Opinions on this movie?
I think the worst part is that they made him gay/bi when there is no evidence for that
Opinions on this movie?
I think the worst part is that they made him gay/bi when there is no evidence for that
Is that Colin Farrell
nigga he gay
U must have shit taste if that was your least favorite part of this horrendous train wreck.
Farrell as Alexander was a mistake, but overall it was a good movie. Compare it to the average swill that comes out of hollywood, or Troy or something.
The Battles were cool.
Couldn't really care if he was bisexual desu, since most greek men were into that stuff back then. Even at nearly three hours long, this ponderous, talky, and emotionally distant biopic fails to illuminate Alexander's life.
>Farrell as Alexander was a mistake
It was more than a mistake
>three hours as a bad thing
>aka i'm a retarded american
Im still trying to figure out who the fuck were those neanderthal looking fucks were at that village in the scene when they get into India. Also that scene when the macedonians start chucking arrows and rocks at those poor monkeys in the trees.
Would have been a better movie if they focused less on Alexander and spent more time filming scenes in Lakonia. The Macedonian feared the Spartan warrior.
>I think the worst part is that they made him gay/bi when there is no evidence for that
homosexual/heterosexual were meaningless designations in the ancient world.
>The Macedonian feared the Spartan warrior.
is that why the macedonian home-guard comprised of old men and boys under Antipater absolutely btfo the cream of spartan society while Alexander was in asia?
Maybe there's no clear evidence he was gay or bi, but I don't think it would at all be surprising if he was.
My main problem with the film is that it glamorized Alexander too much, buying into the hero-cult around him. He was an imperfect man, an alcoholic who once killed an old acquaintance in a drunken rage, a conqueror who sometimes put helpless people to the sword. He wasn't a nice guy.
I thought the movie outlined his flaws
He kills his friend in a drunken stupor and causes death and misfortune to his army in a vain attempt to relive the glory of Achilles. I think it even demonstrated how he fell in love with himself and then going full circle becoming a decadent Persian.
I bet you haven't even watched the film.
The movie is exhausting, and ultimately boring, to sit through. There's no dramatic arc, no shaping of the life into a good story. There's no payoff and the plot/story doesn't lead anywhere emotionally. It's just boring.
>implying I haven't seen this movie multiple times
just watched it with the gf
perhaps you just have to be educated to enjoy intelligent movies about real world events
>unironically talking like this
You disqualify yourself
It's why Spartans DARED Philip II to make a move on Lakonia, and Philip died while cowering on the northern marches of Greece. It's why Alexander turned tail and fled East, bowling over the Mede and every other Asiatic in a mad bid to get away from the Spartans.
Lakonia remained independent for almost two centuries after Alexander was worm food.
Your gf must want to kill herself after being forced to sit through that swill. Just because a movies long and about historical events doesn't mean it's good. It's just downright boring. I'm not saying in needed to be flashy and brainless as Transformers (you probably like those too tho) . Look at the Rome miniseries onn HBO. There's no battle scenes and it's set around the later part of Cesar's career and it's fucking good. There's a right way to do it and then there's Fucking Alexander
>hurr durr to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Alexander(2004)
PLEEEEASE be bait you pretentious cunt
does your "gf" understand master and commander by any chance
Veeky Forums movie thread. Alexander is great though desu
I'm surprised your gf hasn't shot herself yet, either from watching that boring-as-batshit movie or from being your girlfriend
One thing I'll give it tho, those costumes were fucking great. When u can pick out extras and know where they came from and what they are ( Thracian peltasts for example) without it even being mentioned in the film. That's good shit, whoever put that part together must have really loved ancient military history
>fled east
yeah to take on an entire fucking empire the likes of which the spartan manlet couldn't even conceive
gtfo with this lakeboo shit. Sparta was nothing after the peloponnesian war
Hmm... that's really different from what I remember watching. But it's been a long time since I've watched the movie, maybe I'm totally misremembering it.
They were nothing after the peloponnesian war... other than the leading Hellenic city state that had just triumphed in yet another massive conflict and preserved the Hellenic world right as it was on the verge of the greatest intellectual breakthroughs in history. But, you know, they were nothing after that war.
Gaugamela is perhaps the most well done historical battle ever done on film. The bar is quite low however.
Hydaspes battle, some didn't like it, I did though. It was almost art, conveying emotions, rather than facts through imagery. The wild colors, utter savagery, was like an acid trip
>They were nothing after the peloponnesian war... other than the leading Hellenic city state that had just triumphed in yet another massive conflict and preserved the Hellenic world right as it was on the verge of the greatest intellectual breakthroughs in history. But, you know, they were nothing after that war.
Not him, but they were basically living on borrowed time until the Thebans pushed their shit in at Leuctra. And from that point on they more or less ceased to be relevant while Alexander saw no need to squander resources bullying backwater rednecks into joining his glorious, empire crushing army.
Imagine how they must have felt allying with the Persians and being defeated while their Dorian cousins were heroically conquering the East.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Alexander. The dialog is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical pike most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Alexander's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Aristotle literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these real world events, to realise that they're not just intelligent- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Alexander truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Alexanders existential catchphrase "Die young," which itself is a cryptic reference to Hesiod's Greek epic Works and Days I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Oliver Stone's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens.What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Alexander tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Careful with that image user.