Historical photograph thread
Historical photograph thread
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look at this cunt
anyone have non-war related photos? i love them, but i feel like that's all i ever see.
>all these boring posed propaganda pieces
we can do better Veeky Forums
'Nam dump
/pol/ is 20 scrolls north and 3 mouse movements west.
Bottom row, 2nd from the left.
MauMau 1950s kenya
>the virgin grip
>the chad grasp
What do you mean? nazi ww2 pictures trigger you?
It IS a historic photograph and a pretty cool one at that.
Lighten up you little sperg.
the fuck? context?
Soviet soldiers and Czechoslovak Revolutionary guards are executing Kraut bandits that tried to bomb the bridge
>Kraut bandits
kek, never heard that name.
pretty fucked up. But perfectly shows what kinda raging hatred and love for blood those bolshevick orcs had.
at least try to write it correctly Hun
Czechoslovak police took part in it, as you can see officer in black uniform here.
Simmilar thing happened in Ústí nad Labem where Werwolf bombed ammo storage, most of the victims were Germs that worked here tho because they wanted to make it look like a job of the "communist partisans". Local army garrison drowned most of the town Jews and Germs in river and shot the rest.
Im not a hun, im mostly of celtish descent.
Family just settled in the rhine area somewhere very very early in the history of germany.
I dont even look german.
>most of the victims were Germs that worked here tho because they wanted to make it look like a job of the "communist partisans"
good old false flags. timeless classics.
What's going on with the guy to the rights' shoes
Is that Jake Paul on the left?
Literally Tom Hardy
>But perfectly shows what kinda raging hatred and love for blood those bolshevick orcs had.
Do you know what the Germans did to Czechoslovakia? Keep your mouth shut.
Let's keep the Vietnam love going
>The first soviet army was a ragtag group of steppe mongols man.
Nice meme.
> it was quite literaly an orc/zerg rush in the beginning.
You watch too much Enemy At The Gates
>Nazis did horrendous shit, Soviets did horrendous shit, Allies did horrendous shit.
Comparing Allied atrocities to what the Nazis did all across Europe is retarded
One of my favorites!!!
Favorite moving gif.
Came here to specifically laugh at you.
>>The first soviet army was a ragtag group of steppe mongols man.
>Nice meme.
The Soviets were zerg rushing their shit and people so much that they had to constantly be resupplied by the US.
The Soviets lost 20 million people. That's more than any other country - including Germany who lost the fucking war.
>> it was quite literaly an orc/zerg rush in the beginning.
>You watch too much Enemy At The Gates
Order No. 227 is pretty famous.
>>Nazis did horrendous shit, Soviets did horrendous shit, Allies did horrendous shit.
>Comparing Allied atrocities to what the Nazis did all across Europe is retarded
Not really. Both had concentration camps. Nazis were pretty good to POWs as a whole. Allies were not.
Allies created the joke of the Nuremberg trails. Hitler forced Jews into labor camps. You can find horrible shit happening on all sides. The allied shit isn't as well known because, well, we won.
>The Soviets lost 20 million people
Killing civilians and POWs doesn't count.
>Nazis were pretty good to POWs as a whole.
Are you trolling?
Damn, they learned a thing or two from Europe
>Nazis were pretty good to POWs as a whole. Allies were not.
lol, what? Mortality rate in Nazi camps was higher than in Siberian Gulags.
>Killing civilians and POWs doesn't count.
okay +10 million and the previous statement still stands. Really breaking ground there, Sheryl.
>Are you trolling?
No. It's not even obscure knowledge. Germany generally adhered to the measures outlined for the humane treatment of prisoners of war. Are you?
>The Soviets were zerg rushing
Zerg Rush is overwhelming attack at the start that aims to knock off enemy in short duration. Befitting OP Barbarossa and Nazi strategy in general.
>The Soviets lost 20 million people
Mainly due to German atrocities.
>Nazis were pretty good to POWs as a whole. Allies were not.
>Both had concentration camps
But only Germans had extermination camps.
>Allies created the joke of the Nuremberg trails.
Really? A few individuals, that were not even innocent? That's what counts as atrocity in the largest conflict mankind ever witnessed?
>The allied shit isn't as well known because, well, we won.
On the contrary. Thanks to western masochism bombing of Dresden is more well known than for example the destruction of Warsaw.
>Of 3.6 millions of prisoners of war, only several hundred thousand are still able to work fully. A large part of them has starved, or died, because of the hazards of the weather. Thousands also died from spotted fever. It is understood, of course, that there are difficulties encountered in the feeding of such a large number of prisoners of war.
>according to information on hand, the native population within the Soviet Union are absolutely willing to put food at the disposal of the prisoners of war. Several understanding camp commanders have successfully chosen this course. However in the majority of the cases, the camp commanders have forbidden the civilian population to put food at the disposal of the prisoners, and they have rather let them starve to death. Even on the march to the camps, the civilian population was not allowed to give the prisoners of war food. In many cases, when prisoners of war could no longer keep up on the march because of hunger and exhaustion, they were shot before the eyes of the horrified civilian population, and the corpses were left.
>One finds the opinion that the people become more inferior the further one goes East. If the Poles already were given harsh treatment, one argues, it should therefore be done to a much greater extent to the Ukrainians, White Ruthenians, Russians, and finally the "Asiatics".
>The Reich ministry of the occupied Eastern territories has repeatedly emphasized these abuses. However, in November for instance, a detail [Kommando] appeared in a prisoner of war camp in Nikolajew, which wanted to liquidate all Asiatics.
Yup, it was great. Mind you, this letter is from early 1942.
>Zerg Rush is overwhelming attack at the start that aims to knock off enemy in short duration. Befitting OP Barbarossa and Nazi strategy in general.
Do you even play StarCraft?
How the fuck is Order 277 and the use of penal battalions not a zerg rush strategy?
>Mainly due to German atrocities.
Wrong. The Germans weren't some Baba Yaga. It was war. The Germans didn't even want war. Hitler tried to barter peace with Allied forces NUMBEROUS times before the start of WWII. Poland was abusing German citizens. Countries were voting to join the Nazis. Where, if anywhere, am I wrong?
Plot twist, I'm not.
>But only Germans had extermination camps.
Which were only verified by the Russians. Every concentration camp liberated by allied forces were changed from death camp to labor/concentration camp. Every. Single. One.
>Really? A few individuals, that were not even innocent? That's what counts as atrocity in the largest conflict mankind ever witnessed?
There are numerous accounts by US politicians after the war, even by JFK, commenting on how the trials were pretty much a kangaroo court.
You're going to have to face that you're not going to win this one. The Soviets were far worse than the Nazis. The Allies were not far behind the Nazis. Don't forget about "interment" camps back home and the sterilization of blacks. That was all happening in the US at the time of WWII but you think we were the height of moral purity in the any front? We burned people alive. We gassed people with phosphorous. We executed POWs. We let one of the largest POW camps in the war,Rheinwiesenlager, starve. I'm not justifying any group of the war, I'm saying that you're trying to create a dichotomy that doesn't exist.
So you're just an uneducated Holocaust denier? Meh...
>can't refute anything
>see's no mention of holocaust denial
>uses it anyways because ad hominem is easier
So you're a lazy commie, meh
>Poland was abusing German citizens.
>Source: My ass
>The Germans didn't even want war.
>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-arm
>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-militarize the rhineland
>sure, we'll look the other way while you annex austria
>sure, we'll look the other way while you dismember our ally
Clearly, ((((((((((Britain)))))))))) was hell-bent on war with Germany.
>Poland was abusing German citizens.
Literally no evidence of this. I will also remind you that Germany treated the Poles within its borders like shit for decades.
>There are numerous accounts by US politicians after the war, even by JFK, commenting on how the trials were pretty much a kangaroo court.
JFK saying something doesn't make it true. That's called an appeal to authority.
>We let one of the largest POW camps in the war,Rheinwiesenlager, starve.
Not at all comparable. How many people died in the Rheinwiesenlager? Around 10,000. How many people died in the German camps? Millions.