hits the fan.
the decadence started first in the roman empire
So what causes the decline?
Sometimes it contributes, yes.
Thousands of factors.
Depends on what you define as decadence. And even once you do that. it's difficult to pin the decadence as the cause.
Depends. Not every single empire fell for the exact same reason. Sometimes an empire gets too big for its logistics to reasonably handle. Sometimes it gets pounded by civil wars. Sometimes it makes itself weak from fighting allowing another power to come in and strike while its weaker. Sometimes the economy falls to shambles. Sometimes internal cultural conflicts destabilize things. Plenty of times it's all of the above.
Decadence sometimes is one of the factors in the fall of Empires.
I would say that it definitely doesn't help at times and keeps people from actually resolving some issues that they might otherwise be able to solve. The difficult with assigning blame to shit like "decadence" and "degeneracy" is that they don't have constant and quantifiable meanings. What presses on the moral foundations of one society, may not be a big deal at all in another. Hell, a lot of the time a societies morals aren't even all that uniform to being with. On top of this, it's difficult to find out a direct "cause and effect" relationship between certain actions that could be considered "degenerate" and some bad event happening.
Decadence should never be ones go-to factor when trying to find out why an empire fell. Most of the time it's not as relevant as other factors, and even when it is, it takes a load of effort to try and define and prove it.
>The difficult with assigning blame to shit like "decadence" and "degeneracy" is that they don't have constant and quantifiable meanings.
Which parts of history can be quantified?
all i got f rom you is wishy-washy wishful thinking. christians destroyed the roman empire. christianity is the definition of degenerate.
you should stop trying to complicate the issue with your shit-tier cultural relativism
Economics, demographic changes, written laws, deaths, logistics, climate, food production, etc.
blaming the climate is demagoguery
>all i got f rom you is wishy-washy wishful thinking. christians destroyed the roman empire. christianity is the definition of degenerate.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>you should stop trying to complicate the issue with your shit-tier cultural relativism
History is complicated and nuanced. Real life is complicated and nuanced. If you don't like it then I can't understand why you're wasting your time on this board.
if you're a psued who wants to avoid talkign a stance so you can be a dipshit baby-boomer who decides that
>we can never know
then you can die with the rest of your filth. Ill do you in myself
>actually implying that shit like the Little Ice Age didn't happen
>actually implying that the climate doesn't have a direct effect on shit like human migration
You know the climate didn't just start existing when hippies started talking about it in the 60s. It's a real thing that has had plenty of real effects over the course of human history in the past 200,000 years.
humans have no power over it. So its stupid to blame it for human's problems.
You should really get some more sleep. You seem quite agitated and some extra hours of rest could do you good.
>drought hits
>people starve
>civilization collapses
>"but let's not blame the climate for this, humans had no control over it."
>humans have no power over it
So? That's not the same as saying it isn't something that can affect us.
>So its stupid to blame it for human's problems.
When a tornado comes and wrecks your house, do you not say that the tornado was the reason why your house got destroyed?
Stop this pathetic attempt at politicizing my statement and stay on topic. I said the the climate is a quantifiable factor that has had an effect on human history. If you are denying this then you need to get your brain checked.
It can be related, but it can also be incidental.
Rome in particular experienced the heights of its decadence long before its actual collapse.
At one point a culture has just realised its possibilities and dies, like any other bioloigcal organism.
>decadence starts in rome
>empire falls 600 years later
yep it totally fell because of decadence
>Person gets hit by falling rock
>Person dies
>Person doesn't really die tho because he didn't have power over the rock
it's a meme because it's painfully reductionist as to the breakdown of a given polity, and because it draws heavily from what people in the 19th century thought caused the Romans to decline (i.e. OP's pic)
It's is literally the first thing the ancients tried to warn us in the form of the story of "sadam and gamura".
Decadence is not a universal cause, or a direct one, but leads to the neglect of the direct causes regularly. So it should be avoided consistently, unlike more direct contextual problems.